Men of The Witcher 2

Men of The Witcher 2

Today we're asking who is your favorite male character in the Enhanced Edition of The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings. Please be sure to explain your choice in the comments below and cast your vote in the special poll on our facebook page:)
Hardly surprising, my vote went for Cedric.

"Sleep, my prince... Be at peace."

Alright, trying to find that image, I just noticed I have 1,807 screenshots of TW2...
Well, my favorite is Geralt, obviously ;)
Both Iorveth and Roche are too extreme in their ways, while the monarchs are greedy bastards (i liked Foltest, though ^^).
He's a super adorable angry blue man, making me smile everytime he goes moody but when thing gets serious he turns into super awesome killing machine and some of the scene when some decision has to be made is super touchy [ohh the emotionnnn]

[Anyway, added Odrin and Dethmold LOL]
It's difficult, my favorite is of course Geralt, but then all dwarfs! Especially Zoltan, Yarpen or Sheldon Skaggs! Their wisecracks are awesome!!!
Except Geralt and Iorveth, due to obvious good reasons, I find myself choosing to Letho, although their muscles are a bit exaggerated (a croissantshapedman), the personage itself contains a special character. A worthy opponent to the figure of Geralt of Rivia.
Iorveth. Just such an awesome character... and that VOICE! Other than him? Geralt of course, but that doesn't count, so I'll go for Zoltan or Yarpen. I've said this so many times that I might get some sort of fine, but their cursing? BEST I'VE EVER HEARD!

"Out of the two evils, Loredo's the bigger prick"

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