Named Blades, What to do?

Named Blades, What to do?

When you are running around picking up gear you will come over a lot of named blades that are pointless to equip(worse stats, dont fit your playstyle). Any point in keeping them around? Since you dont have an stash to put them in. I know that you should check with an blacksmith first to get out rare bars and materials from the blades. But other than that, is there like an recipie the requres an named blade(and in this case it wont be like, obvious that this is what its for)?

Just paranoid and cant keep my inventory full with stuff.
Apart from the witcher gear I just sell them since you get a lot of money for them.

Might look what you get for dismantling them first, though.
Yeah I got Addan Deith at level 11 and was very disappointed when I had to vendor it. I wish we had storage or a way to upgrade weapons. I'd rather just use Addan Deith for the entire game than have to upgrade to a new sword.
I usually keep some just so I have a back up weapon.. Other than that I sell them. I have a questions though, does the blue or green around a weapon mean anything??
Blue = magic item yellow/orange = epic/relic cant remember green and thus you get some really valluable items when you take them appart
What? witcher gear? didnt know that.. How can you upgrade them? only green item i have that i remember is the serpentine silver sword.
The Witcher 1 had small tooltips with a little amount of background information regarding special swords and such, it is a shame the Withcer 3 lacks them, it would create some emotional attachment between the player and some of the loot. Right now most people just trow and sell anything with lower stats...
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