BUG?: Wild Hunt Warrior not activating effect, Monster deck effect does not activate

BUG?: Wild Hunt Warrior not activating effect, Monster deck effect does not activate

Just redownloaded Gwent (private beta player) with a lot of new keywords and effects and whatnot.

Wild Hunt Warrior on play damage effect did not activate when played. Wild Hunter Warrior was revealed by Alchemist the turn before, which was sent back to the hand by Emhyr. An Imletith was on the field and locked.


EDIT: The following is no longer relivent to the topic (but it shall remain regardless for anyone else who was confused)

Also at the end of the turn no monster was selected to remain on the field. (I know they changed how this effect works to something overly complicated but in monster deck tradition I had about 15 or so cards on the field at the end of round.)

EDIT: After reviewing the card which remained after the end of the Round (Wild Hunt Rider) it was the cards resilience ability which triggered at the end of the round, which I won, which kept it on the field. This is my fault for not knowing how all these new effects worked.
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Are you sure you had any more left in your deck? That you didnt use them all before? Because this happened to me too and that's what i thought had happened. (Can't really remember the game, just that i was suprised that it didnt activate it's ability)
MechanicalLamb23;n8680490 said:
Also at the end of the turn no monster was selected to remain on the field.

With open beta, all faction abilities have been removed.
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