Unlike carrying capacity which have absolutely no impact on the gameplay...(most of stuff which weight, are intended either to be sold or either to be dismantled, so who care...), cyberware capacity directly influence how many cyberwares you're allowed to install, how "good" they are and so, how strong your character is/become.
So again, I didn't say there is no bug, I would be (very) surprised if there is no limit and if you're allowed to farm infinitely capacity shards. Kinda of RPGish decision...You can't do everything nor install every best cyberwares in the game, you have to "decide" which ones you want or able to.
Yeah you just get an awesome iconic cyberware! But its capacity cost a lot... So either you won't use it (too "expansive" for its bonus), either you will uninstall some other cyberwares which are less useful for you. Exactly in the same way you can earn a limited amont of perk points, a limited amont of attribute points.
But I guess, we'll see in the next patch how it is (if it's fixed^^).