Gwent freezing when opponent uses Leader Ability, and other glitches.

So I play against the barber(the tourney grounds one) every time I get a cut, and at the last round he always uses Crach's leader ability to shuffle all cards back to the deck.
Most of the time, this leads to the Gwent game being frozen(as the leader card won't return back to its side), forcing me to forfeit the game, and lose all the money I bet.

There is also a minor glitch while on a boat, when turning the camera around to look at the starboard, Geralt turns the boats handle as if he's going left, while he is going straight.

The second doesn't annoy me that much, but the first definitely needs a fix.
Strange. Number 1 doesn't appear to be a typical PS4 issue. You could try to reinstall the game. Another option would be rebuilding the PS4 database. There are a few websites online explaining how that works. An almost full hard drive can also cause issues with games sometimes. And make sure you have the latest PS4 update.

In general, I wouldn't expect new updates any time soon, since the game has been out there for quite some time now.
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