My favourite game, now dead

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Netrunners are supposed to attack from the shadows, not go around melee-ing and shooting stuff. Netrunners are feared for a good reason.
This was all changed because everyone wants to play crappy cartoon characters instead of proper cyberpunk classes. edit
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I'm now at level 37, 47 street cred, and things just don't seem right. I have a 20 in intelligence and have the top 2 perks, giving me a queue of 4. But there's either something wrong with the level scaling or with netrunning in general.

Quick explanation, there seem to be two types of enemy, one I can queue Sonic Shock followed by Ignite and they fall over. The other the ram costs are so high I can barely manage to queue those two without Overclock, and their health means I need to throw in a third or fourth to finish them off once ram has come back.

So queuing anything beyond 2 is either pointless or impossible.

That said, I tried looking at the perk system and found some help to reduce ram costs to alleviate the problem, but these involve getting closer to the target or.. using monowire.

So it seems I'm being forced into a close combat role to get the best out of netrunning, despite netrunners being the type who sit in their chairs from afar. Looks like I'll need a rebuild of cyberware to make close combat more viable. Great. Might as well remove stealth while I'm at it.
I am level 42 and so far I have only had one or two fights where purely netrunning wasn't working very well. Possibly it's because, by your own admission, your tactic is to spam two quickhacks.
I am level 42 and so far I have only had one or two fights where purely netrunning wasn't working very well. Possibly it's because, by your own admission, your tactic is to spam two quickhacks.
Like I said, queuing more than 2 is either pointless as the mob is dead after that, or impossible because the ram costs are too high.

I've seen a few responses like this, ".. it's working for me, must be your fault.". Instead, how about giving a few pointers on what we're missing?
So, at around 15-20 hours into the game you can finally start playing stealthy... It used to be viable playstyle beginning to the end.
Imagine if Hitman or Deus Ex or Dishonored worked this way. :ROFLMAO:
I started playing stealthy from hour 1, and never had a problem. What was the problem that prevented you from being stealthy?
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Like I said, queuing more than 2 is either pointless as the mob is dead after that, or impossible because the ram costs are too high.

I've seen a few responses like this, ".. it's working for me, must be your fault.". Instead, how about giving a few pointers on what we're missing?
I don't think people responding this are trying to be rude, we just don't understand. Personally, I'm 50 hours into the game, I've started Phantom Liberty and only have Nocturne OP55N1 left in the main story, and I have yet to run into an enemy where I wasn't able to queue 4 quickhacks, with RAM left over even.

The highest cost I've seen for a quickhack was 24 ram, but that was earlier in my build. Now, even Tier 5 quickhacks such as synapse burnout and suicide never really go over 20. I have 33 base RAM, and most of my quickhacks have low cost (Around 6 RAM for Sonic Shock, 4 for Cyberware Malfunction, etc.) Most of the time, Sonic Shock + Synapse Burnout knocks out an enemy without alerting anyone else (If they were in an isolated spot, or if I baited them there using quickhacks). Otherwise, I sometimes like to start by stacking Cyberware Malfunction 4 times, which deals a lot of damage and permanently disables the enemy's cyberware. Sonic Shock+Synapse Burnout+Cyberwate malfunction+Short Circuit is also a viable combo with high damage, although it does leave me with no RAM left. And that's all without using Overclock.
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Guest 3847602

I started playing stealthy from hour 1, and never had a problem. What was the problem that prevented you from being stealthy?
I think everyone and their dog knows this by now, but in case it really needs repeating:
- no more suppressed revolvers
- (early game) suppressed pistols not one-shoting (low-level) enemies
- (early game) quckhacks not one-shoting (low-level) enemies
- reworked tracing mechanics

Disclaimer: My experience is based on two half-hour long playsessions where I've stared a new game first wanting to play as a silent assassin, then as a stealthy hacker and both attempts can be summarized as pure misery. I played on highest difficulty and I didn't savescum...
For all I know, both playstyles would eventually become more enjoyable, or at least tolerable. I will never know. :shrug:
I've seen more than enough evidence of 2.0 being designed to push players toward active combat, chaos and blowing shit up. I mean, those words literally sums up the new "intelligence" perk tree.
My experience with 2.0 so far is that it is not true. It is true that it takes a little longer until the corresponding skills and equipment are available. But this is basically not a problem. Fixer and NCPD orders ensure a fast progression. Once you have your stuff together, it's still relatively easy to move through the game via stealth mode.
I think everyone and their dog knows this by now, but in case it really needs repeating:
- no more suppressed revolvers
While I'm not sure why they removed this, and I think they could've easily left it in, I can't think of any other game that offers silenced revolvers. The idea doesn't make much sense to begin with.
- (early game) suppressed pistols not one-shoting (low-level) enemies
This is false. I have been one-shotting enemies since the very start of the game. As long as you're close enough, and it's a headshot, you should be able to one-shot enemies that don't have a skull over their health bar. Of course, you have to make sure to update your pistol and upgrade tiers as you're levelling so it keeps being able to one-shot.
- (early game) quckhacks not one-shoting (low-level) enemies
This is just common sense.. Why would you expect V, a low-level merc with virtually no netrunning experience, to immediately become an expert netrunner capable of killing enemies with just one quickhack? That would be completely non-sensical. With that said, you can still get rid of enemies while staying in stealth and using mostly, or even exclusively in some encounters, quickhacks.
- reworked tracing mechanics
Again, the tracing mechanic as it is now makes a lot more sense now, especially considering the lore of the game. It was a half-baked feature at launch, which kind of applies to all netrunning really. They clearly hadn't tested it much, and realized after launch that it was completely broken and needed to be changed. I am glad they did, I truly feel like an actualy stealth netrunner now instead of just being a god.
Disclaimer: My experience is based on two half-hour long playsessions where I've stared a new game first wanting to play as a silent assassin, then as a stealthy hacker and both attempts can be summarized as pure misery. I played on highest difficulty and I didn't savescum...
Did you always play as a netrunner? Because this might explain the problem. Netrunning was broken before 2.0, and playing as an advanced netrunner on very hard was the equivalent of playing easy on pretty much any other build. With the changes they have made, very hard is now, well, hard. If you're playing on the highest difficulty, then you should expect a challenge. If you want your character to be able to just walk up to an enemy, at the very start of the game, and one-shot them every time with a single bullet or a single quick hack, then I have news for you : You do not want to play the highest difficulty. When the game works that way, there is no sense of progression or difficulty, the game basically starts by being as easy as it can possibly be. For all I know, both playstyles would eventually become more enjoyable, or at least tolerable. I will never know. :shrug:
For all I know, both playstyles would eventually become more enjoyable, or at least tolerable. I will never know. :shrug:
I've seen more than enough evidence of 2.0 being designed to push players toward active combat, chaos and blowing shit up. I mean, those words literally sums up the new "intelligence" perk tree.
Those are my exact play styles, and they work from the start. If you need time to make it enjoyable, you're not doing it right. Personally, playing 2.0 for 50 hours now, I have not at any time been pushed towards active combat, chaos or blowing shit up. I can count on one hand the amount of times I've had a gig or an encounter descend into chaos (except scripted sequences in missions when it is designed that way).

Also, all of the perks I have selected in the "intelligence" perk tree were selected to improve my stealth build, which they did. I have seen at least as many stealth perks as combat perks in the tree.
"Quickhacks bad, lmao."
Early game, yes, very much so. You can't rely on them at all, need to supplement hacking with actual combat. Sucks to be a noob netrunner.
Late game, now that's a different pair of shit stained woolies. I actively try to get discovered by groups of enemies, even though i play on Very Hard, as a glass cannon netrunner. Why? Because when enemy netrunner starts hacking me, I burn through my RAM, pop Overclock, upload a single Synapse Burnout into the enemy netrunner's system, and he scorches himself and 80% of the entire group that was just running at me. Everybody goes horizontal after one hack. Magic. L2P, ayy lmao & good night.
I finally gave up on it, Netrunning is bad now, I really don't like what they've done. I switched to a Stealth/Pistol/Blade build and it's been frankly ridiculous, Blades are so overpowered in comparison. I rarely take out the pistol unless it's a stealth situation.

RIP Netrunning, there's a new favourite in town.
I'm really dissapointed in patch 2.0 as well. I never thought that CDPR would change the fundamentals of the game so much.

I agree that the netrunner build was a bit OP earlier but instead of fine tuning/balancing it CDPR just threw most of it out of the window.

Also since it is a single player game, why do you care if a certain build is a little OP??? If you do not like a certain build then do not play it, but let other people play it if they want to! Now CDPR took away the freedom and is forcing you to play in a certain way, therefore degrading the game to a cyber themed GTA clone. Where is the advertised, RGP like freedom of choice???

I have uninstalled the game and most probably won't buy a CDPR game in the future.
Idk, game is now harder and therefore more fun, previously hacking was so overpowered it was joke.

Irronically the changes seem to mirror the popular netrunning mods, e.g. enemy netrunners now using other hacks on you and your position getting revealed is straight from AI Netrunning Overhauled :)

This. I think the changes are good, other than maybe being a bit too streamlined by the loss of Breaching as a mechanic (which I've just made a post about).

Harder is good, and there's a reason the mods that CDPR have taken inspiration from were popular.
I have to agree with the people here complaining about how terrible the new netrunner feels. The game was great pre 2.0. I seriously played the game through at least 10 times. And each time I did the same build. A stealthy netrunner. Loved it, was really looking forward to PL

I created a new character for 2.0 and after two hours my patience had worn through.

But I found a fix, mods.
Any npc can trace me now? Gone.
Only viable quick hack is overheat? Fixed that by buffing them overall.

I don’t want to play the same two quick hacks over and over again. Shock, overheat. Again and again and again. So boring. Now I can mix it up because other hacks actually do damage now.

I loved game pre 2.0, now I would not recommend it without mods. It’s a shame I had to go in that direction to fix the combat.

If I wanted a harder game I would have adjusted it with the overall built in difficulty slider. I don’t care if other people found it easy.
... and its not stupid strong like fists...
Is it just me or are fists broken? I've been playing a stealth, pistol, blade build after resetting netrunner because it was awful. I was given a gig by Padre where he said to leave the Valentino's, he'd deal with them. So I put all weapons away and brought out the fists.

Previously my silenced pistol, when not in stealth, took a lot of shots to drop someone. So imagine my surprise when I punched my way through a whole gig and was dropping the enemies faster than ever. 3-5 punches and they were down. I don't even have any blunt skills and a Body of only 9 at level 51.

People complaining about Netrunner... try to make an LMG or AR build. Just did a netrunner playthrough and its not stupid strong like fists, blades or pistols but it is still very strong.
Embrace the sponge. I leveled with fenrir and psalm until I got into tech weapons, might still go back. Ricochet is still good especially when you are spazzing out in the air dashing all over the place. Well by good I mean it gets the job done, but it doesn't switch the power off on your enemies like hacking can obviously.
I’ll be 100% honest. I was a net runner build too, but I knew this was going to get nerf. Because even videos showcasing the build said it was a broken build, you can kill high level enemies without even trying at such a low level with the build, it was that broken. But know it’s kinda a good thing.

because I believe CDPR originally wanted the build to coincide with gunplay or melee play Vice-versa which is why the game lets you level up other perks after you max up a attribute but they knew it would be a while before they could perfect that.

so now the netrunner build is nerf and if you plan to use the build, you need to use it while balancing a weapon of choice. You Can no longer have just your cookies, you need to drink it with your milk or you get nothing at all.
Except that's not how they marketed the game or designed it. There were better ways to nerf it, but honestly, no reason at all to do so.

I work in the video game industry. I'm primarily a writer and char designer.
I would like to know the names of the people that designed and/or approved these changes so that if their resumes ever cross my desk or those of anyone at the companies I work with, none of us accidentally hire them.
I created a new character for 2.0 and after two hours my patience had worn through.
Wow, two whole hours, huh? ...

People complaining about Netrunner... try to make an LMG or AR build. Just did a netrunner playthrough and its not stupid strong like fists, blades or pistols but it is still very strong.

Out of all the whining and complaining I've see about 2.0, this is the only complaint that's actually valid. Stealth is fine. Netrunning is fine. Melee is fine. [...] THIS complaint, though, is definitely true, and I say this as someone who doesn't give a flying fuck about machine guns. They're crap now and anyone that liked using them has my sympathy.
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Wow, two whole hours, huh? ...


Yeah. I played the "new'" unmodded gameplay for 2 hours and determined it sucked. Just like many others here on these forums. What was I supposed to do, play it for 50 before understanding the obvious? ...

I played this game on the PS4 when it first came out (and yes, I continued to play it even when it was taken down from the PS store, I loved the game that much), then the PS5 then the PC.

I have finished this game at least 10 or so times. I know I have played each starting variations at least three-four times, and then I went back and built new characters to tweak things out.

I know what I like. The "new" 2.0 netrunner combat is not enjoyable. It was enjoyable to me in 1.63, and now it is very much not so. And I felt it right away. The only reason it took me even 2 hours was that I was so incredulous that they would make such a horrible combat change. ...
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