Hanse Base won't grey out?

Hanse Base won't grey out?

I think I have cleared the northern most Hanse Base. There were millions of bandits and hounds that I killed and I think I looted everything. Still won't grey out. Am I missing something?

There is also other Hanse Base near Fox Hollow which isn't greyed out, but I think I haven't searched that one out properly yet.
Think it's just a time delay bug (I'm on ps4). The base did not grey out for me once I cleared it .....

did you climb up to the top and kill the leader, he is slightly bigger and swings a hammer?

.....but even after that, it did not grey out. Then after wondering around the area for some time, the screen went black for about a 30 seconds (thought I was having a crash or something) then it concluded
soldiers arrive
.....and then it greyed out.
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I'm pretty sure I killed everyone in both bases. I'm on PS4 too. I thought I'm missing some red glowing chest or something, but maybe I'll just have to wait?
I'm pretty sure I killed everyone in both bases. I'm on PS4 too. I thought I'm missing some red glowing chest or something, but maybe I'll just have to wait?

The leader is a mini boss battle, so he even has a boss life gauge, if you can´t remember killing him, better climb up and look for him, hes on the highest spot of the base and he is usually not accompanied by anyone, so it´s quite easy to miss him.
Thanks for the tips! I'll try to look him tomorrow :)

Edit: Tried it already. I had completely missed those ladders and I still had troubles about finding them :D Now I killed the leader and it greyed out! :)
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Glad I found this thread because I'm having the same problem - the first time I arrived at that Hanse base in the North, I had to kill I don't know how many bandits and hounds, then extinguished the fire so they couldn't call for more help, looted the red chest for I think GM feline diagrams and was on my way again because Geralt was already carrying too much weight. Later, I returned and voilá - lots and lots of bandits again, the fire burning again. So I went through the process of killing them all again, looted everything this time but still the base won't grey out. So I'm guessing that I'll have to go back one more time, find the leader and kill him... and before that, kill lots and lots of bandits again :)
@Jehane :

Each of the 3 Hanse bases has a leader in a separate room. You also will get a cutscene notification when you're really done cleaning up the base (that happens after the leader is dead and when you leave his room.)

But it is nice to know that they respawn so eagerly if the leader isn't killed, for all the gamers interested in farming some more of those swords to get even more money. ;)
Yeah, they do, they also light the fire so even more bandits come pouring in. I just went back there to grab the loot I couldn't carry before - the loot was gone but the bandits had respawned :) Good to know that every Hanse base has a leader that needs to be killed and also that the game notifies me when I'm done. The second time around, I found fighting those guys was actually fun; I have that arrow deflection rune on my armour so the archers do no harm at all. Also, I use Quen a lot, make Geralt take the Ekhidna decoction and use Iris. Oh, and I throw in some Northern Wind just because I can :D Managed to kill them off with barely taking a scratch myself *hehe*
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