Please allow us to reset our attribute points after 1.5 patch

Please. I don’t want to create a new character. I already maxed out my build but due to all the changes on the weapon’s body requirement, I can’t equip some of them. Please at least give us the chance to change attributes even at least one time. It’s not our fault the weapon got changed after we maxed out our character.
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Isn’t this a big oversight???? It’s screwing up loyal players who finished the game already.
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Completely agree

Apparently now i need a body of 10 for the overwatch where before it wasn't gated
My 2 favorite guns are Overwatch and Comrade's Hammer, both now gated at 10 Body for full potential. Even with the 2 attribute points I never spent completing the game, I can only get my body to 9. :(

Please remove the Body 10 requirement, or allow a respec of Attribute points.
Especially if the meta shifts from reflexes to body. Reflex used to be the king (still might be) but with all these nerfs, katanas and rifles might be out of style against shotguns and baseball bats
just downloaded the next gen and my character is useless, my damage was nerfed by 60%, i mean WTF is going on, don't they want us to play anymore, this game is becoming just another trashpile where only one build will be viable, why focus on shit like this when there are STILL so many buggs that needs to be fixed. Since you can't reset points my whole playthrough has been ruined half way through, can't stand starting over again
I have over 200 hours invested I the game over 4 different characters, I feel you when you say you don't want to start a new character as well. It's a single player game why would you do balance to this extent????
Hello. Got into 1.5 and noticed that it says I have spent 9 perk points and have 106 still left. Well I didn't spend any points yet and it shows no place the 9 have been allocated.

In previous versions of rhe game I believed it allow you to find a few additional perk points out in the wild.

Is it because of this I don't have these 9 now? On Xbox X.
I have over 200 hours invested I the game over 4 different characters, I feel you when you say you don't want to start a new character as well. It's a single player game why would you do balance to this extent????

My neurosis is thinking this is for future Multiplayer reasons.
I almost "upgraded" but was too sleepy last night to do it.
I have to make many adjustments to the files after these patches for my mods to work (two I made myself and two or three from other mod authors). So I was just not up for the work last night. I think I will not be "upgrading" to 1.5 until I see all this is worked out down the road. That reminds me I need to clone (back up) my harddrive again.
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Im actually surprised CDPR did not give people an item to make a 1 time reset of attributes an option. In games like this, whenever devs are making dramatic changes to skill trees, allowing players to reset their perks to allow them a chance to rebuild should ALWAYS be considered.

Plus, its not like theres a legit multi-faction or class system in this game where having multiple characters would be a thing. So being able to move skill points around should be a bit more accessible i feel. At least towards the endgame.
It's just so frustrating in the end, went from me at least taking 3 or 4 hits to just being paper thin doing next to no damage, all the skils I had are now blocked by higher attribute points :/
I’m fine with getting nerfed but at least let us adjust then. This is their only reply in customer support. You guys should report it too.


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