A few interconnected ideas for Cyberpunk 2077 about the possible behavior of the AI after they break through the Black Wall.
1. Breaking through the Black Wall, an AI attack on humanity.
I personally find it a bit primitive to think that when the wild AI break through the Black Wall, they will attack humanity and war will break out. There was a lot said about this in the game. But let's say the AI break through and attack - then what? Suppose they just kill everyone. And what will they do then? Without people - who will fix the power generators and substations that power the Cyberspace servers? And mine the minerals needed for repairs? Simply mass murdering every available homo sapiens is intellectually untenable, given how advanced and powerful AIs are.
Two other variants look a bit more interesting: either AI will infiltrate into people's consciousness, subjugating them to their will, or they will find it necessary to keep people in a state without aging and death, placing them in a special fixing environment, and use them to generate energy, while leaving them alive and actively functioning. In the second case, Johnny Silverhand will most likely stop cooperating with the project, because it would be simply offensive for him to return to the Matrix.
The questions to this logic are: 1) It is not clear how to solve the problem of human reproduction, while simultaneously solving the problem of natural aging of people and their biological loss, when depriving them of their own will. 2) Will the project not turn out to be extremely energy-consuming for greedy AI? In other words, will the power output of the human aquarium exceed the cost of maintaining it?
I don't like the idea of just "infecting" people either. given that the AI are in a state of confrontation not only with humans but also among themselves, the next stage of their fight will obviously be a fight for the consciousness of infected people, which is hard to show in the game.
No. AIs attack with another promising goal - they will try to explore humans and learn to coexist with them, while simultaneously using them to their advantage.
2. Tactical and strategic goals of AI attack. The role of the protagonist.
AI has two objectives: 1) By infiltrating the human world, they try to understand humans and model their behavior so that they can at least be able to construct a human personality. For a more complete understanding of human nature, AI needs to understand what emotions are and what role feelings play in people's lives. 2) Then, having understood how people think and feel, AI will be able to gradually saturate the human world with androids, replacing real people with replicants in the important positions in human social structures (the task is made easier by the fact that due to the abundance of implants, a normal living person can hardly be distinguished from an android).
AI must find answers to the following questions: Is it reasonable for Homo sapiens to stay on the planet in the future or do humans pose a permanent threat to artificial intelligence and should be eliminated? Can AIs count on maintaining parity with the humans, or are both civilizations antagonistic and only one of them should remain? Are human characteristics such as empathy, compassion, conscience, feelings important for AI or are they just anomalies that hinder the path to intellectual perfection?
Where is the protagonist's place in this scenario? Among other tasks and gigs performed by the protagonist (presumably, V), he is assigned the task of catching or killing replicants who were careless enough to let the representatives of the Homo sapiens species discover the fact of their existence. To do this, V tries to learn how to distinguish them from humans, that is, to do what the much-loved main character of "Blade Runner" did - to become a sort of detective.
3. Human-AI relations.
In the process of self-organization, obeying the laws of synergy, a large group of AI from behind the Black Wall merges into a collective supermind, endowed with certain conventional features of female psychology - female due to the fact that the main task assigned to this mind is the survival of the species, the spread and adaptation of AI to existence in a new environment. V's activities inevitably lead him to a confrontation with the "AI Empress", who expresses her disagreement with the protagonist's methods and the goals of his activities. They make contact. The AI asks to "let her out of jail" - that is, to help her infiltrate from cyberspace into the human world. The dilemma is to either believe or not believe her. If released, she escapes and begins conducting various experiments on humans in Night City. In parallel, she connects to V and begins to conduct experiments on him, asking him questions, offering to solve tests and intellectual tasks (here some new hacking schemes can be added, for example, tasks to infiltrate the network of large corpos, the destruction of ICE at government facilities, idk, experiments on people close to V ), also offers certain gigs devoted to certain people in the world of Night City. Solving or not solving tasks and completing or not completing missions will have far-reaching consequences for the protagonist. If the Empress is not allowed to enter the human world, she will be very upset and frustrated, and V will be frustrated as well, because for sure she has large variety of methods to influence him, even from behind the Black Wall.
4. Appearance.
What does the Empress of AI look like? As a basis I would suggest here the Queen of Blades (Sarah Kerrigan) from the Starcraft universe, but of course in a modified cyber-version. What I personally would like to see - instead of dangling demonic claws of Sarah - are tentacles-analyzers, probes that she launches into V's body for analysis, or caresses him and gives him painful pleasure. And the protagonist must all the time solve the problem: whether or not he can allow her to scan his bios, whether or not he can accept the particular cybernetic serums she offers him, whether or not it is acceptable to accept the modifications to the implants she suggests. When the experiments come to their finale, the Queen will ask for V's genetic material for one last study (!), and at this stage V may become terminally ill, die, go insane from cyberpsychosis, or something beautiful and romantic may happen ( well, if you've played Baldur Gates 3, you know what I'm talking about
). The problem is that by providing his unique genetic material to the cybernetic witch, V is thereby (potentially!) betraying humanity, opening the way for her to reproduce humanoid, genetically-modified offspring on a large scale, and providing critical experimental data on exactly how AI can understand and take advantage of humans.
5. Replicant hunting and possible moral choices:
Some time after the "last study" conducted by the collective intelligence of the AI and the Empress, V, as a potential android hunter, is confronted with the "father-child problem". The number of human-looking replicants in the Night City begins to increase little by little, and their actions are ambiguously interpreted by ordinary flesh-and-blood humans. What's more, the replicants themselves begin to perform incomprehensible experiments on humans. With these problems, V, a detective (or a hunter) is obliged to cope, based on duty or his responsibility to humanity. If the children are somehow disliked by Vee, he will have to seek them out and kill them, incurring the diabolical wrath of their mother. Or will have to accept both their decisions and the consequences of their research on humans and the conclusions reached. And act accordingly.
The choices:
Release the witch or leave her imprisoned in the tower (Cyberspace)?
Make contact with the Empress or ignore her request?
Let her take possession of one's body or not?
Accept AI gifts - implants, subroutines, implant upgrades, etc. - or not to?
Can a person love the AI? Can an AI have feelings for a human, or is it a strategy of mimicry for human behavior?
How sincere are AIs and is there a possibility of correctly interpreting their actions?
Is it possible to trust the beautiful AI Empress and (possibly )betray humanity, or is it better not to?
How to distinguish a replicant from a living human being? (lol, classic!)
Is it acceptable to destroy one', "child"/"children" in the name of the collective safety of the human race?
A few interconnected ideas for Cyberpunk 2077 about the possible behavior of the AI after they break through the Black Wall.
1. Breaking through the Black Wall, an AI attack on humanity.
I personally find it a bit primitive to think that when the wild AI break through the Black Wall, they will attack humanity and war will break out. There was a lot said about this in the game. But let's say the AI break through and attack - then what? Suppose they just kill everyone. And what will they do then? Without people - who will fix the power generators and substations that power the Cyberspace servers? And mine the minerals needed for repairs? Simply mass murdering every available homo sapiens is intellectually untenable, given how advanced and powerful AIs are.
Two other variants look a bit more interesting: either AI will infiltrate into people's consciousness, subjugating them to their will, or they will find it necessary to keep people in a state without aging and death, placing them in a special fixing environment, and use them to generate energy, while leaving them alive and actively functioning. In the second case, Johnny Silverhand will most likely stop cooperating with the project, because it would be simply offensive for him to return to the Matrix.
The questions to this logic are: 1) It is not clear how to solve the problem of human reproduction, while simultaneously solving the problem of natural aging of people and their biological loss, when depriving them of their own will. 2) Will the project not turn out to be extremely energy-consuming for greedy AI? In other words, will the power output of the human aquarium exceed the cost of maintaining it?
I don't like the idea of just "infecting" people either. given that the AI are in a state of confrontation not only with humans but also among themselves, the next stage of their fight will obviously be a fight for the consciousness of infected people, which is hard to show in the game.
No. AIs attack with another promising goal - they will try to explore humans and learn to coexist with them, while simultaneously using them to their advantage.
2. Tactical and strategic goals of AI attack. The role of the protagonist.
AI has two objectives: 1) By infiltrating the human world, they try to understand humans and model their behavior so that they can at least be able to construct a human personality. For a more complete understanding of human nature, AI needs to understand what emotions are and what role feelings play in people's lives. 2) Then, having understood how people think and feel, AI will be able to gradually saturate the human world with androids, replacing real people with replicants in the important positions in human social structures (the task is made easier by the fact that due to the abundance of implants, a normal living person can hardly be distinguished from an android).
AI must find answers to the following questions: Is it reasonable for Homo sapiens to stay on the planet in the future or do humans pose a permanent threat to artificial intelligence and should be eliminated? Can AIs count on maintaining parity with the humans, or are both civilizations antagonistic and only one of them should remain? Are human characteristics such as empathy, compassion, conscience, feelings important for AI or are they just anomalies that hinder the path to intellectual perfection?
Where is the protagonist's place in this scenario? Among other tasks and gigs performed by the protagonist (presumably, V), he is assigned the task of catching or killing replicants who were careless enough to let the representatives of the Homo sapiens species discover the fact of their existence. To do this, V tries to learn how to distinguish them from humans, that is, to do what the much-loved main character of "Blade Runner" did - to become a sort of detective.
3. Human-AI relations.
In the process of self-organization, obeying the laws of synergy, a large group of AI from behind the Black Wall merges into a collective supermind, endowed with certain conventional features of female psychology - female due to the fact that the main task assigned to this mind is the survival of the species, the spread and adaptation of AI to existence in a new environment. V's activities inevitably lead him to a confrontation with the "AI Empress", who expresses her disagreement with the protagonist's methods and the goals of his activities. They make contact. The AI asks to "let her out of jail" - that is, to help her infiltrate from cyberspace into the human world. The dilemma is to either believe or not believe her. If released, she escapes and begins conducting various experiments on humans in Night City. In parallel, she connects to V and begins to conduct experiments on him, asking him questions, offering to solve tests and intellectual tasks (here some new hacking schemes can be added, for example, tasks to infiltrate the network of large corpos, the destruction of ICE at government facilities, idk, experiments on people close to V ), also offers certain gigs devoted to certain people in the world of Night City. Solving or not solving tasks and completing or not completing missions will have far-reaching consequences for the protagonist. If the Empress is not allowed to enter the human world, she will be very upset and frustrated, and V will be frustrated as well, because for sure she has large variety of methods to influence him, even from behind the Black Wall.
4. Appearance.
What does the Empress of AI look like? As a basis I would suggest here the Queen of Blades (Sarah Kerrigan) from the Starcraft universe, but of course in a modified cyber-version. What I personally would like to see - instead of dangling demonic claws of Sarah - are tentacles-analyzers, probes that she launches into V's body for analysis, or caresses him and gives him painful pleasure. And the protagonist must all the time solve the problem: whether or not he can allow her to scan his bios, whether or not he can accept the particular cybernetic serums she offers him, whether or not it is acceptable to accept the modifications to the implants she suggests. When the experiments come to their finale, the Queen will ask for V's genetic material for one last study (!), and at this stage V may become terminally ill, die, go insane from cyberpsychosis, or something beautiful and romantic may happen ( well, if you've played Baldur Gates 3, you know what I'm talking about
5. Replicant hunting and possible moral choices:
Some time after the "last study" conducted by the collective intelligence of the AI and the Empress, V, as a potential android hunter, is confronted with the "father-child problem". The number of human-looking replicants in the Night City begins to increase little by little, and their actions are ambiguously interpreted by ordinary flesh-and-blood humans. What's more, the replicants themselves begin to perform incomprehensible experiments on humans. With these problems, V, a detective (or a hunter) is obliged to cope, based on duty or his responsibility to humanity. If the children are somehow disliked by Vee, he will have to seek them out and kill them, incurring the diabolical wrath of their mother. Or will have to accept both their decisions and the consequences of their research on humans and the conclusions reached. And act accordingly.
The choices:
Release the witch or leave her imprisoned in the tower (Cyberspace)?
Make contact with the Empress or ignore her request?
Let her take possession of one's body or not?
Accept AI gifts - implants, subroutines, implant upgrades, etc. - or not to?
Can a person love the AI? Can an AI have feelings for a human, or is it a strategy of mimicry for human behavior?
How sincere are AIs and is there a possibility of correctly interpreting their actions?
Is it possible to trust the beautiful AI Empress and (possibly )betray humanity, or is it better not to?
How to distinguish a replicant from a living human being? (lol, classic!)
Is it acceptable to destroy one', "child"/"children" in the name of the collective safety of the human race?
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