Cyberware and roles

Cyberware and roles

In the Cyberpunk table top game 2 unforgettable things were shopping around for Cyberware and Role playing

Because of this I have questions...

1) Will Cyberpunk 2077 have a long list of Cybernetic upgrades we can give ourselves? Even the useless ones like a sub dermal watch? or light tattoos?

2) Will we still be able to toy around with occupations? Back in the day I played a Nomad and eventually a Corporate. I loved playing the role of a grizzled motorcycle rider. And even playing as a Millionaire businessman (Because on night vigilant work I was strung up with the nick name "Batman" by my friends)
First, only the barest bits of information have been revelead as to what will be in the game, or even what it will look and play like. Stickied to the top of this forum section is a thread titles Known Features.

Second, there is another stickied thread called the Forum Guide, which lists all the most relevant threads of discussion, including discussions of cyber, and roles.

So to answer your question:

1. No one really knows, presumably there will be options, the extent of them is unknown, but in the guide thread there is a link to a thread discussing cybernetics and what people want to appear in the game.

2. again, no one knows yet, in the guide thread there are SEVERAL threads discussing roles, their descriptions, how they could be handled, should or shouldn't they be included, and whether any should be dropped.

In the future, please look at the stickied threads at the top, so as not to clutter the forum with unnecessary and redundant threads.

Hope I was of some help.
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