Alternative Quen bug

Alternative Quen bug

This video is recorded on unmodded Steam patch 1.24 game:

I don't use Quen, especially alternative one, so often, so I've just noticed this, don't know for sure if it happened after 1.21 or 1.22.

There are two problems: first - when alt Quen breaks, Geralt auto-sheathes his sword, second - enemies can't target Geralt properly while he's casting alt Quen.
As long as you're mod-free, send it on in to CDPR Support. It does look funny. Include a save if your would be so kind.

Not sure if the video needed to go on for quite that long to make the point. ;) (I mean, where was the cat going at the end, there. What...did it get bored and leave?)
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