The only way to fix the game is leaving it Open Source to Mod Community


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it is but that is just the way it is packaged and released but the code will likely be the same of the single player package plus MP stuff and all the extra content that is MP related and we still don't know precisely.

so for instance if I am able to mod the SP client to change the damage of weapons could I do the same with the MP client and use it as exploit? Having access to SP modding surely will give access to lot of intelligence on how things works on the MP client. This is my understanding though, I might be wrong

I get what you're saying but, I highly doubt that will be an issue. Even if they do use the same code they can just do a scan for modifed data on startup.
Modding keeps games alive for many many years and can make them better in many ways. Skyrim is still being played by thousands, because of mods keeping the game fresh.
All for it! I would consider it an absolute must for Cyberpunk 2077.
Its not the "ONLY" way its kinda stupid when you put it like that but ofc who the fuck wouldnt love mod support i think its one of these things where its easier said than done
i really hope Cdpr would reconsider readding some of the missing features in later patches especially when it comes to interactivity
I suppose my money should've gone to the modders instead if they're gonna be responsible in adding (cut) contents instead of the developers... :think:
When you are not sure, just google it, ie something like "skyrim best multiple companions mod reddit", and everything will be explained there.

Then you run into the same problem where every "creator" out there has put together their own top 10 lists, etc. and you're dealing with the same problem - quantity over quality and mass confusion over which mods still work with one another. This is an issue which transcends just "mods" and permeates our entire society in which data is created at such vast exponential rates it can be difficult to keep up with what is both current and quality. I'm not suggesting that research and effort shouldn't be given if you truly want to mod out your game - just stating the obvious that most iPhone users are not going to bother with the trouble of it.

For example, I used your keyword search in Google and got "About 731,000 results".
When I got an alert that there was an update to this post it had shortened the title of this thread to:

Do you guys think they will add mod support for xbox and PlayStation that's if they do like what bethesda uses for the elder scrolls and fallout game's for me i hope they do because like some people have said mods keep the game going for years and some mods fix things and playing with mods is so much fun
Do you guys think they will add mod support for xbox and PlayStation that's if they do like what bethesda uses for the elder scrolls and fallout game's for me i hope they do because like some people have said mods keep the game going for years and some mods fix things and playing with mods is so much fun
You obviously haven't had to deal with that horrid creation club content updating on PC and completely breaking SKSE/FOSE weekly to the point where they lost half their mod team trying to keep up with updates. Let us pray that no company EVER follows what Bethesda did with paid mods, and breaking 3rd party utilities needed to run actually good mods.
As I understand it, this thread got the necromancer treatment to ask a question about console mods.

I don't think that CDPR has officially gone on the record with a final statement on that, but it isn't going to happen. Too many new dials would have to turn, and every one of those dials costs a lot of money. Starting with whatever massive amount of money that Microsoft and Sony would want to receive just to permit it. Bethesda went down that path, and only got Sony to sign off on console mods for Fallout 4 after months of negotiation, and undoubtedly a lot of money and promises of support from Bethesda.
why don't the modding community just create their own game rather than trying to grab someone elses IP.
Firstly, it's not 'grabbing someone else's IP'. It's adding completely new content.

Secondly, there are many reasons why people who make mods don't do that. Some use mods to prove their skills with coding, game design, level design, animations or whatever because they aren't at the level where they can be part of creating a new game. Some others do it because they want to improve one of their favourite games or put their take in it. Others are using their skills as a demo reel in order to get hired, there are modders who actually have been hired by vide game companies, CDPR being one of those companies. Then there are people who simply do it as a hobby and have no desire to be part of creating a seperate IP. Point is, there are multiple reasons and modding communities are full of creative talented people and whatever reason they do it for, they are adding something positive to the game in question. It baffles me that someone would decide to insult people who spend hours, days or months of their time creating something unique because it is a modification in an already existing IP.
I am not insulting at all. The idea that making the game open source and letting the modders go ape shit on it to fix it is not a good one. Modders are not going to fix the game. They are going to mod it and do fine things with it and provide many options and QoL improvements but cdpr have to fix the game.

If modders are going to alter fundamental core code then they should take a shell of a program and get coding how they want it. Hell, most of the stuff I have written I always start with almost a hello world template and start adding code form there. Is that just me modding hello world to be a database?
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