Allow infinite Respec

I didn't say it's good, just that for me, it's the only reason why they don't allow players to respect indefinitely. They already gave one free respect after the 2.0 update so, it's they thought about it and again, decided to simply give just one, just in case players would have messed up their build.
your full quote. "the only reason", "they thought". do you have access to their minds too?
all your attribute & perk points were reseted automatically
wrong again. just loaded my 1.6 save:


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your full quote. "the only reason", "they thought". do you have access to their minds too?
Yes, that's why I write "for me" :sneaky:
wrong again. just loaded my 1.6 save:
Oh, well... From the 2.0 update patchnote (ok it's only perks, but they only added one free respec, just one in case players really need it).
Because we introduced extensive changes to the Perk system, your spent Perk points on existing playthroughs have been refunded. You can also choose to reset your Attributes once. Feel free to redistribute these Perk and Attribute points to suit your preferred playstyle before you continue playing.
Hey... We can agree to disagree ;)
But... in my opinion, for me, they will never add infinite respec and it was intended to not be able to.
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Oh, well... From the 2.0 update patchnote.
i quoted the exact same piece of that patchnote earlier. "you can reset attributes once". you answered "all your attribute & perk points were reseted automatically". and now are you trying to answer me or yourself?
But... in my opinion, for me, they will never add infinite respec
maybe. who cares? i never used this option. and probably will never use. but i still think that this restriction is totally wrong.
and it was intended to not be able to
but why? (maybe it was because the previous skill progression system was limited by attribute levels, and now this system has been completely reworked too, so there is no that intention anymore? 2.0 changed a lot, some intentions may be outdated).
Slightly different, because changing operating system only affect your combat abilities, while attribute/skill checks can affect even quest outcomes (like Delamain quest). So you allow infinite respect, better to also remove skill check entirely because they become totally irrevelant and useless.
Given I am a new player and not very experienced, the skills checks seem annoying and pointless. Like, ok I have begun upgrading Body now. But every time I need to open a door by force (and no Tech option), it's always asking me beyond what I have given to Body attributes. It keeps pushing it up higher....really odd
But every time I need to open a door by force, it's always asking me beyond what I have given to Body attributes. It keeps pushing it up higher....really odd
That's because skill checks were changed to scale with V's character level; the higher level you are, the higher the skill check thresholds.
Given I am a new player and not very experienced, the skills checks seem annoying and pointless. Like, ok I have begun upgrading Body now. But every time I need to open a door by force (and no Tech option), it's always asking me beyond what I have given to Body attributes. It keeps pushing it up higher....really odd
Yes, the current skill check system is not very good ;)
At first, skill check was added to the game to reflect an important system of tabletop games, the source material of Cyberpunk 2077. Meaning that for most of your actions, decisions, you need to pass a check (dice rolls) more or less difficult depending of your skills level and other factors (a bit like in cRPGs. Baldur's Gate 3 if you played it).

Before 2.0, each areas were leveled which means that every areas host enemies and skill cheks according to this level (Watson low level, low level enemies, low level skill checks / City Center, hight level enemies, high level skill checks). Because of that, you weren't able to came across hight level skill checks because the enemies would have destroyed you right away. So you were almost always encounter skill checks more or less scalled to your level.

But now, since 2.0, they introduced enemies level scalling. It means that enemies are always at your level (more or less) and you're able to visit all the areas no matter your level. For exemple, now you can visit City Center an area formely at level 30-35, at level 10 if you want, while before you couldn't because enemies would have kicked your butt.
So they had to somehow, find a "trick" to keep the skill checks revelant and scalled to players level. Because without it for exemple, at City Center you would have came across only high level skill checks (level 15 and above) and likely succeed at none if you visit the area too early. And at end game, at high level, you would have been able to pass most if not all skill checks on the map...

So yes, the current system is not good and more like a bandaid on the skill check system which wasn't intended to level scalling... But I have no doubt they will rework the entire system for Orion, the next Cyberpunk game, because well... currently it's not good and a bit odd.

Sorry for the wall of words :D
Cool they’re already planning a sequel named orion after they finish The Witcher 4 in a decade? Lol
More than "planned", CDPR created a studio at Boston in which, they already started working on Orion, the codename for the next Cyberpunk game. It still in early development, but still... the work has already started :)

I wouldn't say a decade, knowing The Witcher 4 is currently in full development (around 400 devs are currently working on the game) I would say, 3 or 4 years could be quite a fair prediction, if everything goes well of course.
Im all for infinite respecs since i use mods i have that already, its a single player game so it doesnt really matter. If it was availeble you really dont have to use it if you dont wanna. I get the point behind skillchecks but its also kinda useless since there very few things that are unique behind a skillcheck(delamain is one). They did not want to limit the player too much i guess since it would be a much bigger deal if the best gear was behind a skillcheck that wasent compatible with the item for example. Its mostly flavor text in one way or another.
Why fixing a limit to carrying capacity?
Still the biggest turnoff for me in any game. Seriously, who thinks this increases the fun to play it?
And don't give me the "realistic" part. Carrying 10 machine guns is still as unrealistic as carrying 1000.
In FarCry 6 you carry all your crap in your inventory and good. There is not even a stash.
And while ammo is limited you can fill it up for free at any base or workbench. Nothing worse than making it through a hard fight after 10 tries and finding it a defeat because you have used too much of your precious ammo and can't go on now. I dropped Starfield mainly because of this crap.
Still the biggest turnoff for me in any game. Seriously, who thinks this increases the fun to play it?
Oh well, games without any kind of limitation for stuffs you're able to carry is pretty rare :)
Devs have to find a way to put some limitations (like amount of experience earned, stuff you can carry, health, health regen, stamina,...) because without, better to play in god mode right away.
And while ammo is limited you can fill it up for free at any base or workbench. Nothing worse than making it through a hard fight after 10 tries and finding it a defeat because you have used too much of your precious ammo and can't go on now. I dropped Starfield mainly because of this crap.
I never encountered any issue with ammos in Starfield, there are all around the place and weight nothing (or close to nothing if you want to in the difficulty settings). You would have said Stalker 2, I could have agreed, but Starfield? o_O
Im all for infinite respecs since i use mods i have that already, its a single player game so it doesnt really matter.
hehe, that's the point of mods. Adjusting the game to your preferences and add things devs did not think to add or did not plan to add into their game.
I mean, thanks to mods, you can add more or less a NG+, being to romance Panam as a female, flying, passing through walls, giving you billions eddies and so on...
Why is it "god mode" if I want to keep a useless item from a story quest as a keepsake but can't because my inventory or stash already barely holds the stuff I really need?
Well... I don't think it happen to you in Cyberpunk.
Or it could be simply for technical reason, meaning to prevent people from filling their inventories with thousands, tens of thousands of items, which could cause the game to lag when openning it :)
it could be simply for technical reason, meaning to prevent people from filling their inventories with thousands, tens of thousands of items
10000 items ? An id and some stats, be generous and say 50 bytes, 500k. Stackable items way less, id and number (unless you are Bethesda and count each ammo shot in Starfield as an individual item). Add a non boneheaded way to organize and show them and this is nothing. We are talking games with 100 GB storage which all gets dragged through memory at some point.
You can also be Blizzard and share each players full stash to the whole party in Diablo 3 multiplayer and cite this as reason to limit stash tabs. Only to reuse the same argument for limited stash space in Diablo 4 again, making you wonder if it's an outright lie or if they managed to reuse such a kind of garbage code, and which is worse.

Sadly this is where MTX games shine. You can't sell armor and weapon items and then not provide space for them after all. Both Farcry 6 and AC Valhalla have unique items only and no space limit at all. AC Odyssey has additional randomized items but the space is generous - if it runs full it's time for a cleanup and you have an extra stash.
10000 items ? An id and some stats, be generous and say 50 bytes, 500k. Stackable items way less, id and number (unless you are Bethesda and count each ammo shot in Starfield as an individual item). Add a non boneheaded way to organize and show them and this is nothing. We are talking games with 100 GB storage which all gets dragged through memory at some point.
You can also be Blizzard and share each players full stash to the whole party in Diablo 3 multiplayer and cite this as reason to limit stash tabs. Only to reuse the same argument for limited stash space in Diablo 4 again, making you wonder if it's an outright lie or if they managed to reuse such a kind of garbage code, and which is worse.

Sadly this is where MTX games shine. You can't sell armor and weapon items and then not provide space for them after all. Both Farcry 6 and AC Valhalla have unique items only and no space limit at all. AC Odyssey has additional randomized items but the space is generous - if it runs full it's time for a cleanup and you have an extra stash.
I'm no dev, but I know during my first playthrough on The Witcher 3 I threw tons of stuff in the chest (swords, armors, foods, drinks, runes, books, horse items,...) and no surprise, at some point it beggin to become laggy as hell. It took a good while (tens secondes) for the game to actually display my stuff after interacting with the chest or after changing the sorting setting...
It was pretty bad, so I can't imagine how annoying it would be if I had the same amount of stuff on me and so the same behavior when opening my inventory.

But we digress :D
10000 items ? An id and some stats, be generous and say 50 bytes, 500k. Stackable items way less, id and number (unless you are Bethesda and count each ammo shot in Starfield as an individual item). Add a non boneheaded way to organize and show them and this is nothing. We are talking games with 100 GB storage which all gets dragged through memory at some point.
You can also be Blizzard and share each players full stash to the whole party in Diablo 3 multiplayer and cite this as reason to limit stash tabs. Only to reuse the same argument for limited stash space in Diablo 4 again, making you wonder if it's an outright lie or if they managed to reuse such a kind of garbage code, and which is worse.
Well save file max size is 11 mb in cp2077, witch is achiveble if you hoard stuff or farm enough stuff even if you scrap most it still takes space apperantly. Think its not exactly the best way but something makes this limit or they would have just removed it, if its inate to Redengine or something else i cant answer.. Hard to beat blizzards stash in D4 with all the lagg in cities and so on -.-
I'm no dev
the contents of the chest in the witcher and the stash in cyberpunk are not stored in ram, unlike the inventory. just like novigrad is not loaded into memory when you play gwent with the baron. it is loaded when the player opens the chest or stash. that means at this point the game must load the list of stored items, sort it, load an icon for each item and display it. but. neither cyberpunk nor the witcher paid much attention to the chest. if you remember, cyberpunk even had a bug with corrupted saves due to an excess of items in the storage. you can also notice the game slowing down when selling a large number of items, when their list exceeds the capacity of one buyback screen. this means that problems with displaying the list of items begin not with tens of thousands of pieces, but simply with tens.
the poor development of the system of accounting and displaying items is a possible explanation for the reason for the long loading of your chest in the witcher. however, your assumption is not meaningless, since the game was supposed to run on ps4, and they could have tried to limit and cut everything down as much as possible.
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