List of announced improvements of patch 2.0 and Phantom Liberty

I'm confused then: "There will be some content, but for the most part, it is a spy thriller,” Anetaki said. “V’s attention is in Dogtown because there is this whole thing about saving yourself through the storyline, but there will be some content like that. The developers were hesitant to get into specifics to avoid spoilers, but Sasko compared the DLC’s new romancing to The Witcher 3’s Hearts of Stone expansion [I think the author meant Blood & Wine], which unlocked additional dialogue with characters like Yennefer after it was completed. So we have included some connections in places where it made sense between the main game and expansion, but I don’t wanna go into detail,” Sasko said. “We tried to make it good. This is always our idea, you know, to just like, take care of the players that [enjoy those relationships].” Unless if Sasko is straight up lying, maybe Marcin meant no new romances? Which would make sense.

There will be new romantic moments with love interests from the basegame, but none of the new sidequests with new characters will lead to a relationship.

That's how I read all this anyway.
Yeah if we get any new dialogue/content from the 4 characters at all, it’ll probably only be tied to the new ending of the base game this expansion will add.
They might be adding a date night as a vocal minority(possibly large, but still minority) have hounded CDPR for this since day one. If they do that then they would need to have that for the new characters - don't make them a romance, problem solved. And there's the whole high-stakes spy thriller story that doesn't lend itself to a long term relationship.
They might be adding a date night as a vocal minority(possibly large, but still minority) have hounded CDPR for this since day one. If they do that then they would need to have that for the new characters - don't make them a romance, problem solved. And there's the whole high-stakes spy thriller story that doesn't lend itself to a long term relationship.
Well whatever we do or don’t get on that front, I’m still buying and playing the shit outta the expansion. But seeing that club or casino looking place in the trailer, how cool would it be to bring Judy or Panam there?
They might be adding a date night as a vocal minority(possibly large, but still minority) have hounded CDPR for this since day one. If they do that then they would need to have that for the new characters - don't make them a romance, problem solved. And there's the whole high-stakes spy thriller story that doesn't lend itself to a long term relationship.

Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine's "romances" both seem rather ideal for this type of expansion/theme.

We'll see though. The way they are talking it is heavy on the action and craziness - light on the smoochies.
Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine's "romances" both seem rather ideal for this type of expansion/theme.

We'll see though. The way they are talking it is heavy on the action and craziness - light on the smoochies.
Yep, they're pretty close in nature. Some extended stuff for the basegame romances, as they've done before, and maybe a high-rise hotel rendezevous with a mark or perhaps you get marked and seduced.
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Well whatever we do or don’t get on that front, I’m still buying and playing the shit outta the expansion. But seeing that club or casino looking place in the trailer, how cool would it be to bring Judy or Panam there?
I'm close to buying it. I've said before the game they were selling is worth 100 dollars to me and from what I've heard this is damn close and even exceeds that expectation in some regards. I wanna see it though.
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Looking at the list of confirmed changes I feel like some of us (me included) owe the likes of Tyler Mcvicker am apology!

The only thing I haven't seen mentioned yet is gang reputation, any news on that?
I can be watching it in a loop for hours, how I like this!!! The modders have already played with the attack from vehicles. If this will be in the game in 3 months, I can't wait to enjoy it.

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Looking at the list of confirmed changes I feel like some of us (me included) owe the likes of Tyler Mcvicker am apology!

The only thing I haven't seen mentioned yet is gang reputation, any news on that?
I bet they have designed some kind of reputation-historical of our actions with the city's gangs. It was another of the great shortcomings of the game: turning the street and everything is forgiven
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Er, we know the release date. Unless you mean 1.7.
I think SigilFey means it could get delayed.
Yes, I am once again reminding people that what has been announced is not a "promise" that everything will be exactly as described in a single, press release months before the actual content is finalized. There is always the chance that some of the items discussed will need to be cut, scaled back, or that they'll be handled in ways that some players simply may not prefer.

CDPR has shared their plans for Phantom Liberty. While I get the feeling that the announced stuff is already pretty solid, there's no guarantee that everything will remain exactly as planned in the end. Nor is the release date 100% final with no possibility of delay. That doesn't exist.

The release date will be official when the game actually appears on marketplaces for sale. The content will be finalized on that same day.

(But yes, this will be a big update and content release. :cool: )
The release date will be official when the game actually appears on marketplaces for sale. The content will be finalized on that same day.

(But yes, this will be a big update and content release. :cool: )
You can pre-order now, by the way. I mean, it is on the marketplace. I can't imagine that with 4 months to go the game is going to look drastically different from the previews.
They are still evaluating which new features will be included in the patch and which in the expansion. It is possible that they can still add some more improvements that are not finished yet.

They can even make a date change for sales strategy reasons.

@SigilFey is right, it is still not 100% sure that we will play Phantom Liberty on September 26, although it is CDPR that has said so :beer:
if it get delayed this tour will be hilarious. Hype your own expansion to have to delay it would be epic

Which is why I think they announced the release date so close to launch. Yeah, I don't think they do this Tour if they don't feel confident in the release date.
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Have they said anything about being able to disable quests?
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