Balancing suggestion for Nekker

Balancing suggestion for Nekker

The strength buff for each consume should only be applied to nekkers on the board, not the ones in hand and deck.
Agree with it. Nekker decks are the most unfun game experience in gwent imho, even worse than weather decks.


That is not balancing; that is killing them outright. The only time they become a threat is when they are used early on with Monster's Nest. Even then, there are plenty of counters. Nah, Nekkers are fine as they are now. BTW, Vran Warrior has already nerfed, because it was a bit too much for a normal bronze. This also indirectly nerfed the Nekkers.
4RM3D;n7992460 said:
That is not balancing; that is killing them outright. The only time they become a threat is when they are used early on with Monster's Nest. Even then, there are plenty of counters. Nah, Nekkers are fine as they are now. BTW, Vran Warrior has already nerfed, because it was a bit too much for a normal bronze. This also indirectly nerfed the Nekkers.
Not if you do the classic Nekker -> Nekker Warrior then proceed to spam devour creatures to buff them. Plus if you have nest in hand. It's pointless to burn them because more will comes from the deck anyway.
Sweers is unreliable at best. The opponent might have more Nekker warriors after you play him and that's assuming you even draw him in the first round, which is the only round he's useful. Plus he is faction specific so what are other factions supposed to do
don't take it so seriously. just saying its sooo satisfying when you sweers their nekkers.


exie;n7997600 said:
Plus he is faction specific so what are other factions supposed to do

Off the top of my head...

Depending on the situation:
- Lacerate (after Monster's Nest)
- Epidemic (with Myrgtabrakke or similar)
- Mardroeme
- Locking
- Igni (with YenCon or Myrgtabrakke or similar)
- Rot Tosser (with Myrgtabrakke or similar)
- ST Trap(per)s
- D-Bomb
- Weather

Not everything works in every situation, but it does work in at least one.
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