Help needed for mod

Help needed for mod

Hello, all designers out there,I'm a beginner in modding and I don't have the programms that are needed to make landscapes for the D'jinni. (If I would have them, I would not be able to handle them, 'cause I'm really untalented with such things).Therefor I need a little help from you, if you have fun (and time) on making these things.This is what I need:- a snowy or icy passway through the mountains with 3-5 cave entrances (mountainpass between Aedd Gynvael and Hengfors)- a little town (like Vizima but not so big), with fields around it (Hengfors, and maybe Blaviken)- a deep forest, snowy and with an scarry hut in it- a peninsula with seacoast and a lighthouse (Gulf of Praxeda, lighthouse between Blaviken and Roggeven)- a lighthouse interiorFurther I need a few animations for special characters and the characters for these animations ;DThese model sources aren't really defined at this time, but I have a good idea how it should look.If you are interested on helping me making this mod, please post here or email me.So, thanks and: Volunteers to the front ;)
Huuhuuh, anybody out there ?Come on, there must be someone who has 3D Max and can handle it... There also must be someone who has fun of making such things.You don't have to shame yourself, if your work doesn't look like the places in the game.I'd like to build a modding team in the near future and there are some people needed, there are BEGINNERS needed for this team, so give yourself a push and try it out.I know you can do it.
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