Daily Quests Improvements

Be able to mulligan daily quests

Every so often, a daily quest may come along that you are unable/unwilling to do. May I suggest taking a page out of hearthstone's book and be able to mulligan 1 quest every 24 hrs?

Guest 4205021

make it so you can delete or change quests.

i play monster faction exclusively so the two quest i got now are pretty useless - win 3 matches as skellige and milfgaard. what happens when i get another one for northern realms? 3 quests that i wont and cant finish even if i wanted because i only have monster and neutral cards, 25 total. i keep milling to perfect my deck.
Another instance when mulligan a quest is important. Today i got a ''Win 3 games in ranked'' quest. For me at the end of the season i like to play casual. But its not a problem ill finish it , a problem is for starters that need lev 10 to play ranked (if its still restricted).
Another option would be to give quests a duration, like 3 days since you get 1 per day and have 3 slots. This means that if you don't complete a quest in 3 days it would expire and you won't lose out on new quests because your "quest log" is full.
Remove Mutually Exclusive Daily Quests

Firstly I would like to praise CDPR on introducing nice and generous mechanic to help out new players and provide additional challenge and motivation for all.

There are some suggestions I would like to offer in regards to variety of quests.

I know other games do it too, but maybe you could try to avoid having two win x matches with faction quests the same day, because it is time consuming and you can't combine them, so most players playing only tier 1 or 2 dailies can't fit them both in.

Example play 5 casual matches, win a match without a silver spy and win 3 Radovid matches. Maybe make rewards compound to further encourage quest combination and full completion, say one quest 30 two 70 three 120 ore.

Again, great thinking hoping for more variety and compatibility in-between quests
Tales;n10089171 said:
You don't need to complete them both on the same day.

Well you don't have to do anything, but daily quest system in all CCGs and of course in Gwent is made that way so players would be incentivized to complete them all.

Further more, daily quest system is primarily aimed at casual players, the ones who would get the most added motivation (easy rewards and lack of attachment to pure ladder grinding) to do them and the ones who don't play passed Tier 1 or 2 dailies, so it makes sense to ensure they will be able to consistently complete the quests in that playtime frame.

Can we decline or change dayle quests?

Got 3 quests on factions I don't plaing
See no reason to finish them
Want to change or decline it to clear the list

How to do it?
Change daily quest requirements from win x (round) to win 2x turn

I've posted about this in another thread, but it really belongs here. The current system is good for pro ladder grinders, who have competitive decks in every faction and play every faction regularly, those who play more than 1 tier/day, and the ones who have a reasonably big collection of cards. As someone who plays 1 tier a day, I find it impossible to complete the daily quests within 3-5 played rounds each day, and I think I'm not the definition of the "casual player" (playing 1 tier almost every day, ranking to 19 each season). I have to play a lot more to complete quests, and it is extremely difficult to win with factions I've never played with. Furthermore, it incentivizes netdecking even more, as casual is full of competitive decks. CDPR already changed the daily 4 tier system requirements from winning x matches to winning 2x rounds, and it was beneficial to all the casual players (in fact all players), why change that? I know that it is not mandatory to complete each daily quest, but the main issue is that the current system tries to widen the gap between pro and casual players, and it goes against the higher tier/lesser amount of rewards principle which does the opposite. Let casuals also have the opportunity to get some extra kegs without grinding, not just heavy grinders who are maybe already sitting on 30k+ scraps and/or a complete collection!
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I couldn't agree more and in fact came on here to make this exact same topic. One of the most inspired design decisions Gwent made at the outset of open beta was to have the daily reward tied to winning rounds rather than matches. It cannot be understated how much more friendly this makes the game to new players and more casual players or just people who want to have fun experimenting with wild nonsense. It took Hearthstone WAY too long to make this improvement by starting to add quests that didn't require you to win to complete them, and I hope Gwent follows the same lead. I also love the idea of being able to "discover" a quest. Mulligans for quests would be nice, but it would be even better if they gave you a choice of two or three options. So if you feel like playing a certain faction, or just random stuff, you could select a quest that fits your mood for that day.

There's nothing more frustrating than playing games like this and feeling like you're making no progress unless you are winning matches. A well designed quest system (like the existing daily reward system) could go so far in helping to retain and attract new players with the promise of rewards and progression just for playing, learning, and having fun.

Some possible quest options I'd like to see:

Play X cards specific to Y faction
Win X rounds as Y faction
Play X units of Y tag
Deal X damage to enemy units
Boost your units by X points
Create X cards that did not begin in your deck

There are tons of possibilities, but I think this would be a good start. It would give people incentive to try new factions and strategies without putting the onus on them to netdeck or play the most competitive established decks around.
epsilon828;n10128532 said:
I couldn't agree more and in fact came on here to make this exact same topic. One of the most inspired design decisions Gwent made at the outset of open beta was to have the daily reward tied to winning rounds rather than matches. It cannot be understated how much more friendly this makes the game to new players and more casual players or just people who want to have fun experimenting with wild nonsense. It took Hearthstone WAY too long to make this improvement by starting to add quests that didn't require you to win to complete them, and I hope Gwent follows the same lead. I also love the idea of being able to "discover" a quest. Mulligans for quests would be nice, but it would be even better if they gave you a choice of two or three options. So if you feel like playing a certain faction, or just random stuff, you could select a quest that fits your mood for that day.

There's nothing more frustrating than playing games like this and feeling like you're making no progress unless you are winning matches. A well designed quest system (like the existing daily reward system) could go so far in helping to retain and attract new players with the promise of rewards and progression just for playing, learning, and having fun.

Some possible quest options I'd like to see:

Play X cards specific to Y faction
Win X rounds as Y faction
Play X units of Y tag
Deal X damage to enemy units
Boost your units by X points
Create X cards that did not begin in your deck

There are tons of possibilities, but I think this would be a good start. It would give people incentive to try new factions and strategies without putting the onus on them to netdeck or play the most competitive established decks around.

I agree.
I furthermore like your suggested quest types. I think that they encourage creative deckbuilding/play and would be quite fun to complete.

Generally, I don't think that players need to be motivated by quests to try to win games. I'm convinced that almost everyone that plays a PvP game prefers to win. Winning is it's own reward, in a way, and on top of this both the daily reward tiers and the ranking system further incentivizes winning. Instead of using the quest system to add a fourth (and unneseccary?) incentive for trying to win games, it could be used to add more varied objectives and spice up the game.
Ljusrost;n10128672 said:
I agree.
I furthermore like your suggested quest types. I think that they encourage creative deckbuilding/play and would be quite fun to complete.

Generally, I don't think that players need to be motivated by quests to try to win games. I'm convinced that almost everyone that plays a PvP game prefers to win. Winning is it's own reward, in a way, and on top of this both the daily reward tiers and the ranking system further incentivizes winning. Instead of using the quest system to add a fourth (and unneseccary?) incentive for trying to win games, it could be used to add more varied objectives and spice up the game.

That's a great point that I forgot to mention; it's absolutely true that there's no need to provide further incentive to win, because the very nature of a CCG already does that. What people often do need is an incentive to try new things, because in a game that rewards winning above all else, then everyone ends up feeling like they have to play one of the strongest established decks rather than feeling the freedom to mess around and just try something fun and different for a while. I can't tell you how much my Hearthstone experience improved once I started getting quests like "Play 50 class cards" or "Play 25 Deathrattle minions", because I would just go and make my own silly deck and have fun without worrying about winning every game. I really hope Gwent follows that philosophy when designing the quest system as well.
Daily Quests Improvements

Multiple suggestions have been made across different threads for ways to improve the daily quests, some of those are lost in the void due to not gaining enough traction. I wanted to unite them, making it easier to see all the suggestions, and rekindle the discussion because the daily quests are now an important part of Gwent. However, there is still room for improvement. Feel free to add your own suggestions.

Suggestions made so far:
  • Being able to mulligan daily quests (this should have already been implemented)
  • When an opponent forfeits/disconnects during the first round, it should still register towards the win x matches quest.
  • Change the daily quest requirements from win x matches to win 2x rounds (like how the daily tiers where changed back in closed beta)
  • Remove mutually exclusive daily quests (e.g. when you have a quest 'win with faction x', you cannot get 'win with faction y', but you can get 'play x cards')
  • Make quests more diverse and more rewarding (examples here)
  • Increase the number of quest slots to 5
  • Adaptive quests (adapt quests to the player's behavior as explained here)
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Oh, sweet bajeebus, yes to basically all of this. I'm currently stuck with 3 quests I will be unlikely to achieve any time soon: win 3-5 matches with ST, SK and NR. Because I'm only around lvl 25 (I forget my exact level), my current card pool is somewhat limited so I just focused on NG and play a variety of deck types from them (spies, reveal, swarm and my current favourite, slaves). Anything that isn't NG has mostly just got the beginner golds and silvers, so trying to build a good deck with anything is a challenge, it's made especially harder by the fact that even if I make myself something like a budget ST dwarf deck or something, even on casual I'm still paired up with people of similar MMR at around rank 18-20 andfacing against well formed deck. My noob decks never stand a chance of winning, and it's just not worth the hours of frustration for the sake of 40-60ore. Side note: I'm not saying the dailies aren't rewarding enough, 40 ore is fine if you're just playing and happen to achieve it, but 40 ore sucks if you have to make entirely new decks and WIN to achieve it.

Things I'd like to see is a change from "win with faction" to something more versatile like people are already mentioning like "damage x amount of units" "strengthen x amount of cards" "play x amount of alchemy cards" "play a deck with no more than 2 of each bronze". I mean there's SO MANY possibilities beyond "win" and it'd keep it fun and interesting and still tempt people to try other decks without forcing them to WIN with a faction they never play. I wouldn't mind playing and losing with my newbie ST deck if the loss was still adding towards achieving a daily. Winning 5 rounds with a noob deck is achievable, winning 5 matches with it is not xD

I also think being able to mulligan one quest away every 24 hrs is essential. Having 3 quests that you can't (or don't want) to achieve just sucks. I think just one a day is fair, that way it'll still take you at least 3 days to get rid of every quest and in the meantime will have new ones to try.
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Bondonkadonk;n10146492 said:
Oh, sweet bajeebus, yes to basically all of this. I'm currently stuck with 3 quests I will be unlikely to achieve any time soon: win 3-5 matches with ST, SK and NR. Because I'm only around lvl 25 (I forget my exact level), my current card pool is somewhat limited so I just focused on NG and play a variety of deck types from them (spies, reveal, swarm and my current favourite, slaves). Anything that isn't NG has mostly just got the beginner golds and silvers, so trying to build a good deck with anything is a challenge, it's made especially harder by the fact that even if I make myself something like a budget ST dwarf deck or something, even on casual I'm still paired up with people of similar MMR at around rank 18-20 andfacing against well formed deck. My noob decks never stand a chance of winning, and it's just not worth the hours of frustration for the sake of 40-60ore. Side note: I'm not saying the dailies aren't rewarding enough, 40 ore is fine if you're just playing and happen to achieve it, but 40 ore sucks if you have to make entirely new decks and WIN to achieve it.

Things I'd like to see is a change from "win with faction" to something more versatile like people are already mentioning like "damage x amount of units" "strengthen x amount of cards" "play x amount of alchemy cards" "play a deck with no more than 2 of each bronze". I mean there's SO MANY possibilities beyond "win" and it'd keep it fun and interesting and still tempt people to try other decks without forcing them to WIN with a faction they never play. I wouldn't mind playing and losing with my newbie ST deck if the loss was still adding towards achieving a daily. Winning 5 rounds with a noob deck is achievable, winning 5 matches with it is not xD

I also think being able to mulligan one quest away every 24 hrs is essential. Having 3 quests that you can't (or don't want) to achieve just sucks. I think just one a day is fair, that way it'll still take you at least 3 days to get rid of every quest and in the meantime will have new ones to try.

Absolutely right. And it's worth pointing out that even whales or people who've been grinding long enough to get a large collection don't want to be forced to win with factions that they either don't like or are particularly weak in the current meta. I certainly don't lack for cards myself but I hate having to just netdeck some top tier list to complete quests. I would love quests that would encourage oddball deckbuilding strategies or off-color synergies because I could play them just for fun while still getting something for my time.

But you're right that newer players are particularly hurt by these types of quests, and it's for the sake of their retention that CDPR should strongly veer in the direction of easily achievable quests rather than the tryhard ones. I understand that every piece of ore they give out as quest or daily rewards has some effect on the amount of real money that flows into the game, and it's the latter that keep the lights on and the servers up. But I highly doubt frustating newer players with difficult quests that cannot be mulliganed is any better for the long-term health of the game.
People. Idea of quests is to get people out of their comfort zones and to try different decks. What sense would it make to allow you to switch your quests to only one faction if you don't like your given quest. It doesn't take much to win a few matches with a faction you don't use unless you've milled all your other factions to build one up
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