Original locations

Original locations

Sadly I have not been able to play the game yet, since I don't have time currently and I also need to buy a new machine to run it. I have a question for the people that are already playing it:
How true to the old locations in TW1 are Kaer Morhen and Vyzima in the new installment? Do you recognize the places? Is it build in the same way? Has the architecture changed?
Also: Is the area around Vyzima accessible, like the swamps or the villages that you can go to in the first game?

If anyone could provide comparison shots as well, that would be great!
in wyzima theres only the royal palace nothing else, dunno about the rest but i think kaer morhen is basically the same
they are both more or less the same, although kaer morhen at least on the inside is not as empty as it was in tw1
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