Rate each act's story [SPOILERS]

Rate each act's story [SPOILERS]

We have the Prologue - The beginning till we meet Emyhr and depart for Velen
Act 1 - Velen, Novigrad and Skellige search for Ciri until finding Uma
Act 2 - Taking Uma to Kaer Morhen till the end of the battle
Act 3 - Bald Mountain untill the ending
Epilogue - the three different epilogues with the ending slides

My take:
Prologue - Mostly feels like an hindrance for the game premise to be explained. I felt like I'm doing shit most of the time just to find out why am I supposed to care. Compare it to TW2's In Medias Res when there was a general sense of mystery from start providing a hook. Overall rather bad: 4/10

Act 1 -
Velen act - Obviously the game absolute highlight with its definite best character and arc. It's definitely not perfect, it could take with a serious cut to the unnecessary Whispering Hillock and Johnny complication, the C&C is rather garbage and the fact that you learn from the Baron exactly nothing of value only to just very accidentally encounter Uma is a serious arrow to the story's knee. Still the good parts heavily overshadows the bad: 8/10

Novigrad act - Terrible: It drags, it's full of plot holes, retcons and stupid, one-dimensional characters, its pacing is the worst. it's The Witcher 3's story in a nutshell: 3/10, because at least it had Roche.

Skellige act - Overall good and interesting but way, way to short. Also I hate Yennefer and the ending is the weirdest so: 6/10

Act 2 - As before, finding Ciri dragged again like hell and the moment itself was unnecessarily cheesy. But the real problem is that the Battle of Kaer Morhen is practically a Suicide Mission with minimum consequence and ends with a Deus Ex Machina. Disappointment: 4/10

Act 3 - need I even explain? 1/10

Epilogue - The dead Ciri epilogue drags like hell again for a weird ending, the Empress epilogue is actually very good but it's a tad out of character, the Witcher epilogue is also good but features huge plot hole. The main problem are really the ending slides, they are actually not a real conclusion for the game and much less for the series: 5/10

How will rate them? Diskuz!
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Guest 3847602

I liked the prologue reasonably well, Kaer Morhen section was really nice and while the White Orchard didn't have much of a story, I didn't really expect anything mindblowing this soon. I'd give it 7/10

Velen act is an absolute masterpiece, can't really complain about anything related to the Baron, Ladies of the Wood and Keira Metz. Sidequest "A Towerful of Mice" also belongs to Velen act, and is one of my favorites, so 10/10 from me.

Novigrad act started rather interesting, but gets dragged for unnecessarily too long, my enthusiasm deflated long before I've met Dandelion, who turned out to be a great disappointment again. Quests with Triss were fun, Wolven Storm was one of the best moments in the game for me, "Carnal Sins" was interesting, so Novigrad gets 5/10.

Skellige act was really short, it can be prolonged by helping the Crach's children, and it's really worth to do so. I enjoyed every moment Geralt and Yennefer spent together during this act, Cerys's and Hjalmar's quest were great, questline that can be initiated by doing "The Phantom of Eldberg" contract was also really fun for me, Skellige gets 9/10.

In Act 2, I enjoyed again Geralt-Yennefer interaction and drunk witchers. Geralt/Ciri reunion was one of the highlights of the entire game for me (too bad that later she annoyed me almost every time she opened her mouth). Battle of KM was focused too much on action and too little on fleshing out Eredin & co. as characters, so I'll give 8/10 here.

Act 3 was a disaster, everything about it was said already. Except for "Through Time and Space" and a few very short Geralt/Yennefer/Ciri family moments I couldn't find anything redeeming about it, 2/10.

The epilogues were satisfying enough for me, neither particularly good nor bad, 7/10
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Prologue: Average, i can sort of see their logic of giving new players a confined zone to learn the ropes, like adding a goldfish to a tank in a plastic bag. However feels like something that could easily have been culled/merged allowing more attention to be paid to later acts. 4/10

Velen: Excellent, the Baron quest line is a high point as are the Keira questlines. 9/10

Novigrad: Very good, Triss questlines are very good, I enjoyed dandelion/priscilla quests. Zoltan's moments were a bit weak 8/10

Skellige: Very good, despite being grated by early Yen auto-flirts on the whole her quests were very good. The ambience of Skellige was amazing, liked the political stuff and the quests with Crach's children were exellent. 8/10

Act 2: Dislike how irreflective of choices that have been Kaer Morhen section is.
Ciri re-union on isle of the mists was excellent(tugging on the heartstrings to perfection)
Battle of Kaer Morhen was decent action fest. Could have done maybe with more of a suicide mission, bad choices lead to darker results etc. Ciri & battle section drag it up to a 6/10

Act 3: Act 3 feels rather rushed and messy. There are enjoyable moments like wrecking the lab with Ciri or backchatting with Philippa during the sunstone quest.4/10

Epilogue: Would have liked more epilogue slides to show fates of other characters but ones we got were excellent. Loved the notion of a playable epilogue, though i do think they could be improved. Dandelion's fate only being present in one epilogue, presence of lover only in that epilogue too. 7/10
Prologue: Epic Kaer Morhen mountains. So many happy little trees. 10/10
Act 1: Gorgeous trees in Velen. Wonderful trees in Novigrad. Astonishing ones on Skellige. 10/10
Act 2: Oooh how sweet is was. More Kaer Morhen mountatins. More happy little trees. 10/10
Act 3: Just can't stop. It's everywhere with Geralt. 10/10
Epilogue: No happy little trees in Empress ending but I love winter views so still 10/10

Prologue: Average, i can sort of see their logic of giving new players a confined zone to learn the ropes, like adding a goldfish to a tank in a plastic bag. However feels like something that could easily have been culled/merged allowing more attention to be paid to later acts. 4/10

I do not think White Orchard is bad, it is basically an extended tutorial for new players where they can get familiar with the game without encountering high level enemies. Although it is not a very memorable part of the game either, but it serves its purpose well enough.

Velen: Excellent, the Baron quest line is a high point as are the Keira questlines. 9/10

This seems to be something almost everyone agrees on. :) Although I like Velen mostly for the baron, crone, and Keira related quests, but at this point in the game there is still enough incentive to explore and do sidequests.

Novigrad: Very good, Triss questlines are very good, I enjoyed dandelion/priscilla quests. Zoltan's moments were a bit weak 8/10

I also liked Novigrad, maybe it could get tedious for those who complete all the sidequests, but the major quests are good. Overall, I prefer the Velen/Novigrad area compared to others in the game (Skellige, Kaer Morhen, White Orchard).

Of the three Act 1 areas, Skellige is my least favorite. It does have good quests like Nameless and Possession, but it feels somewhat empty, with not much incentive to explore, especially when the points of interest often turn out to be boring (smuggler caches).

I do not really like the second and third acts, other than maybe The Battle of Kaer Morhen. In this part of the game, the main quest becomes fairly linear, and increasingly rushed towards the end. I also did not really feel a need to do secondary quests or monster contracts by this time, as even without those I was constantly a few levels above the recommended for the main quests, and had good enough gear as well.
Novigrad act - Terrible: It drags, it's full of plot holes, retcons and stupid, one-dimensional characters, its pacing is the worst. it's The Witcher 3's story in a nutshell: 3/10, because at least it had Roche.
Care to explain which plot holes you've found?

finding Ciri dragged again like hell and the moment itself was unnecessarily cheesy.
I can only disagree with this. If you didn't like finding Ciri moment, I don't know why you like Witchers saga at all. ;)
Care to explain which plot holes you've found?
- You want to speak with Whoreson but he apparently decides your "an assassin" and attacks you. Why?
- Ciri literally stormed her way through temple isle, but for some reason Dandelion is the only one who can tell you anything about her
- Menge aims to kill any and all magic users. Geralt is a magic user. ("Oh no! They are just signs you see!" - no).
- After you rescue Dandelion he goes out and sets shop back in Novigrad. He is an escaped convict - WTF?
- Corrine Tilly summons a dream for Geralt not of where Ciri is or the even of how she left Novigrad but rather a dream of a very unspecific event for the sake of plot. Later she summons exactly the dream Ge'els needed to see.
- It is not explained in any way whatsoever how and why Whoreson cheated Ciri. What did he do to "cheat" them exactly?
- Of all crime bosses who know magic users in Novigrad Ciri had to choose the murderous maniac?

Correct me on any or all of these
I can only disagree with this. If you didn't like finding Ciri moment, I don't know why you like Witchers saga at all. ;)
Ciri conveniently magically "died" just few moments before Geralt found her. It is not explained what exactly just happened and how, this is just for the sake of cheap melodrama. Of course for this scene had to include the entire population of violins otherwise it's not really emotionally engaging.
This is really not the edge I've come to expect from CDPR
- Of all crime bosses who know magic users in Novigrad Ciri had to choose the murderous maniac?

Ciri conveniently magically "died" just few moments before Geralt found her. It is not explained what exactly just happened and how, this is just for the sake of cheap melodrama. Of course for this scene had to include the entire population of violins otherwise it's not really emotionally engaging.
This is really not the edge I've come to expect from CDPR

Dandelion suggested to visit him because he didn't know a better person for this task.

It was Avallac'h who "made her like dead" so the Wild Hunt couldn't find her.
- You want to speak with Whoreson but he apparently decides your "an assassin" and attacks you. Why?
- Ciri literally stormed her way through temple isle, but for some reason Dandelion is the only one who can tell you anything about her
- Menge aims to kill any and all magic users. Geralt is a magic user. ("Oh no! They are just signs you see!" - no).
- After you rescue Dandelion he goes out and sets shop back in Novigrad. He is an escaped convict - WTF?
- Corrine Tilly summons a dream for Geralt not of where Ciri is or the even of how she left Novigrad but rather a dream of a very unspecific event for the sake of plot. Later she summons exactly the dream Ge'els needed to see.
- It is not explained in any way whatsoever how and why Whoreson cheated Ciri. What did he do to "cheat" them exactly?
- Of all crime bosses who know magic users in Novigrad Ciri had to choose the murderous maniac?

Correct me on any or all of these
- Maybe because he saw you're a witcher and knowing your name too...
- No of course he's not the only one, but it's the only one safe enough to ask about about Ciri. Geralt prefers to have a low profile.
- Mages, Geralt's turn will await, as he's considered more a mutant than a mage.
- The only one who knew about his state is dead, guards too.
- With this, I agree with you.
- He cheated them when they failed to bring Reuven treasure, also because he didn't find that mage needed to open the philactery so he didn't maintain his promise.
- Like I said before, Junior was known to have mage aquaintances.

Ciri conveniently magically "died" just few moments before Geralt found her. It is not explained what exactly just happened and how, this is just for the sake of cheap melodrama. Of course for this scene had to include the entire population of violins otherwise it's not really emotionally engaging.
This is really not the edge I've come to expect from CDPR
And here, don't want to sound rude, I can't tell if you don't remember anything or you just didn't pay attention when playing, moreover if you define it as cheap melodrama.

Ciri "died" when she and Avallac'h escaped Wild Hunt, she made her way thanks to Skjall then Avallac'h put her to sleep and brought her to Island of the Mists, taking her soul to prevent the Wild Hunt from finding her. When you break Uma's curse, Avallac'h give you that guiding light, it showed the way through the island and brought back Ciri's soul.

So no, she was "dead" much...much... before. It is all explained.

And about the cheap melodrama scene/music... No. That scene is one of the most beautiful in the game, there's so much in it, and it didn't need words, or blood or swords to work. Just Geralt's expressions, looks, body movement... all leading to desperation, and Geralt is that introvert guy we know, seeing him totally broken... is just sad, his movements betrayed him. Also, knowing what Ciri means to him, and after all he endured to find her... you shouldn't be surprised.
Prologue: I think this was nice way to learn how to play. Not anything super fun, but nice. I got the feeling that something was missing. That there HAS to be more than that. This didn't prepare me at all for HOW WOW this game turns out to be in the next chapter :D Definitely more fun than TW2 prologue. 8/10

Act 1: Absolutely the most fantastic part of the game! Beautiful and huge world to explore, lots of new places and so, so much to do. I went crazy! At this point, I started to annoy my friends and colleagues with endless Witcher stories (and I think I still keep doing that... :D) I loved all those questlines. And side quests, except that one fistfight in High Stakes! I did every quest and find every spot I could before moving on. Baron's questline with the ladies was my absolute favorite. What a character! Those Ciri parts wasn't so great. I didn't like it that there was no inventory or anything with Ciri, just run forward and swing your sword. Ciri's story was nice, but a cutscene would have been enough for that. Skellige was the best place to play with Ciri. I just loved act 1, no specific details, except that Baron's quest were my favorite. At first I felt like stranger in Skellige, too many mountains to go round, but in the end that was cool too. Skelliges absolute favorite was Possessed quest. Yes, there was some minor bugs and not so great quests, but that overall feeling that act 1 gave me, was definitely 10/10.

Act 2: I didn't feel Kaer Morhen like home :( Too many mountains? :D And that fortress itself is just annoying and sad, and no merchant. It takes ages to move one place to another. No direct line anywhere! And yes, I know that fortresses are meant to be like that... Uma was great though and lifting that curse and seeing who's hiding there was really interesting :) I also enjoyed other Witchers company, stories and drinking games. Isle Of Mists was great. Battle of Kaer Morhen was... Stupid? Boring? Annoying? Chaotic? If there hasn't been those other Witchers with their stories, this would have been 6/10, but now I can give this 7/10. I just went with Uma to Kaer Morhen second time, lets see if I can get more out of this now.

Act 3: I really missed those side quests! This can't end just yet! Story was nice, but yet again I hated that big battle and I didn't like those white frost parts. I hate if I have to rush! Through Time And Space was weird? I can see the logic with those quests, but still felt kinda empty with them. Nothing specific catches my mind. There was some fine moments with those Skellige quests, but nothing more. I think that absolutely fantastic act 1 ruined the rest of the game for me :D Game ended too soon :( 6/10

I got the Empress ending. Kinda good, kinda sad.
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- Maybe because he saw you're a witcher and knowing your name too...
- No of course he's not the only one, but it's the only one safe enough to ask about about Ciri. Geralt prefers to have a low profile.
- Mages, Geralt's turn will await, as he's considered more a mutant than a mage.
- The only one who knew about his state is dead, guards too.
- With this, I agree with you.
- He cheated them when they failed to bring Reuven treasure, also because he didn't find that mage needed to open the philactery so he didn't maintain his promise.
- Like I said before, Junior was known to have mage aquaintances.
- Mages, Geralt's turn will await, as he's considered more a mutant than a mage.
Mages, Dopplers, alchemists, any magic user. Geralt's a magic user. This may be lamp-shaded by Menge when he says "Your turn will come" (or something along this line) but it's still a very contradictory plot point.
- The only one who knew about his state is dead, guards too.
Mhm... no, they aren't. When is this mentioned?
- He cheated them when they failed to bring Reuven treasure, also because he didn't find that mage needed to open the philactery so he didn't maintain his promise.
Wait, so what's the "cheat" there? Dandelion and Ciri promised to get him Sigi's treasure and they didn't.
- Like I said before, Junior was known to have mage acquaintances.
Yes, but also Sigi. And Francis Beldlam.

Now, I forgot a real big plot hole in this arc for some reason:
Searching for Dandelion you have two leads: Sigi's treasure and Whoreson Junior. If you go down the treasure quest you end up knowing exactly where Dandelion is but lacking the means to rescue him. In this case, you've no real plot reason to seek Whoreson, but you still have to because the Quest Log says so.

And here, don't want to sound rude, I can't tell if you don't remember anything or you just didn't pay attention when playing, moreover if you define it as cheap melodrama.

Ciri "died" when she and Avallac'h escaped Wild Hunt, she made her way thanks to Skjall then Avallac'h put her to sleep and brought her to Island of the Mists, taking her soul to prevent the Wild Hunt from finding her. When you break Uma's curse, Avallac'h give you that guiding light, it showed the way through the island and brought back Ciri's soul.

So no, she was "dead" much...much... before. It is all explained.

And about the cheap melodrama scene/music... No. That scene is one of the most beautiful in the game, there's so much in it, and it didn't need words, or blood or swords to work. Just Geralt's expressions, looks, body movement... all leading to desperation, and Geralt is that introvert guy we know, seeing him totally broken... is just sad, his movements betrayed him. Also, knowing what Ciri means to him, and after all he endured to find her... you shouldn't be surprised.
That adds even more plot holes:
- How did Ciri get to the hut? Did Avallac'h just sent her, soulless and incapable of anything in a boat to island full of shoals and rocks and monsters?
- Why did Avallac'h neglect to tell this to Geralt before he sent him there and if he did tell why was Geralt shocked when he was told she's dead by the dwarves
- Why did the guiding light wait before restoring Ciri soul when the dwarves opened the hut? If for no reason then yes, again, this is a plot hole for melodrama
My take:
Prologue - Mostly feels like an hindrance for the game. Overall rather bad: 4/10

Act 1 - Velen act - Still the good parts heavily overshadows the bad: 8/10

Novigrad act - Terrible: It drags, it's full of plot holes, retcons and stupid, nutshell: 3/10, because at least it had Roche.

Skellige act - Also I hate Yennefer and the ending is the weirdest so: 6/10

Act 2 - As before, finding Ciri dragged again like hell and the moment itself was unnecessarily cheesy. Disappointment: 4/10

Act 3 - need I even explain? 1/10

Epilogue - The dead Ciri epilogue drags like hell: 5/10

I have a slight feeling that you don`t really like Witcher 3...?

The Velen act is nice and creepy. With the crownes, the Bloody Baron, the Whispering Hills and all the other mysterious stuff. When playing this the first time I would give a 10/10 because I never before have seen such creatures and characters.

The Stuff in Novigrad is HIGHLY INTERESTING (think of the drunk Vampire Katakan, the hunt for this religious Serial Killer, the second serial killer hunt for Hurensohn Junior (I don`t know how he is called in English maybe Whoreson Junior?), even Diekstra and the strange and funny mob people are interesting characters. I really like the various Novigrad quests with lot`s of detective work and creepy serial killers and CSI-like quests. Dreaming in novigrad, the godling, later all the inquisition and burning witches and civil war like racism stuff.
It has some slightly boring stuff too (Maetress list) 9/10

The Skellige act has it`s highlights like the special Werebears and some other things, and some boring political things and some boring things to do like endless riding with the slow boats to reach the dozens of useless smugglers nests and to reach all the scattered islands. 7/10.

Act 2 is nice too, Uma becoming hmmm-hmmm-hmm you know who, going with you-know-who through different planets and dimensions, the battle itself.... The only thing is that Kaer Morhen is completely DEAD not a single npc, no village nowhere, no mercheant, just a big nothing but Lambert, Triss, Yen, Vesemir (but without interesting discussions), no talking with other Witchers about old times and old Witcher adventures in the evening near the chimney, just hurrying around and battling and fighting the whole time.
That`s the things I don`t liked about Kaer Morhen, almost no talking, no discussions, no sitting on the table or next to the chimney together with other Witchers and discussing of old Witcher storys like the battle against the Striga in the book "The last Wish" and "Witcher 1", or talking about some monsters, just nothing. 7/10.

You have forgotten to mention "Hearts of Stone" which happens somewhere around here after Act 2. Clearly 10/10!

Act 3 is nice too and has some interesting parts, the crownes are back. But it is short. 7/10.

Epiloge is an Epiloge and can`t be ratet. It`s an outro :D

Mages, Dopplers, alchemists, any magic user. Geralt's a magic user. This may be lamp-shaded by Menge when he says "Your turn will come" (or something along this line) but it's still a very contradictory plot point.

Mhm... no, they aren't. When is this mentioned?

Wait, so what's the "cheat" there? Dandelion and Ciri promised to get him Sigi's treasure and they didn't.

Yes, but also Sigi. And Francis Beldlam.

Now, I forgot a real big plot hole in this arc for some reason:
Searching for Dandelion you have two leads: Sigi's treasure and Whoreson Junior. If you go down the treasure quest you end up knowing exactly where Dandelion is but lacking the means to rescue him. In this case, you've no real plot reason to seek Whoreson, but you still have to because the Quest Log says so.

That adds even more plot holes:
- How did Ciri get to the hut? Did Avallac'h just sent her, soulless and incapable of anything in a boat to island full of shoals and rocks and monsters?
- Why did Avallac'h neglect to tell this to Geralt before he sent him there and if he did tell why was Geralt shocked when he was told she's dead by the dwarves
- Why did the guiding light wait before restoring Ciri soul when the dwarves opened the hut? If for no reason then yes, again, this is a plot hole for melodrama
- It's not contradictory, as you just said, "Your turn will come"
- Menge. The witchhunters who were there, actually Menge arrested him, so.
- He cheated because he didn't keep his promise to find a mage capable of opening the philactery, even if Ciri, Dudu and Dandelion managed to get the treasure only to be later found by Menge, who then took the treasure.
- Like I said before, Junior was known to have mage acquaintances, we don't know who. He said "he knew a mage", but he was Whoreson Junior... eh.
- Sigi? And which mages acquaintances he had? Bedlam had Triss, and Ciri said to Geralt she didn't want to involve Triss and cause her trouble.
- Yes because he actually met Ciri, and gave her quite a scratch. Take this also as Geralt's revenge as a father.

I think you confuse plot holes with not remembering the facts. :teeth:
Ciri got to the hut thanks to Avallac'h, he kept her there and came back just in time, he was already transformed into Uma by the time he came back to Skellige islands.
Avallac'h didn't neglect anything, he just told him Ciri's location and gave him the light. The elf barely managed to because he was dying. When Geralt arrived to the island the light vanishes. Geralt thought he arrived too late, but simply the light didn't still make its way through the hut yet.
And no, again, the light didn't wait, it was not following Geralt's, keep in count that the light wasn't a part of the Isle itself, but it was made my Avallac'h the moment he left Ciri in the island.

Listen, no one denies that the game is free of plot holes, or rather not holes but indeed a simpler story from act 3 on, imho disappointing (and some politcal situations, like Dijkstra going bananas was a stupid thing for sure). You didn't like Novigrad act and ok, that's fine, I don't think someone is concerned about that, but the points we are discussing are not plot holes.
As Ciri and Geralt reunion and Isles of Mists are not some cheesy melodrama set up "because it's like that".
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- It's not contradictory, as you just said, "Your turn will come"
- Menge. The witchhunters who were there, actually Menge arrested him, so.
- He cheated because he didn't keep his promise to find a mage capable of opening the philactery, even if Ciri, Dudu and Dandelion managed to get the treasure only to be later found by Menge, who then took the treasure.
- Like I said before, Junior was known to have mage acquaintances, we don't know who. He said "he knew a mage", but he was Whoreson Junior... eh.
- Sigi? And which mages acquaintances he had? Bedlam had Triss, and Ciri said to Geralt she didn't want to involve Triss and cause her trouble.
- Yes because he actually met Ciri, and gave her quite a scratch. Take this also as Geralt's revenge as a father.

I think you confuse plot holes with not remembering the facts. :teeth:
Ciri got to the hut thanks to Avallac'h, he kept her there and came back just in time, he was already transformed into Uma by the time he came back to Skellige islands.
Avallac'h didn't neglect anything, he just told him Ciri's location and gave him the light. The elf barely managed to because he was dying. When Geralt arrived to the island the light vanishes. Geralt thought he arrived too late, but simply the light didn't still make its way through the hut yet.
And no, again, the light didn't wait, it was not following Geralt's, keep in count that the light wasn't a part of the Isle itself, but it was made my Avallac'h the moment he left Ciri in the island.

Listen, no one denies that the game is free of plot holes, or rather not holes but indeed a simpler story from act 3 on, imho disappointing (and some politcal situations, like Dijkstra going bananas was a stupid thing for sure). You didn't like Novigrad act and ok, that's fine, I don't think someone is concerned about that, but the points we are discussing are not plot holes.
As Ciri and Geralt reunion and Isles of Mists are not some cheesy melodrama set up "because it's like that".

- I watch that moment again and it risen even more questions: they say "sorcerers, mages of all types are outlaws". Anyway this is not an excuse for this character contradiction.
- ?? what?
- So why is he regarded as a "cheater"? by all accounts they have zero reason to believe he'll honor his part of the deal if they don't honor their.
- Fair enough
- Dijkstra in the end is literally the savior of all mages. Francis Beldlam has an entire block where he hosts mages.
- Okay. Even though then Geralt have no idea whatsoever what Whoreson did, but that's acceptable.

Wait so you mean to tell me Avallac'h had gone with Ciri to the Isle of Mists then return on the boat, as Uma, to the exact place on shore where he left?
Fair enough, even though he should have told him that's her soul.
Yes, the light did wait. it was suppose to enter the hut and wake Ciri up the moment the hut was opened.

You just asked me about the plot holes in Novigrad act so I pointed them out.
Wait so you mean to tell me Avallac'h had gone with Ciri to the Isle of Mists then return on the boat, as Uma, to the exact place on shore where he left?
Fair enough, even though he should have told him that's her soul.
Yes, the light did wait. it was suppose to enter the hut and wake Ciri up the moment the hut was opened.

He turned into Uma either on his way back or when he already has arrived on the shore. C'mon, you're looking for plotholes just for the sake of critisizing something.
I'm curious how many words you would say if you're almost dying. It was hard enough for him to cast the "Ciri Soul Spell".
He turned into Uma either on his way back or when he already has arrived on the shore. C'mon, you're looking for plotholes just for the sake of critisizing something.
I'm curious how many words you would say if you're almost dying. It was hard enough for him to cast the "Ciri Soul Spell".
I'm putting this story to same standards as I put for any story.
The reason why I was so offended by this particular moments was not only did I expect something more subversive and interesting than this from CDPR but also because they insisted on making this scene as it was in the cost of plot inconsistency
I can't narrow the story into pieces. Separate each act.
There is for me a Beginning, a Middle and the End.
So i have to say, the Beginning was excellent. The Middle was still decent. But the end....well, you know... :no:
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