Game Journalism - Unfit for purpose?


Game Journalism - Unfit for purpose?

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Ah but she's a dirty conservative! Oh she's also not a REAL feminist.

That's all they can say really.
So just like almost every other feminist until the ~70s, not exactly the best of "arguments".
(But then again, most SJWs aren't known for compelling arguments)
Here's an article from Polygon on what she had to say:

Notice that they didn't try criticizing what she said. They were a little snarky about her being conservative, or at least that's how it felt to me, but otherwise they didn't have shit to say. Them posting this at all though to me is a win.
The funny think is that she is a registered democrat who happens to be working for a conservative think tank. Im not an expert on US politics, but it's almost like those two sides don't have to actually kill each other on sight.
The funny think is that she is a registered democrat who happens to be working for a conservative think tank. Im not an expert on US politics, but it's almost like those two sides don't have to actually kill each other on sight.

They don't anywhere but on television and the internet, generally. Because real people know that no one completely agrees with one side and disagrees with the other, and the only ones that act like that isn't the case are those with an agenda to push.
Breitbart already reported that. Polygon is late on the draw. Must be they got shamed into doing some journalism.

Today Breitbart is talking about a JournoList type group, where Ben Kuchera and others can be seen coordinating coverage over Zoe Quinn.

Nothing we didn't already suspect. It's obvious there was coordination on that "death of a gamer" thing.

Apparently 4chan is now deleting GamerGate threads? I'm surprised. I guess someone started twisting some arms.
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I didn't really follow this whole Zoe Quinn scandal since I'm not reading gaming media sites. What's the story there in TL;DR? I mostly red responses to Sarkeesian issues and how it can potential affect developers.
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By the way, I didn't follow this whole Zoe Quinn scandal at all. What's the story there in TL; DR?

Basically, her bf exposed some private life stuff about her, saying she cheated on him with five guys, burgers and fries, lol. She got heat for it, and got accused for corruption, saying she slept with these dudes to get ahead in the gaming industry. One guy actually came out and admitted he indeed slept with her.

So she got criticized for that from everyone including gamergate, then later she posted screen caps of a conversation supposedly from the "original" gamergate head leaders conspiring to trick people to rid the gaming industry of feminism. Journalists backed her up as well because Gamergate was giving them crap too for how they rated games, which games they gave attention to, their standards as journalists, etc. They even started proclaiming gamers "dead", basically as a retaliation to being irrelevant and gaming companies focusing more on youtube personalities that truly know games, rather than them. So for a while, a lot of people thought Gamergate was a bunch of racist women haters, and people started saying "Zoe won".

But when people realized it was an open chatroom where anyone could make an anonymous account, things kinda blew up in her face. People started looking into what gamergate and "Notyourshield" really was, and it's turned into this big movement of a bunch of angry gamers standing up to Zoe, the people defending her and bashing gamers, and just corrupt gaming journalism in general.
Looks like the feds are going to save our damsel in distress!

For a strong independent feminist, she sure is in need of a lot of saving these days. Fine timing with the bomb threat too. They could have looked into this earlier, you know, when it allegedly happened. Now the SFPD has done a 180 and there's a bomb threat that is brought to public attention months after the fact. Now all gamers are terrorists.

From the GOG forum:

Dawkins chimes in. I would love to see one of these brain-washed hipster twits start a debate with this man.

GOG is a great place to follow btw, thanks to CDPR's tolerance of open discussion and lack of moderators. I really do appreciate this site and GOG.
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She's got a publicist, and they're trying to earn their fee. It's the same with Bioware/EA, trotting out another "homophobes R attacking us!" press release the same week that EA got Worst Company in America.

I find it amusing that the SJW crowd just assumed Zoe Quinn's IRC chat logs killed the whole discussion and it was just going to go away. Ha, wishful thinking.

"Gish gallop" was a new one to me. I had to look it up.
Heh, me too.
I think it's great that more and more people are becoming aware of all this bullshit going on with the angry yuppy yippies, but it's getting a bit old seeing people cranking out almost an hour of video on Youtube with them all talking about the same thing, isn't it? It's like everyone's trying to get in on the action for the views or something. I'm sure that's not the case, but really. We don't need hours of video of people all saying the same thing, or trying to get philosophical on why they think SJWs are popping up in the gaming industry. For one, it's not really new, and two, it's giving them more credit than they deserve.


LOL, the shit Leigh says.

That said, the Nazis did know how to dress, won't lie.
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I'm looking for a concentrated collection of many different articles, interviews and other journalist/YouTuber content that accuses the industry of "Sexism". Does anyone know of such a thing?
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