looking for some translations

Hello there.

I made and I'm still working on it every other day. I'm currently in the process of updating a few things and replacing old code.
Since this is a one man army project it will always take a while.

My translation is relying heavily on Gwent itself. I'm using the games localization files to offer translations of various things such as my search filter. However doing that also has its limits. With the search now having options to search in Name/Ability/Category some are currently not translated.

I'm looking for the following languages:

de (de-DE), es (es-ES), mx (es-MX), fr (fr-FR), it (it-IT), jp (ja-JP),
kr (ko-KR), pl (pl-PL), pt (pt-BR), ru (ru-RU), cn (zh-CN)

I found 'name' and 'provision' in the localization files I just checked so I can add those.

Here are some things you can help me with:
Where =>
Ability =>
Category =>
Token =>
Quiz =>

Card Database =>
Extras =>
Seasonal modes =>
Prestige rewards =>
Random Cards =>
About =>

en => de
Card Database => Karten Datenbank
Where => Wo
en => de

Where => Wo
Ability => Fähigkeit
Category => Kategorie
Token => Marke/Marken (the second is the plural, given that the english version is singular and plural at the same time)

Card Database => Karten Datenbank

Seasonal modes => Saisonaler Modus (unsure about this one, as I could not find that specific term ingame, so I just translated it with the ingame conventions and using Season => Saison)

Random Cards => Zufällige Karten

I hope that helps at the very least a bit.
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