Anyone else miss the fluid combat of Witcher 2 Enhanced edition?

Anyone else miss the fluid combat of Witcher 2 Enhanced edition?

No hate here please.

Just seriously wonder if anyone is with me on this one. I heard a lot of complaints about W2 combat.
But W2 E.E. had amazing combat imho.
Rolling, shooting AARD signs was just so damn awesome and fluid and fast (remember the massive harpy overload in that cave? Man that was awesome with W2 style combat).
I miss it, and the W3 combat doesn't even come close if you ask me. Shooting signs like AARD is so much slower that it is pretty much useless to use like before.


Forum veteran
The only thing that I miss from the Witcher 2 is its precise targeting. I very much enjoyed playing a pure swordsman in that game. I never had any issues striking exactly the enemy I wanted to, even when fighting multiple hostiles.

In the Witcher 3 I constantly mistarget enemies. I want to hit a foe right in front of me? Instead I see Geralt swinging at the foe standing a few steps away and slightly left/right from my desired target. Want to cast a life saving sign at a charging baddy? Instead, you watch Geralt casting it at some enemy to the right/left and far way from the action...

Repeatedly hiting the same enemy and out of the blue Geralt decides it's time to hack someone else...

Sorry for the rant, but that's how it is. At least for me. I wanted to go for a swordsman build, but I couldn't due to the above.
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What I really miss is how fluid shooting signs was. I guess there was some form of assisted aim on the signs which just worked marvelously, also rolling was useful. I just loved combating masses of enemies in the Witcher 2.
I find the combat in the Witcher 3, somehow slow. ESPECIALLY using signs is worse than in W2. I loved using Aard and somehow it's so darn slow and not intuitive feeling in W3.
And I agree that targeting is not as good as well.
Not really.
I hated rolling in TW2. IMHO, in TW3 it feels smoother, since you can either dodge or roll. I remember in TW2, some bosses were so easy : rolling back, rolling forward, hitting once or twice, rolling back, ... Please, combat was not interesting at all. And it feels really unrealistic to roll all the time when fighting.
As for TW2, I never tried Full Combat Rebalance anyway, so I won't tell about that.

The only thing that I miss from the Witcher 2 is its precise targeting. I very much enjoyed playing a pure swordsan in that game. I never had any issues striking exactly the enemy I wanted to, even when fighting multiple hostiles.
I totally agree with that. I don't like to lock target when in combat but Geralt often hits in the wrong direction. It's quite annoying, especiallly when he faces an entire group of foes.

What I really miss is how fluid shooting signs was. I guess there was some form of assisted aim on the signs which just worked marvelously, also rolling was useful.
Well, you can still roll while in combat. I disagree on sign casting. I don't really remember how it was in TW2 (didn't played it for a while) but it feels natural to me in TW3. Indeed, Geralt is really drawing a sign with his hand when you cast one. It's all about positioning, distance and timing. I love being in combat and thinking about when using sign to be the more accurate possible without taking any damage.
The only thing that I miss from the Witcher 2 is its precise targeting. I very much enjoyed playing a pure swordsman in that game. I never had any issues striking exactly the enemy I wanted to, even when fighting multiple hostiles.

In the Witcher 3 I constantly mistarget enemies. I want to hit a foe right in front of me? Instead I see Geralt swinging at the foe standing a few steps away and slightly left/right from my desired target. Want to cast a life saving sign at a charging baddy? Instead, you watch Geralt casting it at some enemy to the right/left and far way from the action...

Repeatedly hiting the same enemy and out of the blue Geralt decides it's time to hack someone else...

Sorry for the rant, but that's how it is. At least for me. I wanted to go for a swordsman build, but I couldn't due to the above.

I feel you on that; it's irritating. I really miss that on witcher 3.
I don't miss anything from Witcher 2 combat-wise except 1 tiny piece... More Attack animations!

Roll-Dodging in Witcher 2 was incredibly clumsy and unreliable because of the illusion it granted of evading phantom hits that always registered no-matter what.

If the enemy began to attk animation, more-often than not, the game registered a 'hit' on Geralt, period; quite frankly, that shit pissed me off to no-end. It was misleading because fast/ strong attks from enemies appeared to animation nicely creating the facade that you could actually escape their STRONG/Slow lunges/ attacks.

Now, that rant is over.

Here's what I would like to see FROM Witcher 2:

More Attack animations!... Witcher 2 did this right somehow. [Perhaps because, it was not random mostly after you attack in-succession with decent timing, Geralt actually performed a COMBO!]

I feel as though, Geralt in Witcher 3 has soooooo few attack animations in Witcher 3 [which is odd], and the randomization feels very-weakly implemented, Often at times, Geralt is repetitively performing the SAME quick-attk / strong-attk animation back to back; this kills fight immersion. It makes me a sad/angry panda.

Cd-Projekt Red, or modders, please add ADDITIONAL attack animations somehow =) Lol. Hell, majority of them from Witcher 2 animated VERY-WELL and should be in this game among Geralts current arsenal of attacks.

Also, another update/ modder request, remove randomization of RANDOM attacks in timed succession! Give Geralt a damn combo [like in Witcher 2] provided the enemies allow the player to properly execute 4-7 attks correctly w/ proper timing!

... Done.
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While I enjoyed the combat in Witcher 2. The combat in Witcher 3 is a big improvement. It is in fact one of the best melee combat systems I have played in a game imo. The way you dance around your enemies, block or dodge when you need. Time your strikes and use the correct sign for each enemy is still awesome to me after over 200 hours played. In Witcher 2 I actually did not use many signs other than quen as I did not find them to be that interesting or useful. I did not like the finishers in Witcher 2, it broke the immersion of the game so much by placing you in a silly cutscene at a different location.


Forum veteran
The only thing that I miss from the Witcher 2 is its precise targeting. I very much enjoyed playing a pure swordsman in that game. I never had any issues striking exactly the enemy I wanted to, even when fighting multiple hostiles.

In the Witcher 3 I constantly mistarget enemies. I want to hit a foe right in front of me? Instead I see Geralt swinging at the foe standing a few steps away and slightly left/right from my desired target. Want to cast a life saving sign at a charging baddy? Instead, you watch Geralt casting it at some enemy to the right/left and far way from the action...

Repeatedly hiting the same enemy and out of the blue Geralt decides it's time to hack someone else...

Sorry for the rant, but that's how it is. At least for me. I wanted to go for a swordsman build, but I couldn't due to the above.

you playing with controller or keyboard? either way, you have to use directional keys in addition to just using attacks... every time i attack an enemy, i hold the controller or directional keys in his direction and therefore i have never had an issue with Geralt going after a different target.... same with signs
I don't know if 'fluid' is the word to describe Witcher 2's combat. If anything, the combat is considerably more fluid in Witcher 3. Does that mean it's perfect? No, far from it. But as far as the comparison goes, it's the best combat gameplay in the series so far.

Not really sure what you're getting at, OP.
you playing with controller or keyboard? either way, you have to use directional keys in addition to just using attacks... every time i attack an enemy, i hold the controller or directional keys in his direction and therefore i have never had an issue with Geralt going after a different target.... same with signs

With a controller... And yeah, I do hold the analog stick in the direction of my target, the thing is it doesn't work that well for me. When fighting enemies like griffins, forktails I found out that holding the stick in the direction of those flying biggies oftentimes leads in a misguided attack of the air left or right to the hostile

If there is a foe right in front of you and there is another enemy shorly behind and somewhat to the right/left of the foe, Geralt often choose to attack the one that is behind the other, effectively exposing his back..

There are a lot of other situations like that. but I don't really want to dwell on that.
I like this combat better but I do kinda miss the finishers where he would incorparate both swords.

Yep, Geralt was stylin in Witcher 2 with finishers.

Multi-finishers were also very cool!

Would be nice to see them, but alas, I fear Geralt is already OP enough.

I don't know... something else about Witcher 2... I just felt like I was in real-mortal danger whenever going up against 2-4 humans in Witcher 2.

In this game Witcher 3, that fear is gone; I'm more concerned about, yay, humanoids, HOW can I mutilate these guys? Axii stun instant? Careful not to bleed or burn them to death, must get fatality!

I just don't feel mortal danger AT-ALL from humans in Witcher 3...
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No hate here please.

Just seriously wonder if anyone is with me on this one. I heard a lot of complaints about W2 combat.
But W2 E.E. had amazing combat imho.
Rolling, shooting AARD signs was just so damn awesome and fluid and fast (remember the massive harpy overload in that cave? Man that was awesome with W2 style combat).
I miss it, and the W3 combat doesn't even come close if you ask me. Shooting signs like AARD is so much slower that it is pretty much useless to use like before.

I like the combat in TW3 except, in TW3 the game kind of constrains Geralt as to where to go sometimes when fighting multiple enemies and when I try and won't let me go back as far as I want to go sometimes. In TW2, when you have Fleet Footed perk on, you could move really fast everywhere which I liked more than TW3 version of Fleet Footed...


Forum veteran
With a controller... And yeah, I do hold the analog stick in the direction of my target, the thing is it doesn't work that well for me. When fighting enemies like griffins, forktails I found out that holding the stick in the direction of those flying biggies oftentimes leads in a misguided attack of the air left or right to the hostile

If there is a foe right in front of you and there is another enemy shorly behind and somewhat to the right/left of the foe, Geralt often choose to attack the one that is behind the other, effectively exposing his back..

There are a lot of other situations like that. but I don't really want to dwell on that.

i only hold the direction when there are multiple enemies, and i cant say that i have had these problems that you have... not sure how to help you, you could try the lock on..

Woe is me then. As for the lock-on... Well, I don't think it's going to help fight multiple enemies, it might just make it worse just the same.

One last thing, are you using K&M or a controller? If I were to guess I'd say keyboard and mouse.
i miss combos from w1

w3 feels like hit, then a separate hit, then a separate hit whereas w1 was hit into hit into hit

w3 is kinda like staccato combat

tho overall i like it, especially with a house rule of no rolling
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