Patch 2.01 coming soon (known issues)

I don't play on playstation or xbox I play on pc
Ah ok, sorry.
And save>reload doesn't work?
Or reload a save created just before encountering the issue?
You're able to use your phone?
Did you try to verify the game files in case?
Do you use (or used) mods? (the obvious question on PC^^)
If nothing work, I recommend to directly send a ticket to the support ("contact us" button).
Xbox SX:

Game crashes at breaching.

Game crashes after fast travelling.

Tier 5++ upgrades working incorrectly, various display issues, possibly not working at all?

Skill passives no longer work.

Save file bloat causing me to delete older saves.

Quadra Wingate doesn't work
I'm stuck on the dog eat dog mission. Songbird doesn't activate the elevator. The level is full of glitches related to triggers that allow you to continue through the level but which do not activate properly. Sometimes loading a save fixes it, sometimes it doesn't. This time I can't solve it. Gamebreaker bug. After years of patches and a public image to heal. People wonder what's wrong with the game, I wonder what's wrong with CDP. Shame
after the update the level of hand implants drops to 1
Has anyone else done the Holdin' On quest and gotten a weird guitar sound effect on their loading screens ever since? Specifically, after Johnny starts playing the guitar in that quest, any save made thereafter will make a loud guitar sound during the loading screen. I tried restarting my game but it doesn't fix it. The only thing I can do is load an earlier save and avoid the quest for the time being.

Curious if this happened for anyone else that did the quest.

EDIT: I did some more testing and it looks like the quest also breaks the combat music for the rest of the game too (as in it won't play anymore period).
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^ It's another of those bugs that have been present for ages. I know what you mean. In another quest a guitar riff bugged and played in loop for the whole duration of the quest, totally ruining the immersion... Maybe it's the same quest, I can't recall.

Sorry to bother, I just wanted to confirm that this poor draw distance/ LOD is abnormal before reporting on it

Don't think that big ass Arasaka sign should disappear so close to me. And in interiors the rendering distance is abysmal as well.

Desktop Screenshot 2023.10.13 - Screenshot 2023.10.13 -

I don't think it was this bad when I started my new playthrough but perhaps I just didn't notice.

I used some mods so I performed a clean install and the issue remains, changing LOD setting doesn't seem to do a thing, High or low, no difference
Has anyone else done the Holdin' On quest and gotten a weird guitar sound effect on their loading screens ever since? Specifically, after Johnny starts playing the guitar in that quest, any save made thereafter will make a loud guitar sound during the loading screen. I tried restarting my game but it doesn't fix it. The only thing I can do is load an earlier save and avoid the quest for the time being.

Curious if this happened for anyone else that did the quest.

EDIT: I did some more testing and it looks like the quest also breaks the combat music for the rest of the game too (as in it won't play anymore period).
Okay, if anyone else happens to come across the same bug, I finally figured out how to fix it. This is exactly what I did: go to a ripperdoc, make a change to your cyberware, quit to dekstop, restart game, load the autosave at the ripperdoc, fast travel to the Japantown apartment, go inside and play the guitar in there. Then voila your loading screens should be back to normal and the combat music should start playing again.

I don't know if loading the autosave at the ripperdoc actually does anything, but it's what I did when I accidentally fixed it. Playing the guitar in the Japantown apartment is crucial though, I tested it. It's the only thing that fixes the combat music for me. I'm guessing it "resets" whatever it was that bugged out when you first played the guitar in the Holdin' On quest.
i have been having a problem launching the game since the last patch 2-3 days ago. i cant even launch cyberpunk anymore, as soon a i click play my pc bluescreens and i know my pc isnt the problem so i need help.

- Error saving game
- Corrupted files
- Quicksave breaks
- Error saving manually
- Profile error / corrupted

All of this happens between 1 - 2 hours of gameplay. I have to close the game (it gives me an error) and re launch.

FIX THIS! Please. I cannot continue with this.

This is by far the worst and buggiest game I've ever played on my 25 years as a gamer. And to top it off the developers don't know how to fix things properly.
- Mods and weapons randomly decide to change their tier-level (e.g. gun upgraded from tier 4 to 5, silencer downgraded from tier 4 to 1).
- Once (in this playthrough, but also in earlier game versions) the game decided that I'm in peace mode (no fighting/cyber/hacking/jumping), though I was about to confront a cyber psycho and within the combat zone already.
- In the quest where you meet Takamura on the market to discuss breaking in the arasaka warehouse, every person suddenly had weird pale shiny textures.
- Sometimes, when leaving a menu, there is a bright glow, almost as when getting blinded by a grenade.
Problem persists after 2.01. Bug report submitted. Again.
Got a reply from Support. FPS drops while opening map, inventory and talking to NPCs still happen even after applying all their suggested solutions.
And no, I am not running any mods and never even installed any. I like all my games as they were intended.
I've given up at this point. It made the game unplayable for me and frustrated all the excitement I had for the new update.
Very disappointed in CDPR. I really thought the game was golden.
Now I just gotta wait and pray until a ghost patch silently fixes that issue in a year or two.
I've seen reports of people not being able to progress "Chippin in" quest. Is it a widespread issue? Debating if I should pause my progression until 2.02 if it ever comes
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I've seen reports of people not being able to progress "Chippin in" quest. Is it a widespread issue? Debating if I should pause my progression until 2.02 if it ever comes
I think I've seen enough, or perhaps I've simply had enough.

I really wanted to playthrough to one of the vanilla endings following Phantom Liberty, but it's difficult when a slew of icons are completely missing or borked. Even reloading a save from before(yes, the update caused me to lose progress which is light considering some people lost ALL of their progression) left plenty of icons entirely broken. The patch notes indicate several things as being fixed when they aren't; confirming my suspicion there won't be much to look forward to between now and the final wrap. Erebus was forcibly taken from me and I had to go to Kabuki then spend a bunch of crafting materials to get my gun back, some Cyberware was downgraded - even stuff I had upgraded myself. No, of course those materials weren't refunded.

Speaking to Path Tracing and Ray Tracing being broken - grass and most trash bags no longer casts shadows oddly enough. At one time they all did, then some didn't and now nearly none do. Even in raster, those that do cast shadows are now screen space. WTF? All that chest beating about wowy graphics while doing downgrades on the sly. I use Path Tracing myself, but that they've not only left the RT Hybrid metallic skin bug unaddressed, but have actually made it worse is concerning. A distracting bug that happened in one spot of the Badlands has spread even into part of the city. What the hell is going on here? Even more alarming; there are things listed as 'fixed' in the most recent patch which are far from it.

Some perks still seem broken, randomly stopping or failing to activate all together, the radio volume is blaring over the sound of the engine(outside the vehicle) in many instances, some GUI sounds don't work, all of the vehicles have their headlights on all the time, the minimap still regularly craps itself switching between driving and walking while doing either, etc.

There was a lot of cool stuff introduced in 2.0, and of course the expansion is enjoyable(when it work) but sadly a fully functioning game wasn't a part of the package. Couple this with how difficult 2.0 has made it to maintain my mods(some I can barely keep from bursting at the seams now) I don't have much to look forward to.

I suppose we'll see in another decade whether the issues were merely lack of will to bring their own tech back on course, or if they'll repeat the same mistakes - constantly working around every problem trying to sweep it under the rug, haphazardly doing the bare minimum outside of anything related to the campaign rather than just buckling down and doing the work that needs to be done. I'm hoping their silence is a sign of recognition rather than willful ignorance. Given the media, and the CDPR themselves, are patting them on the back - I don't have high expectations.

At this point I'm content to play a game that just works. Really. It just needs to work.

It's been a ride, guys. Goodluck.
I think I've seen enough, or perhaps I've simply had enough.
I hope you'll still keep an eye on the forum, just in case they do get their act together over the next patch(es). I don't think I was alone in appreciating your graphics insight and knowledge.
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