After Dex shoots V

First time I played this, I thought is the game over?

I thought all this for years in development so I thought Nah, I'll let it roll on

anyone else think the game your first time playing?
That scene (with some alteration) was in some teasers early on and Keanu was doing his line after that so we "knew" it's an opening to something after.
First time I played this, I thought is the game over?

I thought all this for years in development so I thought Nah, I'll let it roll on

anyone else think the game your first time playing?

I tried changing up my choices, in the hopes I would get a chance to fight back and or maybe not be shot. But apparently this is a needed part of the overall story.

Cheers Chooms
First time I played this, I thought is the game over?

I thought all this for years in development so I thought Nah, I'll let it roll on

anyone else think the game your first time playing?

I didn't due to the abundance of info I encountered talking about the prologue and how long it is. Not to mention I knew Johnny Silverhand was on the relic. That said, you're probably not alone. I'm sure some people did go into the game cold to enjoy it more.

Speaking of Dex, here is a pic I took in his memory.


  • Rogue 01.jpg
    Rogue 01.jpg
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Still trying to figure out why it gave you the option to punch the mirror right before Dex shoots you. It changed nothing. WTF was the point of that??
Still trying to figure out why it gave you the option to punch the mirror right before Dex shoots you. It changed nothing. WTF was the point of that??
Nothing.. there is not point of anything in this game... hell you cant even be mean to jonny... you say the option that is mean but after one line sentence you get back as the other option. I get that in the games we have illusion of choice but this game is sooo shallow that make me angry when i think about it.
I didn't due to the abundance of info I encountered talking about the prologue and how long it is. Not to mention I knew Johnny Silverhand was on the relic. That said, you're probably not alone. I'm sure some people did go into the game cold to enjoy it more.

Speaking of Dex, here is a pic I took in his memory.

how did you get Rogue out there?
As someone who didnt wanted to watch any teaser or trailer all these years , I was really confused in that moment after I realized it will be begging of some great game as it was... fun fact Dex is the worst character I met in all games I played
Nothing.. there is not point of anything in this game... hell you cant even be mean to jonny... you say the option that is mean but after one line sentence you get back as the other option. I get that in the games we have illusion of choice but this game is sooo shallow that make me angry when i think about it.

does every decision you make in real life change your circumstances? why do you think people punch windows in real life? Why do people greet, or ignore people at the supermarket?

its called role playing and many of the decisions allow you to express what type of person or character V is.

is V the kind of person to go in the bathroom? to calmly wash their face? to punch a wall?

and, Johnny and you are stuck in the same brain. Johnny doesn't believe in stealing your free will. Being mean to Johnny gets him talking to you less sometimes, or it starts a new argument, just like it does irl. How much, and what interactions you have with Johnny open up 2 ending paths.
No, the worst part about that is that it marks the beginning of an interlude that you can't have a save point to. For Thirty Plus Minutes. Mindless.
That scene (with some alteration) was in some teasers early on and Keanu was doing his line after that so we "knew" it's an opening to something after.
I really miss the line part from the trailer... getting saved by Taki is so less satisfying than what the trailers suggested... "wake up samurai we have a city to burn" would have been way more motivating and pushing at that point of the story plot than... well... the way what we got in the end...
No, because I realize a game like this wouldn't be <10 hours, if it was, there wouldn't be a single person defending this game, and rightfully so.
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SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just try these steps, I was able to do that yesterday :) Unbelievable! :)
+ you need to be at the rear entry of the No-Tell Motel, right after the Heist
+ your task is to go to room 204
+ instead of this, summon your car, when you exit from the Delamain car
+ my car had appeared near the Delamain car, honking
+ then I drove few meters to the fence
+ then, I jumped at the car and on the fence
+ and then voila - I was free!!!!

It was possible to freely roam from there.

Have fun - maybe it is possible to kill Dex somehow with the sniper rifle? :)
does every decision you make in real life change your circumstances? why do you think people punch windows in real life? Why do people greet, or ignore people at the supermarket?

its called role playing and many of the decisions allow you to express what type of person or character V is.

is V the kind of person to go in the bathroom? to calmly wash their face? to punch a wall?

and, Johnny and you are stuck in the same brain. Johnny doesn't believe in stealing your free will. Being mean to Johnny gets him talking to you less sometimes, or it starts a new argument, just like it does irl. How much, and what interactions you have with Johnny open up 2 ending paths.
I guess if choices nowdays don't shape and change the whole world somehow are not RPG choices and the game is not RPG enough. *sigh* Whatever happened to choices that flesh out what kind of person the character you are playing is I wonder.
First time I played this, I thought is the game over?

I thought all this for years in development so I thought Nah, I'll let it roll on

anyone else think the game your first time playing?
No, the first time I played, I didn't think the game was over at that point, simply because you were locked in an single district. And although the job didn't exactly go as intended, it was completed successfully, as the target was acquired.

So no, never expected that.
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