Open PTR feedback

After making a few decks and playing a handful of matches I can post some pros and cons.. I've been here since the beginning anyway I'll leave some feedback

: first of all Sabbath I've and well.. My opponent plays Sabbath. I lock him, he then gets destroyed and a copy of him is created and then buffed with 5 point coin.. I pass.. He is now renewed and buffed and given immunity by leader.. Not a good introduction to the game.
: renew is op now as immune cards carry that tag after renewed, they can't be locked either.

: no faction identity, all factions feel the same
: card abilities not interesting or lore specific, like they randomly pulled abilities from a hat.
: handsize is a bummer and I dislike how if you don't play enough cards by round end your cards are drawn and banished.. Terrible... At least put them back in deck.
:card effects such as damage, lock, and destroyed cards are very very lame.
: cards feel meaningless when played
: when leaders are played I also have to play another card with my leader.
: more rng and less consistently in decks.
: not a fan of new deck building provision costs hurt deck building. Synergies are gone due to provisions. It takes more time adding up provisions than it does thinking of useful decks.
: games are very slow played and overly long. Cards drawn should be like old gwent.
: passing and card advantage feel meaningless now due to handsize
: less architypes
: passing after each play slows down the game.
: I thought the game was suppose to be gory and adult, it is not
: too much boosting, too much boosting.
: 5 point coin can not be played alone to win a round, not sure if a glitch or designed that way.
: so opponent dry passes I draw a card then my next 2 cards are banished due to hand limit. Opponent can now intentionally pass so my best cards get banished.

I know there are more. I'm hoping some rebalancing will occur. I understand current gwent would not survive. I'm still remaining optimistic as the cards look nice. The ptr was a shock to my system though
Let me add 2 bronze will not work. I could not even complete a basic skellife discard deck or a queens gaurd deck as there are not enough cards to make them work. I have to fill in the cracks with other useless cards. Why have beastmaster if there is only 1 / 2 wolves if I was lucky enough to draw them prior round or discard. Cards just don't have enough value / consistency. I tried 2 bronze gwent but this kills all archetypes. Skellife does not feel like skellge. We need to go back to 3 bronze so we can have actual faction specific decks. All decks feel like arena decks now and due to less variety will only be able to play a couple games before getting tired. Matches are far too long and take 20 plus minutes. Round 1 now means nothing and round 2 dry pass is common, for a full 10 card round 3..feels like arena. I have probably close to 2000 or more hours playing and have a knot in my stomach at this point. Actually thought of not buying throne breaker. I'm still with you guys as I'm one of your biggest supporters this is why I leave the feedback I am. Us hard-core players will quit. I don't play ccgs but gwent was an exception and special. Don't lose that chasing other ccgs market.
Just downladed Open PTR, but as I start the game I can't see any of the main menu "buttons" and graphics (apart from the corner small icons).

Also no cards are visible, neither in loading screens or in decks.

Anyone has similar problems?

I have the exact same problem
Should drummond warmonger in skellige be able to target immune artifacts? He just destroyed my tactical advantage.

I would like to see more cards that do other stuff than just buff or dmg (like spawn for example) or for them to do this in more creative way. I do not understand why remove my favourite mulligan/swap synergies from the game, especially that with the new mulligan you could make it really interesting, for example if you gave one of the leaders more mulligan charges and ability that they can use them during battle and then keep synergies with mulligan on cards themselves. I also do not understand why lower the number of cards that supports other archetypes like handbuff or discard. It makes a lot of card seem almost the same (boost this damage that etc). I have to say though that spell eithne with only unit ciri nova is really cool and it might be somewhat op as I had great winrates with her. Lost only when I did not draw her or she was locked and I did not have unlock.

Turn should end automatically and card shoudn`t hide in opponents turn.

I think the coin solution is fair. Although mostly due to the card limit and amount drawn between rounds. It is hard to get card advantage if you and opponent now when to pass. I am not sure that taking away the possibility of building your deck in a way that would grant the option to win the card advantage is cool. Maybe fair but not cool. The more i think about card limit the more I dislike it. It creates this safe zone down to 4 cards r1 and 7 r2 that rewards plays that otherwise would be terrible. For example if you won r1 you want to play 3 worst cards from your hand r2 and you will not lose card advantage. When it comes to the coin flip solution I do not think card limit inclusion is necessary . The problem in my opinion was that the person going 1st had to invest a lot r1, or they lost on equals which ment card less r3, but then even though they were going 2nd r3 which is an advantage they likely were out of powerful plays and bested anyway. Tactical advantage solves that, but if it is too great it may lead to auto win r1 by 1st player, or giving up a round when 2nd player has no way of catching up with reasonable amount of cards, which is just swinging advantage from 2nd player to the 1st one. To combat it I think it would be better if it was giving something like 3 points but if not spent r1 it gives you a 1 power unit at the start of r2 so that if you lost on equal cards the 2nd player cannot autopass. It would also give a player a choice rather than forcing him/her into one style of play. Alternatively instead of giving a player 1 power unit r2 it would be iteresting to make a loosing player start a round 2 and 3 instead of the winning one, while keeping tactical advantage low in points. Then if you spend resources and won r1 you can bleed 2nd player r2 but you will start r3 or if you give up r1 they can bleed you but they will start r3. I would not worry about giving up r1 not being an option because it should be easy keep enough points to force 2nd player to spend one more card r1. Also removing silver spies was not necessary, you can always make them give more points to opponent if they are being played too often.

I would add categories in deckbuilder such as traps, special cards, non unit, unit, artifact etc.

I would like to see the recruit cost of cards during battle so I can know how powerful a card was. For people who does not know all the cards (casuals / new players) it might be usefull to know how powerful cards thier opponent has used.

Some cards need better explanations on them: Woodland spirit should say it boosts to 10, now it seems like the unit is going to have its base power raised; incinerating and pitfall traps should specify that they work respectively after and before units deploy abilities trigger, shupe is missing tooltip altogether.

Many cards seem to be too bad, some of them due to requiring almost non existing synergies but many just by themselves, for example sage is just worse vrihedd officer despite having the same cost in provisions.

I must say that I am unhappy with keeping create in the game and some other random cards but they seem not to be all that good so it may not be a problem.

Many things should be more visible like: which cards you put already in the deck, whose turn it is and which abilities you can use, also icons on cards could be a little bigger.

The provisions restriction is really good idea.

I think that is all for now, thanks for reading.
Played the PTR for about 4 hours. It felt kind of weird at first since it felt very different from the current gwent and needed to get used to new mechanics like orders or clicking end turn after every turn. would forget to click end turn, or forget to use yennefer conjurer order since i was used to her doing it herself before. I eventually got used to that stuff and I believe these changes are good.

One card that stood out to me is Angouleme. I believe she shouldn't be an 11 provision card. Her ability is too risky. Not only do you have to have her survive 1 turn if you don't have a zeal ability, but if she manages to survive, her ability can do nothing. In all the games I played, I only manged to use her ability once. For her ability to work, the opponent needs to have an artifact card in his deck, and if he does, it cannot be in his hand. SO I think her ability should either be changed to spawn, or her provision count should be greatly lowered. 11 provision for a 90% change of just a 4 value card is too much. She also seems to be missing a picture when she is added in the deck list.

Oh, and also Adda has Filavandrel's taunts. Not sure if its a bug or if its just a place holder for now until adda's lines are finished.

also speaking about Adda, will there be a leader model viewer in the game? I havn't fought against another Adda and have no idea how the front of her model looks like since I can only see her back when I use her.

Just remembered one more. About lock. The tool tip said it could be used to flip over face down cards, but that doesnt work. Also seltkirk can use his ability on ranged, despite being listed as melee
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I may write something again, but when I dutifully tried to fill out one of the surveys that started this thread with the links, I just had to give up. I appreciate your desire for input on each card, but that is an awfully lot to fill out. And you should have had a text-based field in there where we could have expressed our faction-specific thoughts. I doubt if any of us has tried every card in a faction....even one that we like, so to make each line "required" in the survey was a bit much!

Anyway, I share many of the thoughts others have already had, but here are mine. specifically:

-Yes, the battlefield is a bit too dark. Ironically, given that you wanted to showcase the art on the cards, the darkness both on the battlefield and the cards somewhat detract from the cards even more.

-We need a strength counter for each row. Yes, I can add, but in the heat of the battle it can be cumbersome. I already blew a Geralt:Igni because I mistook the TOTAL count on the side for a row count...which I realize is dumb, but it can be easy to do. And you wonder why people want deck-trackers....

-One's own card hand is ridiculously hard to see. That MUST be improved. I realize you wanted to devote more screen space to the battlefield, but as people are trying to learn the game you have to make it easier to see what's in your hand!

-The new ORDER command can be really, really confusing! I know that some like it, but I find it frustrating to use and it really kills any likelihood I'm going to be running Northern Realms anytime soon, since that's the faction it's most often used in. And for us older folks, a reminder on the screen or something would help! I've totally wasted many an opportunity because I completely forgot one of my units was charged and ready to go.

-Some cards just need more directions or clarity. Perhaps this will come with the tutorial. I never could get Dimun Pirate Captain, for example, to go off properly.

-You MUST make the melee/ranged rows more obvious to prevent people from placing cards on the wrong rows. I don't know how, but perhaps a screen tip as one is about to place the card in the wrong row would help. It's one thing to place a card in the wrong row that will still do something, anyway; it's another if it's the only row you can place it in for its full effect.

-Imlerith (formerly Sabbath) is STILL over-powered, especially since anyone using him is bound to use him with Eredin Breaac Glas and give him immunity the instant he is played. This is NOT good.

-Speaker of over-powered, Usurper as a leader is ridiculous for that reason. I would personally recommend adjusting that to something a bit less....perhaps just one round instead of the entire game?? If you wind up playing against him as a leader that you really rely on constant, round-by-round interaction (Eithne, for example), it totally kills that game plan.

-If you decide to keep Usurper as is, a tool-tip or something on the screen explaining that your leader has been disabled would be recommended. A lot of folks (including me!) took awhile to figure that out on our own, wondering why our leader couldn't do anything, despite the green +4 (Eithne, again) beneath her. Just gray that out or gray out the whole leader...or something!

-Not a fan of the new music during battles. I miss the old music for each faction.

-Enough with the leaders grunting or emoting after each turn. Not needed.

-As others have commented, something must be done with the whole END TURN thing, especially in cases when it's not necessary, such as when the opponent has already passed. Matches are way too long.

-Am I missing something, or is it impossible to tell who won the coinflip until the game starts and you see who has that artifact on the board? Can't there be an easier way?

-WHERE on earth is the fact that certain leaders have certain mulligans printed? Did I miss that? I'm happy to admit if I did, but having to find it through trial-and-error/experience is not going to help you gain new gamers.

If we have to live with this--count me among those wondering why on earth you have been calling Gwent "beta" for 2 years and now we have a brand new game. I've not been playing it long; only 6 months or so in earnest, but I have found Gwent to be my weekend addiction to helping me forget about my lower back pain. The game has been wonderful. I realize it needed some sprucing up, but this is more than that. I can live with the new battlefield; I can live with the semi-darkened card art, but to change the game THIS much is a bit hard to swallow. I trust CDPR; they put out good games, and I know that things will be done that will help this game more, but I don't know why this much had to be done.

That said, I will continue to play it. I've invested too much time (and money...yes, I've purchased more kegs than I care to remember) to drop it now. I hope it will catch on with the new users that you are no doubt trying to cater to, but I'm getting doubtful.
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I build a nilf deck with morvran and cahir and played 2 games after i logged in after some time cahir was no longer in my deck and im still unable to add him to the deck
I really like the game. This is my feedback about the bugs..
Quick summary of the bugs I have found:
1. I had the same issue - one of my card from my deck dissapeared.
2. There are missing translations in the deck builder filters option.
3. Sometimes voices are not synchronous. For example time is clocking to rush me to play a card, then I do it and click Next round. I still hear the clock - even if it's my opponents turn.
4. Could be more optimal. Animated cards are lagging sometimes.
5. There is this weird noice which is occuring for a second from time to time when you play (instead of normal sounds). It's like old tv whithout the proper channel on it. It happens randomly. But you can be scared more than in horror games when you play on your headphones!
I'm having a weird bug where sometimes my in game audio transforms into really loud "white noise" for a few seconds, the audio resets back to normal after that. I never encountered this issue in previous builds of gwent or other games.
Lock is currently worded as:

"Disables and flips over face-down units."

There's no face down units in the ptr to test it on but:

Traps currently can't be locked, meaning if the opponent has both a face down unit and face down trap, you can scroll over them with a lock and see if it's a trap or a unit.
Overall the game just feels a lot slower, games last a lot longer and the majority of that time nothing is happening so it just feels like a chore to play and watch. It's a hard solution too, because you should be able to see everything that's happening 1 thing at a time. Some of the things I think could help it is sped up animations, shorter turn timers, less draws in later rounds, if you can't do anything it should just pass automatically, but I'm sure there's more that I can't think of. I think how slow it feels is one of the main problems in this new version of Gwent, along with some cards feeling non-impactful.
Just want to report here as well that the game crashed almost every time I find a game on my PC. On my laptop it works so I dont really know whats wrong.

Also I feel like the reach mechanic is completely meaningless. It is basically just an opportunity for making misplays but does not provide the least bit of depth. Neither does it influence your discision making in meaningful way. Im not sure why CDPR felt like including it.
Letho: Kingslayer doesn't copy locks, having "Copy" as an undefinited word on the tooltip makes the player assume that it's copying the card, except from the power as the card says is the exception. "Copy" means just the ability of the card, not actually become a copy of the card. It needs defining as a keyword OR add "base" so it says "base copy without changing power".


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I really like the game in general. Some suggestions:
  • Animations are a bit slow, perhaps speed them up?
  • It would be helpful to see how many cards are left in your deck or opponents when hovering over deck
  • See how many turns are left for weather effects when hovering over row symbol
  • Eredin should additionally give the unit doomed or units should lose additional effects when resurrected.
  • Filter in the deck builder for artifacts, units, and special cards.
Please keep handsize limit! Together with orders, this is probably the best improvement.
I'm loving the new game. Here are some of my non-gameplay suggestions though:
  • The coin right now doesn't have a satisfying click nor noise as a clear audio queue for when you or your opponent passes. The current noise is very subtle, but I think tweaking the noise a bit could make for another clear indication of passing.
  • The boards look great but they can look better. Right now all of the boards besides the SK one are a little too dark. If you guys lowered the harsh shadows from the background by a bit, increase the brightness both in general and on the board where the cards go, that would make a great improvement.
  • I do enjoy the moving camera when you pass your turn, but what irks me as that we have all of this great environment around the board but we can't see it. If you guys zoomed the board out by a bit, I could see more of my hand and more of the outside of the boards.
  • I really miss being able to drag cards all over the board, not being able to do so feels like someone is holding you back. When picking a card to play you have to click, and click, and click making it feel very clunky.
  • When cards go away for the next round they should be gathered and put into the graveyard like current Gwent. The disintegration effect should be used specifically for banishing cards.
Thank's for listening. Hoping for a successful HC and TB launch!
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Hi again!
(First) About useless cards:clear skies and dimeritium bomb
Most often useless,but need against decks based on artifacts they need to give the second function

(The second) You need to enter the limiting of artifacts in a row or on the table because there is a deck primary almost entirely on artifacts,is not counterd.Well or do something else with it

(The third) Usurper too strong it breaks down too much synergy...

(Fourth) I hope you will soon will return some of the mechanics of the old gwent, such as armor and normal reveal

(Fifth) Many leaders have few mooligan or one,this is not enough make a little more provision for them in exchange

(sixth) Give cards volume they look weird,I will add screenshots to compare how much better it looks,really better?


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Here is my feedback on what can be changed based on the open PTR so far:

1. The 3D model of the Arachas Queen is actually of a Arachas Behemoth and not a queen. Doesn't fit the card art or the actual creature

2. When there are no more actions to be taken the turn should automatically end with no need to press the button

3. Card count for the cards in deck and graveyard

4. An old but renewed version of the coin model with the classic 'coinflip' sound would fit better

5. It would be prefered to see the whole board and the player cards in full view at all time without zooming back and forth

6. A clearer difference between whose turn it is

7. Quicker effect animations

8. When a round ends the cards on the board should gather together and get in the graveyard just like in current Gwent instead of the desintegration effect in PTR

9. Lock and resiliant icons and animations should be more visible like in original Gwent
I've been playing the Homecoming PTR, and while I recognize that there will obviously be a tutorial in the release version, there's still a long way to go in terms of making it obvious how cards will behave. This has been a problem since the first iteration of Gwent as a standalone game, and it's really disappointing that they haven't figured it out by now. For example, I tried experimenting with using Bomb Heaver ("Deploy: destroy an artifact") to destroy Tactical Advantage. But when I played the card, nothing happened, and there was no obvious reason why nothing happened. Or, as another example, I had an ability that boosted my card by 1 at the end of every turn. So, with the score tied, I passed, thinking I'd get the boost when I ended my turn. But instead, no boost.

It's not at all intuitive.

If anything, I would say this problem has gotten WORSE with Homecoming. There are so many cards where it's not clear whether they target allies or enemies (or both), or where it will say that it interacts with a certain type of card...and then it just doesn't, or where it won't be clear what types of cards can be affected by cards you're playing. Take Cantarella: "Play the top card from the deck"... ummm, which deck? where do I play it? Or Olgierd: "Heal this unit", with no explanation of what "Heal" means.

Edit: The fact that the game lets you play a spell with no valid target and doesn't even give you a warning or anything is some serious BS. Like, "yeah, of course I meant to just waste my spell and wasn't, in fact, trying to target a card that I didn't realize wasn't eligible. /s" Also, super unclear/non-intuitive that you can't pass if you use an order.

Also, there STILL isn't a halfway-decent history to help you figure out what's going on. I sometimes have no idea what card my opponent just discarded or what they did or what effect it had. And the turn timer is so short that if you try to take a freakin moment to figure it out, you end up with no time to make your move. You should be able to roll over some unused time to your next turn or something.
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Soo, after several hours over the weekent ive got a little weary, so, the feedback.

Well, there is plenty of bugs, most annoying for me was tunderous "white noise" played for no apparent reason after playing WH riders, but ill skip those, enough is written on them

Regading gameplay itself - it felt off. Cant really describe it better, but ill try to explain what was "off" for me:

Firstly, there were changes to deck structure: 2 copies limit for bronzes brought massive inconsistencies, i guess there can be an argument for it, but i personaly just dont like it. Blacklisting is gone and, well, its just sad. It was an awesome mechanic, and its very hard for me to imagine a sensible reason to remove it. Those two add up to extra-painfull package when you consider that some leaders leave you basicly no mulligans. Yeah, by the way - Leaders mulligan "price" is awesome. Id leave Francheska with 0 mulligans if i could. Simply for the sake of all that time ST players pretended her ability was balanced. On a serious note - dont do that, shes allready almost unplayable. Core of the new deckbuilder - provision system, is a thing of beauty thou. Never seen that in other CCGs (there might be, in not big on this genre) and its a genious solution to "3.5 mana" problem.

Then, there are new mechanics.
Order mechanic is awesome, it basicly adds another layer gameplay in itself. So by any means, slap it on every faction. I do mean it, Why should NR get all the fun? Just, maybe add a little variety with those? A bit too much "ping for 1-2 damage every turn" among them. Even in that form - orders are wellcome, and that much more can be done with them.
Artifacts mechanic is another new one. And ill put my tomato-dodging skills to the test here, because i actually like it. And yes, people can and will create opressive "remove everything" decks with them, im guilty of trying it out myself. But since DBPs are gone (i wonder where they are buried, id like to dance there) there is no finisher for that. With artifact removal being plentifull and "destroy artifact" tag being fairly cheap, its nowhere near "Buff Toruviel to win" levels of frustration. There is even a premium "And their mothers" version in White Frost, for true haters.
Row-specific effects are wellcome, if sometimes confusing for old players.

So, now that ive written this down it actually looks pretty optimistic, so whats the problem?

Well, first there are cards themselves. Gonna start with NG:
First of all - Usurper exists. Really, it does. Someone actually thought it was a good idea. Its like "Dont drink and design" poster made into a leader card. And i know it sounds mean, but... please, reconsider this one. It surpassed DBP level of "didnt really think it through.
Spotters, Viper Witchers and Bribery - just why? Extreme RNG, no skill involved, low risk. Why are those cards there?(

Skellige - not big on playing them, so only a side view here.
Not much offensive here. Discard is still awesome for deck efficiency.
Only thing that really bothered me about SK is Harrold + Two Blades/Greatsword interaction. Pretty sure that 24 point swing of 1 card and on-demand leader is a bit too much, especially when Harrold can hit immune units and gives you 3 mulligans.

Scoia'Tel - well, they look allright.
Surprisingly even for myself, i like their current interation.

NR - couldnt really find a place with them. Sure, Cursed NR has a really good matchup vs comsume. but other than that, well... Its fun to play, but i couldnt find anything id climb ladder with. Faction-specific NR golds tend to be either removal magnets, or worthless. Vandergrifts sword could be nice if it was, idk, 4 supply? Man himself is underwhelming as well.
Gonna give it a shot with, Seila, i believe? Sorceress that damages any ordered unit. Could be fun.

Lastly, monsters, faction i spent time with the most.
Consume works, well, it allways has, hasnt it? Scorch, resets and locks are you bffs again. Or you can just go Cursed NR for swarm battle 3000.
Other than that oldschool archtype, well there isnt much.
WH isnt really a thing anymore. You can make it work, but you cant really build a pure WH deck, no new cards and some old friends left to get eaten, Caranthir decided that being an arch navigator is a boring office job and commited suicide: volounteered to become a professional snack in consume deck (RIP, you will be missed).
Imlerith:Smaash (wich is the only proper name for that card, mind you.) can do work, but, again, its simply better in consume (most of the time, you dont really need 30+ removal).
Overall, if you dont mind consume - they're good. If you do - well, good for you, but its going to be a rough ride.

Lastly we have neutrals
Same old suspects here. Tutoring is more valuable than ever, witchers trio are basicly an autoinclude. As in - you better know exactly what you do if you dont put them in. They might need to cost more, really. Roach is, again, better then ever.

Excludin NG, its mostly ok, some rough spots here and there. But if you take an average between all factions, Usurper single handedly drags it into the dumpster.

Biggest flaw of the game however is its UI. Match history is uniformative, deckbuilder screen is a mess. It could be a long list, a rant. Long story short - i really hope its not the final UI. In its current form, i was real tempted to just forgive and forget.
Game got pretty, it includes alot of new and cool stuff, most changes actually make sense, but..Ive played gwent before, for long time. And i still couldnt figure out just WTF was happening on the board for waay too long.
A new player will quite likely go for alt+f4.

That pretty much sums it up, hopefully some of those issues pop up in this thread consistently enough to cause action.
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