Active backgrounds while playing Gwent

Active backgrounds while playing Gwent

Could ya'll create different backgrounds while players play the game? As fun as the game is right now, I think it would be more engrossing to have active backgrounds while playing. Maybe one "map" is in a local tavern with pints of ale sitting around and hear the typical Witcher band playing and just here drunken mur murs and conversations and what not. Another could be playing out side by a camp fire with Geralts swords just on the ground or something. Another could be in some sorta Nilfgaardian castle or something, you get the point. I think it would create some really great immersion and make players feel as if they're actually in the world of the Witcher and feel as if they're actually there playing the game rather that just looking at a wooden static background.

Detailed, moving backgrounds = cool.

Static / 1 dimensional backgrounds = boring.

Other than that I'm loving this game!
Holy cow this is a really nice idea! They already said they will add animations and effects to the static cards that we have at the moment. Now imagine animated card effects with a dynamic background. That would be soooo awesome (I dont know how hard this would be to implement tho and whether this would be realistic in terms of hardwarespecs and stuff so lets see what the devs do ;D).
Yep, I really hope they will add more decorative stuff (different backgrounds and card styles for example) in the future. Plus, It's a good way for f2p to earn money and not to hurt the balance.
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