Lowest Scoring Gwent Victory

Lowest Scoring Gwent Victory

I have seen the high score Gwent posts, how about the opposite. Wondering what are some of the lowest scores you have had in Gwent and won the game. Just played a game against Madman Lugos in the Gwent Quest on Skellige and beat him 17-8 and 17-6 in two rounds. Pic is attached as proof.

On a side note, beating Madman completed my gwent collection and got me the Gwent Collector trophy. Every deck is complete.


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Not got a screenshot but I have had a 0-0 (Nilfgaard faction trait) and 7-4. Blizzard and Scorch both rounds. :)
lol I also ever won with 0-0 score using Nilfgaard faction perk, and lost to 0-0 because of the same reason for the enemy.
haha, VERY, and sometimes I forgot about that perk and was hoping my opponent would lose a card.
Funny, 0-0 with Nilfgaard. Lol. I usually play with Temeria. With the AI doing stupid things, I have had quite a few one card wins. For example, 5-0 is the lowest I think I had using Temeria deck.
4-0 probably when the opponent had no more cards left.

You can fool NPC gwent players into passing the round when you only play crappy cards in the beginning, they will think they have a very high advantage over you and pass, but you hold cards back that can put you over him.
I had a 0-0 tie first round and a 1-0 victory second round once. Nothing but scorch and weather cards. I'm trying to remember how it happened. We played so many cards the first round I was trying to get the computer to pass. The entire board were all 1's because all three slots were affected by weather cards and then the computer used scorch and passed. (wtf?!) so I just passed and took the tie because I didn't want to waste a card. I think the pc used biting frost in the second round and then played a 10 in the archer slot. I scorched the archer and played a close combat card and won 1-0 because neither of us had any cards left lmao.
Once, I have 3 Scorch on the Hand, but enemy also had 3 Scorch too. Also I have the Dragon plus 2 "soldier dolls" cards that can pull a card on the field back to the hand, and enemy had the same. Have 2 resurrect card, and enemy had 1. The match end with 2-0, 3-5 and 1-0. But it was a bloody battle for both side.
I've won 1-0. he just forfeited for some reason.

do qwent decks carry over to newsaves? I'm already in skillege and i don't even havea nilfgaard or scoi'atel deck and i'vedone every qwnt quest so far
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