Natural selection card question pls

Hi still limited to only being able to post here because I have fewer than 10 posts. There should be an exception, kind of like the game, that says the rule does not count if you are able to correctly use then and than in a sentence! :)
OK I know I can right click and see the "details" but I still don't quite understand the nuances of the game.
For the Natural Selection card It says "Damage an enemy unit by 4, then spawn a drone in a random allied row for each point of excess damage dealt." I have tried playing the card to figure it out but I never see anything besides the 4 damage.
So I got it with I point and an enemy unit gets zapped for minus 4, I understand the spawn a drone (I thunk) but then excess damage done to make it happen by who/whom and where? Missing that point.
OK new idea - how about a new card where you get a gold card if you are swinging clockwise a dead black cat over your head while your while your opponent is swinging a live feret counterclockwise? CD Pro REd contact me if you want me on your new card committee:)
Thanks in advance for answer(s)
If you hit a 3 power unit with it, it will spawn 1 drone, if you hit 2 power unit, will spawn 2 drones and on 1 power unit spawns 3 drones
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