Please allow us to disabled photo mode!!!

Please, CDPR allow us to disable photo mode on consoles!!!
This is why. On controllers, you actívate it with L3+R3, so in combat many times you press them accidentally while lock an enemy with R3.
It's super annoying, can make you lose a battle and you can't disable or change the buttons settings.
Please, do something about it.
If someone have a solution, thanks in advance.


Forum veteran
Don't want to sound like a smart*ss as I understand everybody is different. However, with my 10+ years of console gaming experience, I am having hard time to imagine how I'd accidently click L3 or R3 as the stick click does require some real effort to make the click.

Is that different with you? You can do the left stick click while not really intending to?
You can search in Google and will see I'm not the only one, because some controllers are very sensitive, most if they are new.
In TW3 You move a lot fighting in the hardest mode and need to use R3;for locking at the same time.
I agree with maltrain. Please allow players to turn off photo mode Witcher 3 Next Gen. Same thing is happening to me with the thumbsticks on XBOX controller. It's starting to get very annoying because it's happening constantly and freezing my screen in the middle of combat. I've completed 8 playthroughs of the Witcher 3 on xbox one and just starting my nextgen playthrough, but I have to tell you that the constant freezing of the screen during combat is making my game almost unplayable. If you won't allow us to turn photo mode off, at least please allow us to assign it to a different hotkey on the controller.
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