Judy's character is all over the place in terms of emotions during the course of the Evelyn questline but it's understandable knowing what she goes through and I wouldn't call her needy or whiny because of that. She want's justice where none can be had which fuels her actions and reactions and if you pay attention to the details you can actually learn a lot about her (granted, the devs also put some obvious hints in her appartment ).
Let's take this from her perspective.
Judy has a relatively stable job that pays well, gives her access to new technology and leaves her with enough free time to let her pursue her hobbies. She could very well spend the rest of her life in repeat mode where she goes to work on some virtus and goes back to to tend to her art and craft. Maybe she takes some days off to go on a retreat in the desert or to do some diving just to escape the pressure of the city and sink her sorrow after the most recent break-up. She has little to no ambition in life and just want's to have someone close that would spare a shoulder for her to rest her head on. A bit of real mutual love and respect.
Anyway, the city, she is tired of it, the noise, the light, the people... It's no wonder that she dives. That dark and silent space is like a protective shell where she can cleanse her body and mind. Plus, the place she likes to dive in used to be her hometown. The amount of memories there, I'm sure she looks back fondly especially when thinking about her grand parents.
We learn about this naturally during the events of the game.
Then shit hit's the fan and her world is turned upside down.
In short, her friend Evelyn comes up with a plan to earn some cash and help from Netwatch that will supposedly get them both out of this shitty and boring life. But in the end instead, Evelyn's brain is fried and her body abused in unspeakable ways leaving Judy (as anyone in her position I would assume) to get enraged towards the people who enabled it and took advantage of it as well as towards the system that wouldn't even lift a finger to send an ambulance when needed.
As a player, I pretty much understood what and why she was going through. The pity, the rage, the helplessness, the sorrow. I found the Evelyn quest-line to be the most emotionally charged. I wished there were more options to stay at Judy's apartment or to provide help and support to Evelyn. I didn't really care about the romance at first but i went on with it if only to comfort her, yet, the diving sequence made my V fall in love. but even without it, I just wanted to be there for her as a friend. Which is a f-ing big compliment for the devs who wrote her character.
Yes, we have a broken chip killing us right now but pressing on about it in each conversation can be seen as whiny and needy as well. More-so if you do that instead of helping out a friend in distress. We've been going on for week's at this point and we're still alive with a minor case of J.S so I'd go as far as to say it shows more about the V complaining or maybe that's the Johnny getting comfortable in V's head.