Announcing Gwent and bolstering Xbox One Collector’s Edition of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

This is... incredibly annoying to say the least.

CDPR were the last developers I truly trusted. Because of that, I preordered my CE the first day they were available, also because I'm a huge fan and a collector of gadgets (loved the good ol' Ultima times, when a normal copy had so much stuff inside, often cloth maps). Bought the CE for both TW1 and TW2, and I bought them again on GOG. I also have 200+ games on GOG.
I'm very disappointed that they betrayed my trust and sold out to microsoft.
I just canceled my preorder right now and I'm not gonna buy on GOG ever again. Still want the game, but this is extremely disappointing.
You're not gonna see my money ever again.
Sometimes I feel I live in a comedy movie. Thank you for that.
Oh and by the way the petition has almost 600 signatures. While not some huge number, it is still pretty respectable.
Maybe they knew back then that they would do a deal with Microsoft and held the cloth map back. "Hey Microsoft, the fans want a cloth map very badly. Let's not put it into the PC and PS 4 versions, maybe then more will buy your inferior, err great console!"

We made the Best CE we could - it took us almost 2 years. It is not a mean to make money for us . We really pured our heart in to it.
There was a wonderful thread on the forum asking what we would like to see in the collectors edition - the cloth map was a very popular choice so for you to say nonchalantly that the material is just different is kinda like a slap in the face for fans.

& Who is to say they didn't also already have this same idea in mind as CDPR are fans of their own games.;)
CDPR - you messed up big time. You should have announced that deal back in June. This way everyone could make an informed decision on which version to buy. You have been making a lot of those bad decisions lately, but thankfully backtracked on most of them (regional pricing on GOG, anyone?).
Who's buying? The CE is just a pre-order, right? Can't you switch the version, after making the informed decision now?
Myself and Damien are working on gwint for a looooong time so not really :)

The map is the same map as other - the material is just diffrent.

How will this game function, will you play it as a mini game against NPC? Wouldn't it be immersion breaking to have modern looking cards in the game?
I don't mind this cloth map and physical card stuff, as long as they bring the same awesome in-game experience to every platform (barring performance issues, because... we all know the PC version's always going to look and sound better at top levels *PC pride*) . No exclusive in-game content (DLC or otherwise) to any platform. That's where I draw the line. I can understand others' indignance (everyone's line is different, after all), but I'd much rather have the game get more sales than not. As long as my line isn't crossed, that is. Then, using the additional profit, more great games can be made and so on.

But the day they cross my line, is the day they won't get my business. That is all from me.

Oh, I wouldn't be so sure about this anymore. Who knows what the Microsoft deal also includes? Dumbed down graphics so that the PC version doesn't look much better than the Xbox One version maybe?
If I see " We are treating all gamers equally " posted one more, let's face it, I'll do nothing except just shake my head and be annoyed and then move on.

If people are going to twist words, then I will twist them right back. They ARE treating GAMERS equally, you all get the same game and the same content in the game. What they aren't treating equally are COLLECTORS. See? You can spin the yarn any way you like when something isn't so specifically stated.

You really want the physical goods but don't have or want it on XB1? Then you'll just have to jump through some hoops (which if you are that hardcore of a fan should be nothing). For instance - buy it on GOG, snag an order when the inevitable small group of cancellations come at launch, then sell the disc.
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If I see " We are treating all gamers equally " posted one more, let's face it, I'll do nothing except just shake my head and be annoyed and then move on.

If people are going to twist words, then I will twist them right back. They ARE treating GAMERS equally, you all get the same game and the same content in the game. What they aren't treating equally are COLLECTORS. See? You can spin the yarn any way you like when something isn't so specifically stated.

You really want the physical goods but don't have or want it on XB1? Then you'll just have to jump through some hoops. Buy it on GOG, snag an order when the inevitable small group of cancellations come at launch, then sell the disc.

Well said. :)
Wow, it looks like this thread has had no trouble kicking off... >.>

I've been a huge fan of The Witcher and CDPR since the very first game. My 2 cents really boil down to:

1. Gwent itself sounds pretty cool! I look forward to seeing it in-game and hope it's a fun and welcome distraction in taverns. I was one of those who probably spent too much time with things like dice poker before (if there's such a thing, haha). So this sounds great to me.

2. Exclusivity of any kind, particularly when everyone's paying the same exact price, is never okay. I was extremely surprised to hear the news about the Xbox One CE additions, and ultimately terribly disappointed. CDPR always came across as a company that didn't condone this type of behavior that's become so rampant in the gaming industry lately. Ultimately, I don't think the items themselves are what have so many people upset; it's the principle of the matter. I'm guessing a lot of fans feel betrayed because, for a lot of countries, it's already too late to change your CE preorder -- and this move tells fans, "It's okay for PC fans (who've been fans since the first game) and PS fans to pay the same amount of money as Xbox One fans for less product."

Ah well. It is what it is.
We made the Best CE we could - it took us almost 2 years. It is not a mean to make money for us . We really pured our heart in to it.

Perals before swine, I think that is what they call this bro. I feel you man, reading some of these harsh posts is enough to bring tears to your eyes, because some folks just don't understand that you have put all of your heart & soul into this. I'm sorry some people demonize you because of microsofts past. It hurts to hear so many so-called fans, call you whores and sell outs to the devil. I love you man.. hugs bro.. everything will be just fine, fear not @Rafal Jaki & Team Red.
This too shall pass;)
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Who's buying? The CE is just a pre-order, right? Can't you switch the version, after making the informed decision now?

That would mean losing the special price I received due to Amazon's listing error:

I'd have to pay £45 more for those cards. I am not willing to pay THAT much ;-)

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Into the Xbox one CE or the inferior ones?

I find this quite offensive, just look at the CE, any version, and tell me this is not one of the most beautiful CE out there, I get that it is a joke of some sort but saying that to one of the guy who made said CE is cheap, it's just a map and some cards, I am, too, disappointed to see that the CE I ordered will not get the same treatment as the XBONE version but really, it's not the end of the world, and it does not justify this kind of comment.

Maybe I am taking your comment too seriously or in the wrong sense, maybe you don't mean bad, I am sorry if it's the case.
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