if you could pick 1 leader, hero and character card what would it be?

if you could pick 1 leader, hero and character card what would it be?

I was wondering what people would choose if cdpr allowed us to pick 1 leader, hero and character card of our choosing at the begining of the game. Obviously many cards haven't been revealed but as of right now this would be my list:

Faction : Scoia'tael
Leader: Brouver Hoog
Hero: Aglaïs
Character: Ocvist
Faction : Monster
Leader: Dagon (obviously)
Hero: Imlerith
Character : Ice Giant

Better take advantage of that sweet Biting Frost buff for the Wild Hunt cards.
Faction : Monster
Leader: Dagon (I'm fan of Witcher 1)
Hero: Bloody Baron
Character : Ocvist
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