How did you find out about The Witcher game?

Iit was at while downloading the Hellgate demo (late I know. No idea how it got missed for so long). I accidentally hit a button while not paying attention and found myself on a page with some screenshots on. Next stop, Gamespots content, then IGN's (which was far more helpful) then to here, then to to buy.Not very interesting really, sorry :p
Followed the game since 2004, waited till some progress was seen. I would say I saw an ad in cgames magazine and became interested.
I read about the game some years ago in a german PC games magazine and followed the news ever since. To be honest, I was somewhat sceptical at first but shortly after buying the game on Friday, installing it and watching the great intro, all scepticism vanished.
A magazine i read had a preview of The Witcher about a year ago, so i started to look for it... It amused me from the first site!
I found the TW via gamespot and found it to be a game worth looking into foud the forum and been here ever since ;)
I'm pretty sure I read about it on either Bluesnews or Gametab, shortly after the game was actually announced -- where I read most of my news.What first took my eye was that it was going to be made on some incarnation of the Aurora Engine.And well, my curiosity sprung from there...
I was surfing through IGN one day and was like, "the Witcher? wth is this crap" looked at it and kinda got a bit intrested....the rest is history.
I read bits and pieces about the game here and there, and basically thought: great another hack n slash RPG (pun intended)Then I got a mail from Bioware stating the Witcher was recommended by them. And since they won't be releasing Dragon Age for another 2 years or so, I picked up the game.And this game made me finally upgrade my computer...
Well over where I am, in the netherlands there are lots and lots of gaming communities, and although many of the coverage goes to games with the likes of for example Mass Effect, and other commercially "hyped" big games, one day a news item was posted about this game. The item showed only 5 screenshots, and gave some small details on the story. That little teaser made me very curious, and eventually I came on this webpage, and after that I was truly convinced. The rest of it is as skripture aleady stated before me, history ;)
4 years ago when I was member of forum ( now it is dead), I found there some info about this game. Now I´m on this forum for quite some time :p, waiting for the game
I stumbled onto it at GameSpot, about four or five months back. Its pretty nice learning about cool new games late in the development process. It'd be rough waiting for a game like TW for years and years.
I know it from my game magazin PCAction. They brought trailers, news since it was told there would be "The Witcher"
I read about it 4 years ago on Adrzej Sapkowski's official website (Sapkowski is the author of the books the game is based on).
I guess it was in 2003.... in some Polish game magazin. Which one - don't remember. But I do remember seeing one or two locations from the game and the information about the main hero - in that time not Geralt. Thank God they changed it ;)
Actually, I preferred it that way. Geralt brought back to life with amnesia sounds like an awfully cliched plot.
We (Poles) know who Geralt is and what means the title "Witcher". But you have to consider what to do with the majority of people who aren't so lucky to read the stories. I think the amnesia was a good way to bring closer the whole world and characters.
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