And GWENT is uninstalled... sadly

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Im relatively new to Gwent. I've been playing for about 2 weeks now. Having no prior knowledge as to what decks are absolutely terrible, I chose to start playing ST. Little did i know that this deck is probably the worst in the game, given the feed back from this forum. But to my dismay, it seems that this new season of the Bear has even further nerfed ST more than they already are. If anything, shouldn't ST receive some buffs?

I have unfortunately used 1000+ scraps on getting some gold cards into my ST deck. I have no idea how people afford a 3200 scrap card, but needless to say I have not been able to afford Gabor. Is there a way i can just completely restart my deck? This game seems extremely lopsided.

1. There is no way to "reset" your account. The only way to start over is to create a new account.
2. You've mentioned that ST has been nerfed, but they've only received buffs in the last patches, with the exception of Schirrú.
3. Lastly, about the 3200 scraps cards, those are from Thronebreaker and not the normal price of the other cards. When you purchase Thronebeaker, you get the cards for free.

ST is not the most beginner friendly faction. I suppose that honor goes to Monsters and Skellige next. It also doesn't help that the starter decks are kinda bad. However, you should still be able to create half a decent deck after playing for about a week by doing the daily quests/tiers, completing contracts and spending reward points.
I have the impression that many skillfull players use ST and use it well. It feels like a deck reserved for the more refined players.

I like Skellige in Witcher 3, but I feel the Gwent deck is a tryhard deck, and imo it's slightly overpowered too. So it's probably a great deck for new players, and judging by the "top ranks" list it is very powerful too.

Monsters is the deck "everyone" choose. Not sure why, and perhaps that's why there are so many monster decks high up the ranks. It's just popular, and the more player use a deck, the more likely it is to have many top spots. I don't feel personally that monsters is overpowered, although the top list could indicate otherwise. I think that's just because it's probably the most popular deck.
Thanks for the replies guys. After being beat by monsters so many times I contemplated trying to build a monster deck. But I generally tend to oppose the masses and because of that I found ST to be more fun. But now that im ranked 24, I win about 1 out of 10 games, so I either need a complete deck revamp, or I need to switch to another faction.

Gwent is an amazing game. But its really frustrating being a new player and getting beat by the SAME cards from all decks. Personally I don't think Monster decks should be allowed to have a Unicorn :smart:
Personally I don't think Monster decks should be allowed to have a Unicorn :smart:

...or Witchers. Anyhow, if you want to stick with ST, try Handbuff Dwarfs. It might not be the strongest deck, but it's still a very good deck, especially if you can use the carry-over value from hand buff and resilience. Furthermore, it's not too difficult to pilot the deck.
...or Witchers. Anyhow, if you want to stick with ST, try Handbuff Dwarfs. It might not be the strongest deck, but it's still a very good deck, especially if you can use the carry-over value from hand buff and resilience. Furthermore, it's not too difficult to pilot the deck.
What exactly do you mean by handbuff?
I use 2x Smugglers, 2x Mahakam Defenders, 2x Agitators
I also use Cleaver, Sheldon Skags, Paulie and Milva.
I use Aguara for locks/unlock. I have mahakam ales and dimertium cuffs.
What exactly do you mean by handbuff?

Buffing units in hand by using various cards, like Smugglers, with the goal to create carry-over value for the next rounds. And you could bleed the opponent round 2, if you can get the resilient units to stick.
Thanks for the replies guys. After being beat by monsters so many times I contemplated trying to build a monster deck. But I generally tend to oppose the masses and because of that I found ST to be more fun. But now that im ranked 24, I win about 1 out of 10 games, so I either need a complete deck revamp, or I need to switch to another faction.

Gwent is an amazing game. But its really frustrating being a new player and getting beat by the SAME cards from all decks. Personally I don't think Monster decks should be allowed to have a Unicorn :smart:

Perhaps you just need to adjust your ST deck?? I'm trying to switch to another NR deck, but I'm finding it difficult to adjust to this. I also previously had to adjust my main NR deck several times to "perfect" it. Perhaps your deck does not have a good overall balance? Perhaps it does not have the right strength or weakness?

It's definitely possible to make a good ST deck, I've met many. One of the worst things I face against ST is a deck who use resilience to manage the rounds. This seems to be one of the more interesting strengths of ST. They also have units with decent attack power, but perhaps you need some neutral strong damage cards?

Northern Realms (foltest) is strong on attack, but I still have "effect/neutral" damage cards in my deck.

I had a terrible match yesterday against a ST booster deck who also used resillience, I did not exactly have the best cards, but I had some strong attack cards, but I just could not manage to get the resillience boosting card out of the game, so I lost.
Sure, layoffs at GOG must mean Gwnet is failing. You logic is flawless.

Well, the article does mention the following:

CD Projekt Red’s latest game, Gwent has been a financial disappointment, according to two people who work for the studio. Last fall, the company pointed to GOG’s small reach as one of the reasons for the game’s lack of success, quickly releasing the Thronebreaker campaign on Steam after at first declaring that it would be a GOG exclusive.
Well, that's it.
I deleted the game.
I never thought I'd do that...

Obvious, this homecoming crap killed the game for me.
I tried to take a break, it didnt help.
May I summarize everything I have in mind.

1) General: there was no need to create completely different game. The game needed patches, patches, patches, tweaks small, tweaks big, tries, even re-tries, CONSTANT WORK.
2) Gameplay: almost all cards are now the same and boring. Very few archetypes left. 1 row was removed with no reason, cause 2 remaining rows still dont matter. Why silvers was removed? 2 bronzes I dont understand too. Almost no thinning tools means more rng, less stategy, thus less interest. Nonsense changes to card abilities (harpy now eats, vran not, doesnt make sense why etc).
3) Visual and effects: disgusting!!!!! terrible view of hand with just numbers of cards, rather than the whole cards. Slow, still everything slow. Not-needed plus ugly dancing leaders.
(BUT incredible art and many effects)!!!
4) deck building: provisions - maybe good idea and terrible reality. There were many trash cards which no one used, there are even more now, BUT provisions FORCES you to include shit cards (if you already filled your deck with everything you wanted).
5) and most important: i feel devs dont give a crap about us, gamers, community. Not enough streams, nothing about what they are doing, planning, etc. Radio silence, no news. Video with Burza when 1/3 ot time he just eats smth. IS THAT ALL THEY CAN SHOW???(((((
After they released hcoming it feels like the same 6-months hiatus with just NOTHING.
I am in rage.
The only thing i want now is my money back. Then, i can ingnore hcoming. I feel like I've been decived.
No more money from me to them, never.

Still, very very sad to bury such a promising project...;((((

I'm sure, the time when they say "sorry we're tried but we couldnt" is coming soon.

Post edited. -Drac
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Well, that's it.
I deleted the game.
I never thought I'd do that...

Obvious, this homecoming crap killed the game for me.
I tried to take a break, it didnt help.
May I summarize everything I have in mind.

1) General: there was no need to create completely different game. The game needed patches, patches, patches, tweaks small, tweaks big, tries, even re-tries, CONSTANT WORK.
2) Gameplay: almost all cards are now the same and boring. Very few archetypes left. 1 row was removed with no reason, cause 2 remaining rows still dont matter. Why silvers was removed? 2 bronzes I dont understand too. Almost no thinning tools means more rng, less stategy, thus less interest. Nonsense changes to card abilities (harpy now eats, vran not, doesnt make sense why etc).
3) Visual and effects: disgusting!!!!! terrible view of hand with just numbers of cards, rather than the whole cards. Slow, still everything slow. Not-needed plus ugly dancing leaders.
(BUT incredible art and many effects)!!!
4) deck building: provisions - maybe good idea and terrible reality. There were many trash cards which no one used, there are even more now, BUT provisions FORCES you to include shit cards (if you already filled your deck with everything you wanted).
5) and most important: i feel devs dont give a crap about us, gamers, community. Not enough streams, nothing about what they are doing, planning, etc. Radio silence, no news. Video with Burza when 1/3 ot time he just eats smth. IS THAT ALL THEY CAN SHOW???(((((
After they released hcoming it feels like the same 6-months hiatus with just NOTHING.
I am in rage.
The only thing i want now is my money back. Then, i can ingnore hcoming. I feel like I've been decived.
No more money from me to them, never.

Still, very very sad to bury such a promising project...;((((

I'm sure, the time when they say "sorry we're tried but we couldnt" is coming soon.

That time will never come cuz gwent will rise and shine
You will see

Edited quote. -Drac
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So finally someone acknowledged something about the absolute FAILURE that HC was.
"CD Projekt Red’s latest game, Gwent has been a financial disappointment, according to two people who work for the studio. Last fall, the company pointed to GOG’s small reach as one of the reasons for the game’s lack of success, quickly releasing the Thronebreaker campaign on Steam after at first declaring that it would be a GOG exclusive. "

The disappointment was the sales of Thronbreaker. This section talks about how Gwent was a failure so they released TB on Steam? What?!
Well, the article does mention the following:
To be perfectly honest I dont really care for that dude`s articles. He seems like he goes on Reddit, 4chan and the likes the pumps put articles with anonymous sources. All I know and can see is that we have gotten a steady stream of updates, with a major card expansion coming next so the game is probably not a total disaster like Artifact.
The disappointment was the sales of Thronbreaker. This section talks about how Gwent was a failure so they released TB on Steam? What?!

GOG, as a platform, isn't performing as well as expected by CDPR and, as a result, Gwent, which is GOG exclusive, suffers from this too. That's why Thronebreaker was released on Steam, to reach a bigger audience.

All I know and can see is that we have gotten a steady stream of updates, with a major card expansion coming next so the game is probably not a total disaster like Artifact.

Well, when you compare games to Artifact, then almost anything is more successful. Regardless, the commitment of the devs is not indicative of the game's success, but rather of the studio's determination. At some point, the game should become financial sustainable, otherwise it's going to be a short ride. Just to be clear, I am talking in general here because I do not know the state of affairs regarding CDPR and Gwent.
Game is woefully unbalanced, too many useless cards and leaders, not enough cards, in general, for certain styles (some factions just completely lack the infrastructure to build decks based off some of the cards they have), only a few meta decks that you see everywhere because it's the only deck(s) you can play to be competitive, one trick pony combo-based play that hinders creativity and makes simple decks impossible to use, ridiculous matchmaking, grindy all day just to unlock something decent (or pay out the ass for it), and quite simply; it's just not fun. I don't regret spending money on it because CDPR is a great company and I want to support them just so games like Cyberpunk can be better, but it leaves a sour taste in my mouth with how much of a disappointment this game is turning out to be the longer I play it.
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