Do you think it's really free?

CDPR say this is a free open world game, but there are so many things that are limited.
Sexual orientation and options,
buildings that can get inside,
interactions with extras and romance characters,
battles in front of the police,
The ability to create something or use it Odds and Ends,
Many types of shops with only the ability to buy and sell Odds and Ends,
V doesn't need to sleep but A house where i can do nothing but sleep,
V always has his newest Braindance machine but can never be used..
Do you think it's really free?

I want to "LIVE" in a sexy city. It's not just taking pictures and walking around.
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I find it to be super open/free, but it requires you to do more than the main story quests.
- There are sexually aligned romance options for every type of V. Yes some won't prefer the gender you chose but thats the same in real life.
-True, there are lots of buildings you can't enter but it was unrealistic to look at any footage and think you would be able to enter everything. That being said there are open building off the beaten path that are not used in quests and have mini environmentally told stories with better loot than most quest rewards.
-There is quite a bit more than is normal for romance interaction in this game than compared to others. You get quests, you can call them to have "special conversations". They give you special loot instead of "perks" and you can really feel the relationship when it comes to the endings of the game.
-Sure police don't interfere with quest battles, but shoot a normie, or if in range of a cop shoot any gang member who isn't hostile and they will rip you a new one.
-I'm not sure what you mean by "create something and use it". There is crafting in the game.
-Shops sell everything in the game pretty much and the selection changes based on your character level and street cred level.
-The houses (there are multiple) are pretty dull but little trophies of quests you've completed are added as you play and you can fill up the stash wall.
-Your braindance rig comes into play a few times in side missions I don't know how far along you are in the game...
I paid $60 for mine.
I find it to be super open/free, but it requires you to do more than the main story quests.
- There are sexually aligned romance options for every type of V. Yes some won't prefer the gender you chose but thats the same in real life.
-True, there are lots of buildings you can't enter but it was unrealistic to look at any footage and think you would be able to enter everything. That being said there are open building off the beaten path that are not used in quests and have mini environmentally told stories with better loot than most quest rewards.
-There is quite a bit more than is normal for romance interaction in this game than compared to others. You get quests, you can call them to have "special conversations". They give you special loot instead of "perks" and you can really feel the relationship when it comes to the endings of the game.
-Sure police don't interfere with quest battles, but shoot a normie, or if in range of a cop shoot any gang member who isn't hostile and they will rip you a new one.
-I'm not sure what you mean by "create something and use it". There is crafting in the game.
-Shops sell everything in the game pretty much and the selection changes based on your character level and street cred level.
-The houses (there are multiple) are pretty dull but little trophies of quests you've completed are added as you play and you can fill up the stash wall.
-Your braindance rig comes into play a few times in side missions I don't know how far along you are in the game...

- There are sexually aligned romance options for every type of V. Yes some won't prefer the gender you chose but thats the same in real life.
:(yeah. There is only one option for one character. How do you think it's free? is this just story game?

-True, there are lots of buildings you can't enter but it was unrealistic to look at any footage and think you would be able to enter everything. That being said there are open building off the beaten path that are not used in quests and have mini

:( I want that kind of unrealistic element. Why do you think it's unrealistic? For example, in Battleground, you can access all buildings even though it is just a game of shooting.

-There is quite a bit more than is normal for romance interaction in this game than compared to others. You get quests, you can call them to have "special conversations". They give you special loot instead of "perks" and you can really feel the relationship when it comes to the endings of the game.

:(yeah, so What about after the story is over? Again, is this just a story game?

-Sure police don't interfere with quest battles, but shoot a normie, or if in range of a cop shoot any gang member who isn't hostile and they will rip you a new one.

:(Yes, you can only attack "the enemies they set up". Does that set you free? I am not at all.

-I'm not sure what you mean by "create something and use it". There is crafting in the game.
:(Everything except weapons and food is just garbage. I want to make something out of them or use them directly.

-Shops sell everything in the game pretty much and the selection changes based on your character level and street cred level.
:( Already my street credit is Max. I'm not just talking about buying weapons or clothes.
The numerous shops on the street all have their own image.
But there are only two possible things in it
1.Buy the clothes or weapons they sell (or buy trash)
2.Sell my weapons or clothes (or sell trash)
All those stores are just those two options.

well.. What about the adult goods shop?
Similarly, you have two options.
Buy the trash they have, sell the trash I have.. lol
So, what about braindance or doll club??
Similarly, you have two options.
Buy the trash they have, sell the trash I have.. lol Oops my mistake! They don't even treat you as a guest there! Hope you enjoyed it! WTH? lol

-The houses (there are multiple) are pretty dull but little trophies of quests you've completed are added as you play and you can fill up the stash wall.
:(Yes.... it.......... has so many features :shrug: It's so fun that I fall asleep

-Your braindance rig comes into play a few times in side missions I don't know how far along you are in the game...

:(Yes works......... TOO a lot lol.:shrug:
Did I ask you about it?

Overall, none of your logic helps.
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Overall, none of your logic helps.

Because you don't seem to under stand what an RPG is ... YES an RPG is just a story game... None of your replies make any kind of sense... You are comparing the game to garbage Battle Royal games with 10% of the content fidelity of this game. You don't seem to comprehend that they made NPCs have their own preferences and aren't just there to be sex dolls on demand... Like what do you expect shops to do besides buy and sell things that is the literal definition of shops...
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i paid 35 euro ... but it's running like they have to pay me for playing it... disgusted

Sorry to hear that choom I've got 120+ flawless hours of play in on PC (minus a few visual glitches and some bugs that don't affect gameplay). So it's well worth the eddies to me.
Because you don't seem to under stand what an RPG is ... YES an RPG is just a story game... None of your replies make any kind of sense... You are comparing the game to garbage Battle Royal games with 10% of the content fidelity of this game. You don't seem to comprehend that they made NPCs have their own preferences and aren't just there to be your sex dolls on demand... Like what do you expect shops to do besides buy and sell things that is the literal definition of shops...
i don't seem to under stand what an RPG is? okay.. than you don't understand what is mean open world :shrug:
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What do you mean by open understand this isn't the first open world game.. It means you can go anywhere and do things in any order you want.... GTA, Red Dead, Assassin's Creed, etc... are open world games and this games has more content than either and the content is more interesting... So I don't know what you mean... I think what you wanted was a life sim game... perhaps you should try Second Life...
so to sum up , i have a 5950x + radeon 6800xt everything up to date , no oc nothing... the game runs not even 15 fps whatever the resolution , whatever the in game option i set ... 1 weeks ago I had a radeon VII oc : the game was running "fine", near 60 fps in 1440p medium...(on ultra with fidelity cas)
when I hear some people speaking about intentional sabotage to sell nvidia gpu , i start to believe it now, too much coincidences (rtx , reviewers only speaking about nvidia and dlss, etc... game is dxr = directx nothing to do with rtx)........ i just downgraded to 1.03 again to see if something was different, but nope same 15 fps ... fortunately i bought assassin creed vahalla , this one running 70fps (4k maxed out)... playing AS .. oh so CD project edit my post to remove things I say about them , "due to kindness and respect to others" ... but I don't disrespect anyone else than YOU CD PROJECT YOU DISRESPECT ME don't expect anything else as a response to your lies and stealing
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What do you mean by open understand this isn't the first open world game.. It means you can go anywhere and do things in any order you want.... GTA, Red Dead, Assassin's Creed, etc... are open world games and this games has more content than either and the content is more interesting... So I don't know what you mean... I think what you wanted was a life sim game... perhaps you should try Second Life...
Should I be satisfied that there is no difference from the previously released game? That's so sad
Surely this game is not very different from the game launched in 2015
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Should I be satisfied that there is no difference from the previously released game? That's so sad
Surely this game is not very different from the game launched in 2015

actually, It is not that there is no difference, it is rather insufficient.
My issue with the game is the lack of stuff to do. The "open world" is dead and lifeless. There's no minigames, no distractions, no customization, no AI, nothing to make the world interesting. Sure, it's pretty, but it's like looking at a postcard. You can look, but there's nothing to touch.

There's a billion of the exact same mission, the "go here, kill/stealth enemies, take/hack item". Which are mindnumbing and boring. Not to mention pathetically easily. And sadly most of the story missions are the same, they might have some more dialogue and stuff to them, but they're generally just the same stuff over and over.
Once in a while you might get a companion for the mission. And there is the odd one that's a little more interesting and dialogue based. And some of the missions that COULD be interesting, are ruined by the stupid quest markers pointing to everything that's needed. Like the Peralez mission, that could have been cool with investigations and such, but you're just dragged by the nose from one "clue" to the next, so there's absolutely no value to it.

I mean look at something like LA Noir. In that game, it's up to the player to look around and examine clues and figure out what's important and what's not. And that's EPIC!!! The missions in that game are insanely fun, because there's depth to them. The player gets to DO SOMETHING, not just follow the glowing breadcrumbs. And then you get to interrogate people with actual questions. Cyberpunk's conversation options are practically non-existent most of the time. I mean it's sad that we've gone from games like Baldur's Gate or Torment where you have a dozen conversation options, to the "console interface" of having 4 choices set to 4 buttons, to Cyberpunk, where we're lucky if we get more than two options on what to say.

But back to the "open world"... it needs stuff to do. For one, restaurants and bars need to be places you can sit down and eat/drink and converse with the bartender/waiter, and maybe random NPC's. There needs to be side activities to do, like gambling, racing, various other minigames. Vendors need to be EVERYWHERE. All those random stall with "vendors" at them should actually be vendors. You should have items sold in various places, with different areas having their own specialties.
The AI needs to actually WORK. NPC's should react, like in a game like GTA or Sleeping Dogs or such. Cars should be able to drive and avoid things and people should get out of their cars to react to things. COPS especially need to be massively reworked so they actually patrol and react. Not just spawn on top of you, which is pathetic.

The factions should have had a MASSIVE influence on the game. Working with factions should have affected their influence in areas. So the more you help them out, the more you see their presence on the street, and you'd see clashes between the gangs. And you'd get more missions from each as their power grows.

This game is pathetically bare bones. It's like they built an engine, they spent all the rest of the time and money on hiring Keanu and paying for all the easter eggs they put in.
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