About Necklace

They said on the stream that it would be metal =) I hope it comes with a chain as well, and that the chain is rigid enough to make it stay the right way.
I have a witcher medallion I got from a 3D-printing website, made from plastic, but the chain I have for it is a bit thin, so whenever I bend over or do a slight jump or even walk at a particularly brisk pace, it swings out from my chest and more often than not, swings back with the face facing inward =/
What material is it?

I would like wear it all the time.

I would reconsider that, when riding bicycle or something similar.... I once had that lion thing from FFVIII as necklace and wore it everyday until nearly van helsing'd me.
I think it does come with the necklace. The chain does show it on the picture. The reason they didn't show it on the video was because it was an computer animation, and they didnt whant it to have the cool medallion making all those even cooler spins and moves with the chain swinging around =P. (but this is not official bro, it is just what I think =P)

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