Fake papers/Unique card from Kingfisher

Fake papers/Unique card from Kingfisher

Since everyone is pouring out the crazy amount of bugs in patch 1.07, I'll make sure that my two first glaring issues are also known:

1. Fake papers bug still fails even though I don't tell him his brother in law died.
2. The 'Beat Inkeepers' mission is bugged. I completed it way back and now it has been reopened. I proceded to crush the innkepper at kingfisher but I gained no card and the mission remains open.
Instead of having the marker set on the inn keeper, it is a giant circle indicating that I can find the card somewhere in the area.

---------- Updated at 06:59 PM ----------

Ok, mods please delete or lock this thread. It seems my stupidity got the best of me this time.
1. I just bought the papers full price and the quest ended, without any notification though. I tried buying it several times after using axii, but I guess that's where the issue lies.
If you just buy it full price you won't fail the mission.

2. I don't know if it was always like this, but the card I needed was in the room to the side of the bartender. Either I forgot it was there or it has been changed.
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