Triss or Yen?

Triss or Yen?

What are the good points of both? Ive not read the books so from a game sense I lean towards triss, but I hear she used geralts memory loss to make him fall for her, so I'm torn atm. Not yet romanced either in the game btw so no spoilers please :)
Triss. Even though she is quite naive to world politics and Geralt (maybe a little selfish) she does care a lot.

There is a big thread on this subject somewhere
It's completely subjective. I personally really like Triss.

Yen is more of an ice queen - cold and calculating. Triss is social and caring. Both ladies are very independent and have their own agendas.
Triss is my go to choice. She's beautiful, caring, and a lot nicer compared to other alternatives.
and from what I heard from Book readers, and personally from the games. Triss seems to care a lot about Geralt, and as far as I know she sorta regrets taking advantage of Geralt's memory loss.
Triss definitely but I will warn you the romance with her is pretty lackluster compared to Yen's

So if you are looking for something satisfying/fulfilling you might want to go with Yen
I only just met Yen again and she seems rather calculating and bossy in the game. Yes, she looks great...well...for a video game character, that is...maybe even somewhat better than Triss but I like Triss more and as someone who has just begun reading the first few short stories, I know Triss much better than Yen.
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