Bug with items in pockets after going to jail

Bug with items in pockets after going to jail

Early on in Act 3 when entering Loc Muinne, you get the choice to go to the sewers (always fun) or let the guards arrested. After breaking out of jail and getting my stuff back, I noticed that Geralt's pockets were empty of the grapeshots, snares and throwing knives I had put in them. I shrugged and thought I'd just craft more bombs and buy traps and knives, but when I entered alchemy and made more grapeshots, they didn't appear in either the inventory or Geralt's pockets, despite the game saying that they had been succesfully created. Crafting other bombs worked just fine, though I didn't get far enough to try if I could buy more snares or knives. I solved the problem by reloading an earlier save and emptying my pockets before getting arrested, which let me keep the items.

On a related note, skipping the short cutscene where you get arrested after your health drops to zero caused the game to greet me with a game over screen twice right after getting thrown into jail.
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