At the start of each round, draw a card for each card you played in the previous round, up to a maximum of 3 cards.

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As the title reveals, my suggestion is to rework the card draw mechanic between rounds. Instead of automatically drawing 3 cards, a player would instead draw a card for each card they played in the previous round, up to a maximum of 3 cards. The 10 card hand limit would remain.

This change would:
Eliminate the dry-pass
Alleviate the coin-flip problem of playing first
Card Advantage regains significance in Round 1
Continue to encourage lower tempo engine cards, keep decks honest
Encourage more strategic play in Round 2
Matches won't feel "arena-like" in Round 3

The first benefit is fairly self evident: if a player dry-passes, they draw no cards the next round. The other player, opting to play a card to proceed, would draw a new card back at no card disadvantage. It would almost never make sense to pass in a round until after each player took their third turn.

This alleviates the coin-flip problem of playing first in two distinct ways. Firstly, it means that if a player loses Round 1 on even cards, they have up to three plays in Round 2 in which to try and take (and hold) the lead. This allows them to go into Round 3 on even, instead of down one card (which the dry-pass used to accomplish). Secondly, the person playing first no longer has to play along until Turn 7, at which point on the PTR they had to either pass or be sure they could win the round (or they'd be dry-passed on in Round 2). The first player can now play dynamically into Round 1 with the knowledge that they'll have an opportunity to contest Round 2 if things don't go as planned.

Card advantage in Round 1 also regains significance if a player decides to leave Round 1 before Turn 7, as the opponent can no longer go several cards down knowing that a dry-pass will exploit the 10 card hand limit in their favor.

Lower tempo cards will continue to be afforded early round protection against high tempo counters in both Rounds 1 & 2, though players will be encouraged not to be too greedy by Turn 4 of each round, less they find themselves facing a card disadvantage.

All in all, Round 2 should feel just as dynamic as Round 1, but as a lot less of a lose condition for whoever plays first in the match-up. Instead of being a garbage round for whoever won Round 1, the second round will gain a lot more impact for both players.

Lastly, it becomes unlikely that once a player's hand starts to decrease that it will ever find itself back at 10 cards in Round 3, which was happening regularly enough on the PTR that people were complaining. With the desire to win Round 1 for the last play advantage in Round 3 (plus the consistently longer Round 2), each round should feel very significant without being chaotically long.

In closing, thanks for taking the time to read this. Please feel free to discuss and critique this suggestion, I really think it has the potential to keep everything people loved about the PTR while meeting all the demands from the more conservative Gwent fan.
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