Invite your friends to GWENT and earn rewards together!


All you need to do is share your unique invite link with a friend – when they reach a milestone while playing the game, so will you, and you’ll both earn a reward! Kegs, Reward Points, Arena Tickets and Legendary Premium Cards are up for grabs!

Learn more about the Invite a Friend program here.
Too late.
Did you mean you already invited all your friends? If they are new, request them to create a new account using your link. Otherwise, you may have to send it more distant friends with hope that they start and like it.
"Your friends will only be able to sign up using your link if they never played GWENT before. "

Thats is pure stupidity right there CDPR, all my friends alredy tried Gwent when it was in Beta, nearly all of them gave it up when HC was launched, and now I can't even use this invite program to try to get them to give the game another try? WTF were you thinking?

You need to get rid of this requirement ASAP and allow people to use the invite incentives by simply linking up with other friends on their friend list, even when they already tried Gwent before.

When you are trying to get people to give Gwent another try after the HC 'brilliance' how can you make such a boneheaded move as to not allow existing players that still stick with your game to use this program to get their old Gwent friends to give the game another try after the failed HC update that you are still fixing up and still lacks key features like seasonal trees, reward trees, trinket descriptions, etc...
This is a good idea. I'd love to see it extended to include players who have not played since Homecoming's release. Any of the people I know who might be interested in the new Gwent already tried the game in the CB or OB.
I have some friends that already have played Gwent a little, and some that have not but do have Galaxy. When I give them the referral link, the only thing they can do it download the client (which they already have and already have signed up)! So how can they use my referral?
Those are actually sweet rewards. I like the fact that you can get the best rewards if your friends stick with the game for long, this will reduce the amount of smurfs that will inevitably be made with this kind of event.

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Forum veteran
Sorry CDPR, already been trying to make all my online friends try Gwent for the past 2 years, there's no one left.

On the plus side (for me), i really dont need any of those things you're giving, and im afraid i never will again.
What about us people who don't have any friends? Because our wives won't let us hang around them anymore :'(

Is this considered to be discrimination from CDPR? or is it no ball/whipped syndrome from my end?

P.s. i'm joking.................., i have one friend.
What about us people who don't have any friends? Because our wives won't let us hang around them anymore :'(
This made my day! :p:p:p
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Hello @Dominika how exactly is recruit code supposed to be used to link with people, who have their GOG account already registered, GOG Galaxy already installed, but never played Gwent, so I am recruiting them to try it?
This needs to be answered.:rolleyes:
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