LOTR reference in the Witcher2


I hope there are also Lord of the Rings fans, here. Do you remember the Witcher 2? This is the Iorveth path. I also hope there is someone who has CDPR acquintances.

I've found a Lord of the Rings reference in Vergen when Saskia has been poisoned and Philippa, Iorveth and Geralt talk. Philippa mentions the twenty rings from the LOTR. The reaction from Iorveth and Geralt seemed a little bit mockery by their tones. (They translated well, I've checked it.)

'Iorveth: One to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them...
Geralt: Right, and then I'll have to run bare-footed to the top of a volcano...'
When Geralt said this sentence with the mocking tone in the video it seemed he made fun of Frodo Baggins what is not nice because Frodo suffered so much because of the Ring. I know he also wanted to joke Philippa but I think this joke should have been more subtle.
What Iorveth said about the Rings it's understandable because he's a bastard. I'd laugh at him because he underestimated the Power of the Ring.
You know, I wouldn't have said this kinda joke with this tone because I respect Frodo. But maybe I'm wrong. That's why I'm asking for your help. Was this joke OK by the CDPR?
Thank you for your answer!

Videos about the reference:

Polish 9:37- 9:50


P.S.: Someone said an interesting theory from someone who is not familiar with the game: "it sounded like the sarcastic tone wasn't about Frodo, but about how bad the idea is to use the One Ring to try to help you. "You try to use an all-powerful ring for your own purposes, then someone has to go destroy it before it destroys you" is the impression I got. I thought the reaction was a little similar to the way that some of the LOTR characters reacted to Boromir at the Council of Elrond when he wanted to use it. It would just be a really dangerous idea and Geralt thinks what happened to Frodo should make it obvious that they shouldn't use a "One Ring". "
It's a joke in reference to LOTR. I found it funny (and I'm a big fan of LOTR too). Another reference is a hint to Balrog in the mines of Vergen as well as Balin's journal found there.

There are also a couple of references in TW3 which paraphrase film version of Gandalf about Palantir:

In the Letter to Yennefer, Fringilla Vigo writes: "Forgive me for not answering your earlier attempt to reach me via megascope. I am trying to limit my magic communication to the absolute minimum. One never knows who's listening..." which could be paraphrasing Gandalf's remark to Saruman in The Lord of The Rings film, regarding the same danger of using a palantir (also a magical communication device). Keira Metz also makes a similar remark to Geralt, about avoiding contacting other sorceresses from the lodge: "I wanted [to contact them] many times. But I've no way of knowing who would answer - or who might be listening."
I was surprised to see that "Princess Bride" references made into numerous games, comics etc. Don't remember if they are in Witcher games too.
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