I completely agree with this topic's subject, the game is unballanced beyond belief.
Basically, as Johny described, the problem is on both sides.
They have to tune down both the player and enemy's damage because at the moment, the entire game's balance makes no sense (snipers, for example, kill you in one shot through walls and without warning because the laser seems completely bugged and don't appear half of the time).
Another enemy type that's broken are the minigun weilders. They don't one shot you but they take off 1/3 of your health per bullet (sometimes even half)...Which is awkward, considering they shoot about 5 bullets per second.
It's fixable but there's a lot to be done.
The player part being, by far, the most difficult since they sprayed Crit chance and Crit damage everywhere. Attributes, Perks, Cyberwares, Weapons...They have to look into everything and reduce the numbers so that a single player can't get beyond 30% Crit chance and say 200% Crit damage (have to be tested to find the sweet spot).
To be completely honest, I would, personally, remove the RNG when it stand to Critical hit. You hit a weak point, such as the heart or the head, Crit, otherwise it should just be normal damage.
Crit chance only make sense in games like Dark souls where targetting a specific part of an enemy's body is complicated or downright impossible.
They also have to control damage inflation throughout the game. I sometimes find weapons that does 3 or sometimes 4 times the damage of other weapons of the same level for roughly the same stats which should simply not happen.
Then there's the hacking problem which goes even deeper since hacking may be even more broken than shooting/meleeing...
Ballancing enemies is easier. Just lower their damage (and fix the bugs for Snipers, so their laser appear properly).
There's also some very poor design decisions that needs to be looked into, imo.
For example, why on earth, did they have to put explosives everywhere (and why vehicles blowup so easily), it makes it a pain in the butt to just move around and causes some extremely cheap death because it's humanly impossible to make sure that you're not standing next to one at any given time (I don't understand the upgrades that reduce explosion damage, btw, considering it's one shot whether I have resistance or not...Am I less dead when I'm protected?).
It's way too busted to be fixed in future patches. I don't think they put much effort into balancing the game difficulty and system to be honest.
It's sad to say but I think you may be right.
It's fixable but I don't see CDPR putting that much work into something that's not a bug, essentially.