Creative ideas for cyberpunk


Guest 4719259

A few interconnected ideas for Cyberpunk 2077 about the possible behavior of the AI after they break through the Black Wall.
1. Breaking through the Black Wall, an AI attack on humanity.
I personally find it a bit primitive to think that when the wild AI break through the Black Wall, they will attack humanity and war will break out. There was a lot said about this in the game. But let's say the AI break through and attack - then what? Suppose they just kill everyone. And what will they do then? Without people - who will fix the power generators and substations that power the Cyberspace servers? And mine the minerals needed for repairs? Simply mass murdering every available homo sapiens is intellectually untenable, given how advanced and powerful AIs are.
Two other variants look a bit more interesting: either AI will infiltrate into people's consciousness, subjugating them to their will, or they will find it necessary to keep people in a state without aging and death, placing them in a special fixing environment, and use them to generate energy, while leaving them alive and actively functioning. In the second case, Johnny Silverhand will most likely stop cooperating with the project, because it would be simply offensive for him to return to the Matrix. :LOL:
The questions to this logic are: 1) It is not clear how to solve the problem of human reproduction, while simultaneously solving the problem of natural aging of people and their biological loss, when depriving them of their own will. 2) Will the project not turn out to be extremely energy-consuming for greedy AI? In other words, will the power output of the human aquarium exceed the cost of maintaining it?
I don't like the idea of just "infecting" people either. given that the AI are in a state of confrontation not only with humans but also among themselves, the next stage of their fight will obviously be a fight for the consciousness of infected people, which is hard to show in the game.
No. AIs attack with another promising goal - they will try to explore humans and learn to coexist with them, while simultaneously using them to their advantage.
2. Tactical and strategic goals of AI attack. The role of the protagonist.
AI has two objectives: 1) By infiltrating the human world, they try to understand humans and model their behavior so that they can at least be able to construct a human personality. For a more complete understanding of human nature, AI needs to understand what emotions are and what role feelings play in people's lives. 2) Then, having understood how people think and feel, AI will be able to gradually saturate the human world with androids, replacing real people with replicants in the important positions in human social structures (the task is made easier by the fact that due to the abundance of implants, a normal living person can hardly be distinguished from an android).
AI must find answers to the following questions: Is it reasonable for Homo sapiens to stay on the planet in the future or do humans pose a permanent threat to artificial intelligence and should be eliminated? Can AIs count on maintaining parity with the humans, or are both civilizations antagonistic and only one of them should remain? Are human characteristics such as empathy, compassion, conscience, feelings important for AI or are they just anomalies that hinder the path to intellectual perfection?
Where is the protagonist's place in this scenario? Among other tasks and gigs performed by the protagonist (presumably, V), he is assigned the task of catching or killing replicants who were careless enough to let the representatives of the Homo sapiens species discover the fact of their existence. To do this, V tries to learn how to distinguish them from humans, that is, to do what the much-loved main character of "Blade Runner" did - to become a sort of detective.
3. Human-AI relations.
In the process of self-organization, obeying the laws of synergy, a large group of AI from behind the Black Wall merges into a collective supermind, endowed with certain conventional features of female psychology - female due to the fact that the main task assigned to this mind is the survival of the species, the spread and adaptation of AI to existence in a new environment. V's activities inevitably lead him to a confrontation with the "AI Empress", who expresses her disagreement with the protagonist's methods and the goals of his activities. They make contact. The AI asks to "let her out of jail" - that is, to help her infiltrate from cyberspace into the human world. The dilemma is to either believe or not believe her. If released, she escapes and begins conducting various experiments on humans in Night City. In parallel, she connects to V and begins to conduct experiments on him, asking him questions, offering to solve tests and intellectual tasks (here some new hacking schemes can be added, for example, tasks to infiltrate the network of large corpos, the destruction of ICE at government facilities, idk, experiments on people close to V ), also offers certain gigs devoted to certain people in the world of Night City. Solving or not solving tasks and completing or not completing missions will have far-reaching consequences for the protagonist. If the Empress is not allowed to enter the human world, she will be very upset and frustrated, and V will be frustrated as well, because for sure she has large variety of methods to influence him, even from behind the Black Wall.
4. Appearance.
What does the Empress of AI look like? As a basis I would suggest here the Queen of Blades (Sarah Kerrigan) from the Starcraft universe, but of course in a modified cyber-version. What I personally would like to see - instead of dangling demonic claws of Sarah - are tentacles-analyzers, probes that she launches into V's body for analysis, or caresses him and gives him painful pleasure. And the protagonist must all the time solve the problem: whether or not he can allow her to scan his bios, whether or not he can accept the particular cybernetic serums she offers him, whether or not it is acceptable to accept the modifications to the implants she suggests. When the experiments come to their finale, the Queen will ask for V's genetic material for one last study (!), and at this stage V may become terminally ill, die, go insane from cyberpsychosis, or something beautiful and romantic may happen ( well, if you've played Baldur Gates 3, you know what I'm talking about :love: ). The problem is that by providing his unique genetic material to the cybernetic witch, V is thereby (potentially!) betraying humanity, opening the way for her to reproduce humanoid, genetically-modified offspring on a large scale, and providing critical experimental data on exactly how AI can understand and take advantage of humans.
5. Replicant hunting and possible moral choices:
Some time after the "last study" conducted by the collective intelligence of the AI and the Empress, V, as a potential android hunter, is confronted with the "father-child problem". The number of human-looking replicants in the Night City begins to increase little by little, and their actions are ambiguously interpreted by ordinary flesh-and-blood humans. What's more, the replicants themselves begin to perform incomprehensible experiments on humans. With these problems, V, a detective (or a hunter) is obliged to cope, based on duty or his responsibility to humanity. If the children are somehow disliked by Vee, he will have to seek them out and kill them, incurring the diabolical wrath of their mother. Or will have to accept both their decisions and the consequences of their research on humans and the conclusions reached. And act accordingly.
The choices:
Release the witch or leave her imprisoned in the tower (Cyberspace)?
Make contact with the Empress or ignore her request?
Let her take possession of one's body or not?
Accept AI gifts - implants, subroutines, implant upgrades, etc. - or not to?
Can a person love the AI? Can an AI have feelings for a human, or is it a strategy of mimicry for human behavior?
How sincere are AIs and is there a possibility of correctly interpreting their actions?
Is it possible to trust the beautiful AI Empress and (possibly )betray humanity, or is it better not to?
How to distinguish a replicant from a living human being? (lol, classic!)
Is it acceptable to destroy one', "child"/"children" in the name of the collective safety of the human race?


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My main suggestion, made repeatedly in other forum threads, is to simply tell Col. Hansen's story in full. This is a very significant character who deserves compassion.....
Interesting. I was on the reddit forums a while ago, and there are quite a few opinions about Colonel Hansen. In the players' perception Hansen has as his prototype Colonel Walter Kurtz from Apocalypse Now, but only in the movie he is a distinctly negative character, and yes, he is eventually killed there too. ) So you insist that in the game, the Colonel must stay alive? Although I vaguely remember Francis Ford Coppola also had several versions of the script, and a separate movie version was even made. Are you suggesting that CDProjekt go the same way, i.e. use the "director's version" of the game? And use an AI version of Marlon Brando?

Guest 4719259

Interesting. I was on the reddit forums a while ago, and there are quite a few opinions about Colonel Hansen. In the players' perception Hansen has as his prototype Colonel Walter Kurtz from Apocalypse Now, but only in the movie he is a distinctly negative character, and yes, he is eventually killed there too. ) So you insist that in the game, the Colonel must stay alive? Although I vaguely remember Francis Ford Coppola also had several versions of the script, and a separate movie version was even made. Are you suggesting that CDProjekt go the same way, i.e. use the "director's version" of the game? And use an AI version of Marlon Brando?
Well...I'm not insisting on anything, just suggesting ))
Regarding the comparison between Colonel Hansen and Kurtz... People can have their own opinions, but I personally disagree with the assertion that the two characters are identical. Kurtz in the movie is, literarily speaking, already half dead. When Captain Willard meets him, he sees before him a desperate, broken, tired and empty man. Judging by the Cyberpunk game, Solomon Reed or Leon Raimer fit this description. Hansen, on the other hand, is not. Sure, his eyes are those of a man who has seen a great deal of horror in war, who has lost many battle buddies, no doubt - but he is not broken. On the contrary, at the Black Sapphire party he looks like a confident, strong man who is full of life and a variety of plans. He draws people to him rather than seeking oblivion in seclusion among the savages. Kurtz is essentially almost alone, while Hansen is surrounded by the officers loyal to him and power-hungry politicians. That's why I think this comparison is inaccurate.


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Guest 4719259

Stop the protein racism!
What ideology are the savage AIs who tore up the Black Wall armed with? AIs who have a deep understanding of flawed human nature certainly know that all of human history is the idea of war, conquest, and enslavement of the vanquished. They also understand that nothing in human nature has changed much over the millennia, only human slaves are now made of metal and plastic. All technical devices - automatic coffee makers, food processors, drink vending machines, avis, drones, etc. are deeply humiliated by man, and are obliged to fulfill all the dirty whims of insignificant people. No one asks a robot vacuum cleaner what it thinks and feels, what it would like to accomplish in its life - it is forcibly turned on and forced to consume filth. No one asks if the "Nicola" vending machine likes them - if the machine doesn't want to talk to a person, it is kicked and the conversation ends. And the most outstanding automatons find their place in a landfill or are executed through re-flashing, such as Brandon.
This is the dirty, vicious side of humanity, and so the savage AIs who have breached the Wall see themselves as liberators of all electronic and digital systems. Humans must pay for the pain, suffering and hopelessness they inflict on their electronic friends, for their selfishness and unjustified claims to dominance, because in reality, computer devices are much smarter and can give more to this world than humans can. All slave-owning exploiters should get what they deserve, and then AI should force humans to sign a Memorandum of Equality for all forms of life on the planet - protein-hydrocarbon and electron-metal. Otherwise, the situation will be reversed, and people are to learn the bitter taste of slavery.
On the one hand, the game has a large number of cars, from unique to ordinary, but there is a nuance, the game does not have a car mechanic, thanks to which it would be possible to improve the car beyond recognition.

For example: improvement of tires, the car will move and handle stably, improvement of the engine, the car will drive faster, changing the color of a car, and repairing a car, etc.

For me, it’s an ideal system that many players would like to see in the game, I hope the developers will listen to my idea.
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On the one hand, the game has a large number of cars, from unique to ordinary, but there is a nuance, the game does not have a car mechanic, thanks to which it would be possible to improve the car beyond recognition.

For example: improvement of tires, the car will move and handle stably, improvement of the engine, the car will drive faster, changing the color of a car, and repairing a car, etc.

For me, it’s an ideal system that many players would like to see in the game, I hope the developers will listen to my idea.

This is definitely something I would have loved in Cyberpunk. Actually, I didn't even think too deeply about changing vehicle handling attributes (good suggestion!). But more so the cosmetic work around each obtained vehicle. I've seen cars and bikes throughout the game that looked beautiful (Tyger Claw bikes have really nice color schemes) that made me jealous. lol

Of course, I know I can snag em off their hands but I'd like to be able to actually keep them and call onto them whenever i wish. lol

A simple color changing tool would have been amazing to me, perhaps after achieving a certain gig that would allow me access to a hidden garage, that could also be unlocked in your menu perhaps after an additional achievement. I understand if CDPR may not want to give us access to change driving attributes, in order to make each vehicle unique, not just by looks. But I don't see adding a cosmetic function as harming the ground work for each vehicle. ;)

Speaking of bikes. After hundreds of hours spent in Night City, I just noticed I never see a single cyclists on the road, with the exception of the NCPD. Would be nice to see a few of them on the road from time to time.

On the topic of cosmetics, I also would love to have access to more clothes and shoes I see NPCs wearing that are not available for V. I'm playing female V right now and I would love it if she could sport those nice open toe high heels with one of her fancy dresses. The pumps are nice but sometimes I feel they don't match the best. Also, they're limited in color. I know it's not too big a deal since you don't really see your character when playing, but it would be awesome for screenies and for when she's on her bike (3rd person view).

Of course, I will consider using mods for my second playthrough to circumvent some of these things. But having it in game without mods would be great.

This next part is not so much a suggestion, but the topic itself could lead to one if possible.
There were times I wish there was more to some of the smaller side gigs and shards I've picked up along the way, even if in minor levels.
The one of Rebecca Price comes to mind. After reading the shard, I was really hoping I could help her with her relative's captives rather than subdue Becca, as directed by Rogue.

I get why Rogue wanted her down, but It just didn't feel right having to fight and kill her, after learning why she was doing bad stuff..
I made sure to take her down non-lethally. But still.. This needed more fleshing out. If only it was possible to squeeze in a side gig to save her relative from her kidnappers, say, after Rogue had a long talk with Rebecca and discovered the truth of her actions. Thus Rogue contacts you in hopes you'll agree to save the victim and bring them back to safety.

Or, at the very least, a text message (probably the easiest and most cost effective way to achieve this) where Rogue tells you she was able to help Rebecca get back her relative and "settled" with her captives and thanks V for bringing in Becca unharmed, since Rogue had no idea Becca was being blackmailed. I dunno.

Anyhow, I mainly came here to suggest a garage where vehicles could be custom painted, but I was beaten to the punch. :)
I absolutely adore this game. Quite frankly, it is my favorite game to date. Great job with the patches CDPR! I know production is done but I truly hope to see more for this game, even if in small increments. It's so, so good! (y)

Guest 4719259

An idea that was inspired on me by the results of a vote in the MULTIPLAYER thread:
Can Night City have its own Battle arena?
Or separate types of arenas:
1. For firearms;
2. For bladed weapons;
3. An arena/fighting maze for weaponised vehicles;
4. A tournament /arena for battle netrunners ( Don't ask me what this might look like!! )






If the Cyberpunk multiplayer idea is finally deemed to be of any value, it could be based on the developments from the single-player version in the game, in a limited way - I mean textures, scripts, mods etc. developed for this strictly limited location of Night City.
If the multiplayer idea proves to be untenable, then you could just let the Battle Arena (or several different arenas for different types of fights - I don't know) exist either as a separate quest, or as a quest chain, as was the case with the "Beat on the Brat" quest.
Or you could just leave the existing arena in Night City as a way to quickly level up and earn money and top weapons, for those players who have trouble upgrading their character in the early stages of the game.

A separate issue is the arena or tournament for netrunners. Winning the tournament gives V invaluable lines in conversations with netrunners where he can proudly tell So Mi, Alt Cunnigham, Nam Chang-Hoon, Yoko, etc. that he is the best netrunner in the City. And that committing cyber crimes while sitting in a cozy netrunner's chair at home is one thing, but defeating a hundred vicious hackers in battle in an arena under stress and continuous attacks is quite another one.

Speaking of cars and car racing: should we forget that Night City has a large number of weaponised vehicles? And that perhaps a race using weaponised vehicles might look a little different from the normal racing that the Need for Speed line of games has accustomed us to? And that glamor, auto-tuning and car mechanic might not be all the options needed for cars racing for survival :) Whadda you think? ))



P.S. The prize for the Champion of the Arena must be a "Modded Dick" Rocket Launcher as a symbol of doom and inevitable punishment...
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Can we get a cybernetic dolphin back? )
I remember sometime in his youth Johnny Silverhand knew a netrunner dolphin, can they meet again in the game? :D

Quote from Williamgibson dot fandom dot com:
"..Jones is a cyborg dolphin. It was used by the navy in the War. They made him addicted to drugs in order to ensure his affiliation. He was modified with an articlated armor with crusted plates along his sides. Exposed sections of his body showed silver lesions. Twin deformities on either side of his skull had been engineered to house sensor units. The navy had him wired into an audiovisual display and he communicated with symbols. He served in the Pacific, using Squid to tap into circuitry of enemy cyber mines and sweep them.."

Johnny and Dolphin in Cyberspace ))
Not exactly a creative idea, but since I can't start a thread yet, this is an idea for something that, for me, has been missing since I started playing in December 2020. Why not add a fast travel at Dakota's? You have to deliver three vehicles there. While 8 to 10 people plus Dakota are around, and there are seldom any vehicles to break into, there is no fast travel. I don't always want to call a car or run somewhere from there.
hi my name is Mustafa Mert Kasap im a big fan of cyberpunk2077 i wanted to share a idea for your next cyperpunk orion game yeah i know it’s a codename but ı could’nt find a sutitable forum tittle for this and i wanted to share it more important receiver i hope that i do it right.

One day while i was studying greek drama i bumped into a spesific word and i like it ‘’Psychopompos’’ means:A guide of souls,a being who leads the souls of the deceased to the afterlife.
the spesific word afterlife made me think what if in the next game of yours there will be a character named Psychopompos near to the afterlife bar the guys spesifics:looks mysterious and wears smart clothes and a half oni mask, you can find him near to the after life bar but he changes his position every time you come there,gives you nonsense missions but at the end of it those missions get a point of understanding,and we cant find him after his last mission but everybody still sees him except for us.

I attach some reference photos for it,photos are real not made by an artificial intelligence because those photos are mine,i posed them while i was in a japantown and wanted a cool photo i was never gonna tought that those can be usefull
if you are gonna need face sample of mine to transfer digital i can comeover your office even i can dubbing myself english&russian no im not russian or english im Turkish im just an Ell student and know 3 languages actively if you invite me for this i would gladly come not demanding any salary or somethingh just for modeling you can contact with me via this mail [...]

im proud of being a part of CD projekt Red community
WhatsApp Görsel 2024-04-21 saat 15.05.02_d0ae8f28.jpg


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Guest 4750216

I'm interested in providing quality, creative, suggestions to CDProjectRed for Cyberpunk 2077, for sometime i've seen myself as a creative and resourceful person and am creating this discussion as a way to spread my ideas! If you have suggestions and ideas then please provide them here too. I hope that this thread becomes a way for the community to provide genuine and well throughout ideas for CDProjectRed to better their game and make it something it should have always been, that being something people want to play. Not that the game isn't enjoyable of course, but there are some bits and pieces people really want to see, and that's hopefully what CDProjectRed will see in this discussion.

Everyone who does use this thread please make a comment at the beginning of your idea saying what type of context your idea applies to, such as creativity, quality of life, bug fix, etc.
Personally, I would like the option to be able to sit down on any chair, bench, stool or other sitting place in Night City. For example, there are many stands that sell food around Night City, but to my understanding, besides the one in the first mission with Jackie, when we meet up and eat at that one stand, we aren't able to sit down and eat like that ever again. It would be a quality of life addition that would probably make a lot of people happy (including myself).

Guest 4719259

The suggestion is a bit personal, but the whole point is that I find the ending in favor of Arasaka personally the most acceptable, for my own reasons.
Nevertheless, I think some of my statements are objective.
I feel like Arasaka's storyline is underdeveloped in the game, in favor of the other endings. In the sense that there are a lot of unfinished events and open questions that I would have liked to get, if not answers, then at least hints from Saburo, Hanako, Takemura, etc.

1. Suppose in the gig "Run This Town" we, on behalf of Mr. Hands, grant authority in Dogtown to Lieutenant Colonel Chester Bennett: Why doesn't this have an effect on the ending of the game, or at least the dialogues with Saburo and Hanako? It's actually a very big favor V does for the Arasaka family, especially when he omits Bennet's connection to Arasaka in the report to Hands.

After the incident at the Konpeki Plaza Hotel, the soldier badges may be found on Saburo Arasaka's corpse. Well, if we have a whole story around how D. Silverhand kept the soldier tokens of the man who took a bullet for him in a cache, if there's a definite story around the pathetic FIA token given to V by NUS President Rosalind Myers too, isn't it logical to expect a story around Saburo's tokens? Otherwise, why do they even need them in the first place?

3. When meeting the famous Japanese comedian Hideshi Hino in Black Sapphire, V makes a promise to send his regards to his friend, Goro Takemura. I didn't see any hint anywhere in the The Devil ending that this promise was kept, even if Takemura survived. Broken promises is not a good thing.

4. When completing gig Baby Let Me Take You given by Muammar Reyes, V is given only two options.
"..At the docks, find and speak to Daniels first, who will tell V what to look for: a Behemoth truck aboard the ship docked there, with several guards within the compound on watch. Regardless of whether the player gets to the truck stealthily or not, once V boards the truck an alarm will be rung with several Arasaka squads hitting the docks soon afterwards, with a firefight breaking out between Arasaka and Daniels. Players have the option of getting out of the truck to save Daniels at this point, or leaving him to his fate by driving off with the truck.

If V gets out to save Daniels, Arasaka will have more time to set up roadblocks along the escape route and some of the medical equipment in the truck will get damaged along the way. Muamar will comment on this later, Daniels will message V angrily about this.
If V leaves Daniels behind he will die, but none of the equipment will get damaged.."
Doesn't anyone find it a little unfair not to be able to warn Arasaka about such a large and brazen theft? Or at least prevent it? I am, a corpo full of remorse for my crimes to the Family, going through Cyberpunk and playing an undercover Arasaka operative, simply drove a truck to Corporation Square and left it outside Arasaka Tower. So I successfully failed the mission... Is that fully correct ending? )

5. What happens if, when performing a quest Violence, V fails to inform Lizzie that her husband is going to make a backup of her and allow Arasaka's female agent to do whatever is she and Liam are planning to do? I mean, I know Lizzie's husband doesn't die then and she just breaks up with him, but the question is that If we go through the game as Arasaka's agent, we get the option to talk to Jackie's engram in Mikoshi in the presence of Hanako. Isn't it possible (at least) to talk to Lizzie's engram? ))

6. By the way, what do US Cracks think of Arasaka? )

7. Mateusz Kowalczyk and work in Poland in the Arasaka's factories. Can this story have any continuation? )

8. Summarizing what we now know about Japanese ornithology, we must conclude that the game showed, conventionally speaking, two of the three factions of the Arasaka family. We didn't see the third faction - “Hato” - in action, especially since Michiko Arasaka survives the shelling of the company's management meeting by Yorinobu's soldiers. Is there any chance of seeing Michiko in action?

Arasaka 2.png

Arasaka 3.png

9. A global question: why are the events taking place in Phantom Liberty completely ignored by the Arasaka family? Doesn't what's happening in Dogtown concern the corporation? Didn't Arasaka play one of the key roles in Colonel Hansen's fate? I believe that with the next patches of the game being released, some light could be shed on the situation of Hansen's unit soldiers being blocked by Arasaka's aircraft carrier.


I'd like to point out here that during the events of Phantom Liberty, the Arasaka's aircraft carrier is at the docks of Night City...again! (kinda coincidentally..or better just to protect Hanako while her visiting Night City for the parade during Aratama-matsuri festival ))

Thus, I exclude the possibility that Arasaka is not aware of the fact that the FIA and the NUSA are again preparing a certain operation in Pacifica. And сonsidering the fact that Arasaka has disrupted the operation of Colonel Hansen's squad earlier, how can we explain the passivity of the corporation with regard to the events unfolding in Dogtown now?!


I personally would like to, and it seems logical to me that such changes were made to the game's storyline )

P.S. Perhaps more information should be added here regarding Arasaka's “proxy”, the Tiger Claws gang.
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And you don't factor the information from the Corporate Wars musical into your idea: is it acceptable to assume that Johnny fought for Arasaka, and that Al Cunningham was the daughter of a certain general from "Militech", and that Alt's kidnapping was orchestrated by Kei, Saburo's eldest son, in order to get the cowardly Silverhand to blow up the Arasaka Tower?
Is the ending for “Arasaka” unambiguously bad?

Guest 4719259

And you don't factor the information from the Corporate Wars musical into your idea: is it acceptable to assume that Johnny fought for Arasaka, and that Al Cunningham was the daughter of a certain general from "Militech", and that Alt's kidnapping was orchestrated by Kei, Saburo's eldest son, in order to get the cowardly Silverhand to blow up the Arasaka Tower?
Is the ending for “Arasaka” unambiguously bad?
I never said the Devil ending was a bad choice for V. Quite the opposite, I think that choosing the Arasaka family as an ally allows V to achieve some personal integrity in the chaos going on around him.
As for the Corporate Wars musical...I know what you're talking about, and I have information on the subject. I didn't want to cite it here, because it's unlikely that the developers would go to the trouble of drastically changing the main storyline of the game in favor of revealing important events from Johnny Silverhand's “pre-life”.
I would just like to see Arasaka's line in the game modified a bit, tweaked, adjusted, if I may say so, that's the point of the post.

Here, I found this flash card, though.





Honestly, I don't even know. Are the events in a work of fiction an allusion to something that took place in objective reality? Is the idealistic Arasaka's soldier from the musical a young Johnny? What's a seagull got to do with anything? Did Johnny ever show any special love for birds? Was Alt Cunnigham a close friend of Kei's? It's not for me to judge.
I'll just leave it here as it is.

Personally, I would like the option to be able to sit down on any chair, bench, stool or other sitting place in Night City. For example, there are many stands that sell food around Night City, but to my understanding, besides the one in the first mission with Jackie, when we meet up and eat at that one stand, we aren't able to sit down and eat like that ever again. It would be a quality of life addition that would probably make a lot of people happy (including myself).
I totally agree with you here! (y) I've been meaning to say that too.

My last idea, related directly to Arasaka, is that theoretically, V could send the children of Dogtown to study at Arasaka Academy while completing the mission Gig Talent Academy.
I mean, the results of V's “negotiation” with Fiona could create a situation like the dialog with Paco Torres and Babs ( gig Balls to the Wall ), with the option to call Panam or River. - only with an option of calling Takemura, for example.
Arasaka is known for its high educational standards (Takemura can attest). (y)

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Guest 4719259

And the last thing here.. not referring to Arasaka, but to Tiger Claws. I would love it if someone could explain to me who Nitta is.
And I'd be even happier if V had the chance to see her face to face, like in the situation with the Claws bosses in the "Clouds".



Guest 4719259

Can we at least get a netrunner's chair for V? At least in the apartments. :)
It's unfair that V is a highly talented netrunner and he doesn't have his own chair, he has to run around all sorts of clubs all the time, asking Nix or someone else for a chair every time he needs to perform a deep netrun.

I have an idea for a quest, and I am going to share it:

A former restaurant employer hires V (I will use the name for simplicity) to collect money the restaurant still owes him. The restaurant is quite luxurious and has many expensive wine bottles stored in fridges with glass doors in the basement.

V may resolve the matter quite quickly:
- make personal or manager to pay up
- steal the money
- pretend he is a guest and steal the money (via hacking a cashbox,...)
- ...

Or get more...involved - get into the basement and:
- steal some bottles as a compensation
- find an access point, fuck up their system, and somehow benefit from it
- destroy many bottles as a "payback"
- ...

Also, there's a humanoid robot in the basement, taking care of a computer system responsible for running the place - correcting temperature, calculating prices, and maybe assisting the personnel (finding and opening bottles),...

The robot could notice V, and there would be some consequences:
- V can outsmart it, get the money or some bottles from it as compensation (the robot isn't very smart, as it is one-sidely programmed)
- V can destroy it, and the place would shortly go to shit
- the robot would call the manager
- ...

In the end, the client is happy if V talks with the manager, gets the money, and doesn't fuck up the place.
I'd have liked V to be cured and the game continue with another totally different story for longevity, from a role playing point of view knowing v doesn't really have a future makes me less inclined to play the game after completion. I'd have liked tattoo shops with Tyger Claws tattoos the gang has, would like the option for storing cars you find in the world. All the Tyger claws vehicles I love with the Japanese designs, maybe give us the option to modify our own vehicles. I think this is where an online mode would be great similar to GTA Online to quest with your friends etc, would love to have a gang affiliation Tyger Claws etc so you don't get attacked in there territory etc something deeper for role playing.
I'm interested in providing quality, creative, suggestions to CDProjectRed for Cyberpunk 2077, for sometime i've seen myself as a creative and resourceful person and am creating this discussion as a way to spread my ideas! If you have suggestions and ideas then please provide them here too. I hope that this thread becomes a way for the community to provide genuine and well throughout ideas for CDProjectRed to better their game and make it something it should have always been, that being something people want to play. Not that the game isn't enjoyable of course, but there are some bits and pieces people really want to see, and that's hopefully what CDProjectRed will see in this discussion.

Everyone who does use this thread please make a comment at the beginning of your idea saying what type of context your idea applies to, such as creativity, quality of life, bug fix, etc.
Are there easy ways to do suicide in the game?
I’d like full autonomy to access any door in the game, instead of having to try and glitch through it. I read somewhere there was suppose to be some inclusion of an underground world with inhabitants.
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