Despite all it's issues, where do I begin...
Note that I will only mention positives of each aspect.
Long post ahead
Obviously, we all know the game is gorgeous. Despite pop-in graphical oddities here and there. The lighting, shadows, explosions, general particles effects, textures and models are absolutely delightful to look at. That's on all ultra with no RT on. It looks even better with RT but my 1080ti can't do it.
The game shines in this aspect and I mean it really shines. The city itself is absolutely gorgeous. The verticality of it is astounding. The overall design of the city is incredible. The pedestrians pathways. The sinuous back alleys. The different personalities of each areas. It all creates this very believable city. Whether it's the industrial, design of Watson, the Asian feel of Japantown, the ghetto look and feel of Pacifica or the corpo look of downtown. I don't need the map to tell me where I am.
Guns, the guns design is amazing in my opinion. You have some very standard stuff, sure, but there are some very impressive designs in there and they're all incredibly detailed. I love how everytime you get a new type pf weapon for the first time you get a specific animation when you first take it out. Some of these weapons are incredible in looks and details. The first time I took out a Carnage shotgun it immediately gave this feeling of the imposing, destructive weapon.
Cars! Some incredible vehicles too. One look at the Javelina and I couldn't help but fall in love with that car. The details on it are amazing. Even the Rayfield Guenivere, which I hate, is a great piece of Cyberpunk design. I could go on for almost every car in there. They almost all look incredible and feel right at home in this city.
I also feel like there is a good balance of alternative ways of going about a mission. Doors, underground paths, roofs, tiny openings. You name it, if you look hard enough there is an alternate way into almost any place.
The gunplay in my opinion is impressive. Not because it beats other games in that department but because it can stand shoulder to shoulder with some of the greatest out there. Guns are very satisfying to use and have this very precise balance of "oomph" behind every shot without feeling over the top. This is a very delicate balance to achieve. Something that studios with many FPS under their belts still sometimes struggle with. This is their first attempt and it is very good.
Netrunning is and incredible (only positive sides). You can get through so much without ever pulling out your gun or killing someone.
Melee isn't anything to write home about but it works fairly well and that's something I wish we got more of in first person games.
Same for stealth. Nothing crazy but works well enough.
I can't say I hate the story. The writing varies but it never gets below good. Not once have I thought that one part was poorly or hastily written.
The writing in side missions is very often where games like these drop the ball. Not here though. The same level of writing applies throughout every side mission. Granted there are a few I haven't done yet.
The way some of the side quests are woven into the dialogue of the main story after you've accomplished said mission is also very organic.
Voice acting brings it all together. Cherami Leigh specifically did an extraordinary job bringing female V to life. She ranges from though badass to vulnerable and desperate and it's all done in an incredibly believable way. She was perfect for the role.
Guns, again! The guns sound great. From the power pistols and revolvers to sniper rifles. The sound effects are perfectly adapted.
Cars! Again! First time I got into a caliburn... Awww yeah. Then you shut it off and again, aaaww yeah. The kusunagi bike? Aaww yeeaaah. Most of the cars have perfectly chosen sounds for both their looks and performance. Everytime I switch from third person to first person or vice versa, I can't help but appreciate the fact they thought about the engine sound getting muffled in first person.
Overall the sound in CP is great.
I think that covers everything I wanted to touch on. Note that, again, I only spoke of the positive things. Within some of these there are flaws but I didn't want to mention them here, we got plenty of threads on those.
PS excuse the potentially bad grammar. I'm on a train and writing this from my cell. Not ideal for a long ass post