A couple quickhacks don't seem to do anything.

If anyone could give me some insight?... Do you guys think these are working as intended and just not very useful or that they don't actually work at all.

Memory wipe. Doesn't seem to wipe their memory.. they seem to just get a momentary headache and then continue searching around for me.

Request Backup. Supposed to call over an enemy squad member? Still haven't figured out this one.. again, they just stand there. .some say "huh?' I've tried it on enemies and cops across the street from enemies and other gang members in proximity to rival gang members.. nothing happens.

Camera hacks often seem quite buggy as well. Turn all cameras off from a computer and instead of turning off they stay on and still spot you but you now have to hack the camera to turn it on so you can turn it off.. Turn them friendly and then leave and reenter the room and they sometimes forget they were supposed to be friendly. Turn them off and sometimes they still "spot' you even though they aren't moving and are technically off.
Yeah I would like to know about request backup too. What is it actually supposed to do? Whistle allows you to attract someone to your location, so how does request backup differ?
Both work as intended. Memory wipe will turn off combat mode, very useful for stealth. Best used at higher level (epic at least I think). It will then spread all over the place, making all enemies forget about your presence. Call backup will draw one enemy to the one you hacked. Hack someone in the corner and he may draw away someone from your position. Again useful for stealthy play. On the other hand Whistle will draw someone towards you. It is opposite to request backup. All those quickhacks enable creative gameplay. Not particularly useful if all you do is spam contagion and the like.
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