Really enjoying Cyberpunk. Am I alone ?

Enjoying it too. No major issues, just small bugs who doesn't bother me much.
Only that Gorilla arms lead to non function blood stream mods is really not great, but a fix will come.

So a happy customer here.
I think PC users enjoy the game for the most part, getting 80% recommendations on Steam during all this negativity is pretty great %.

As I understand the main complaint is for consoles, the second biggest complaint is missing features that were promised and never told was not going to be there after all.

I am a bit disappointed in all the features they promised not being there, but the game is still good, not many other games in this category is better than this. I stay away from gaming press for exactly this reason, ridiculous building of expectations and promises to good to be true.
I’m enjoying the game but I find that I keep getting frustrated or disappointed with the total lack of depth in the game.

full disclosure I’m playing on base console but as has been discussed that doesn’t give CDPR a free pass to not deliver on their commitments or game quality.

the world feels so empty and hollow. It’s just as superficial as watchdogs legion’s London. Which, while beautifully realised is just a pretty facade on an otherwise vacuous and repetitive game.
I'm playing it on ps4pro.
Having a blast.
Sure, there could be improvements. It's not perfect. But I'm not very bothered by it and certainly not letting it dampen my fun.
I'm really enjoying Cyberpunk 2077. Have I experienced any bugs? Sure, but game-breaking? No. maybe it's my hardware, but the game runs fine and has never crashed. The first time a saw “V” on his motorbike T-Posed with his pants down I thought WTF. But hay patches and bug fixes will come. The game itself is totally awesome, immersive and enjoyable. Dam. I'm a rust player the games been out for 8 years and there still bugs in that.

The Negatives
More Joytoys are needed.
The dildo should be made deployable as a hand weapon. I'd love to bludgeon an enemy to death using a rubber dildo.

Yep enjoying the heck out of it. Dont see why people are complaining. Think they were expecting too much
I think the game is amazing, but they could have pushed the release date and personally they shouldn't have put it on older Gen consoles.

Back on the ps3 final fantasy versus 13 (known as final fantasy 15 today) wasn't put out on ps3 and put out on ps4.

Point being there's a big chance that dying light 2 and vampire bloodlines 2 may not put their game out on the older systems. (just a theory) but overall I been having a blast.
Yup runs very well on my GTX 1060M, I7@2.8GHz,16Gb RAM, & SSD no stuttering and performance is really good on my laptop (1080p).

yeah I agree with You the police is so weird how it is deployed. I hear a lot about balancing as well, but I'm not sure myself too early into the game. Already encountered few quite annoying bugs that forced me to reload the game, yet overall it's still actually a lot of fun.


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I paid 60$ for the lobster on the menu and they gave me a cheese burger

I don't know about you, but I ordered CP77, and by your analogy, I ordered burger with fresh tasty chicken, salad and mayo.
Yet, I have received it without salad but still I like the chicken, it is not perfectly cooked, however I might not even want to return it back and wait for putting it back into the oven, I actually enjoy it too much how it currently tastes.
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Can't go anywhere to look for guides and tips and tricks or player experiences about the game because it's drowned out by hatefuckng.

People have gotten their refunds and have declared cdpr worst than ea, and now their time is being spent telling others how terrible cdpr is and how they all never fix the game. And reminding you that if you like the game you're a simp.

Not sure what value is supposed to be gained by interacting wrih the community in its current state should just leave until they patch some more.
Short answer: No
Short Longer answer: They're going to be busy for a while with patches, but it'll turn out just fine enough for the modding community to come to the rescue.
On my second playthrough to unlock the secret ending. The game is awesome, but could really use a barbershop and a better police system.
I am heavily enjoying it too, and I don't really get those who aren't. I think most of the complaints are just due to the bugs and that sort of thing... but take that away and you have a damn fine game, IMO. Even with a few bugs, (which I haven't even experienced, really), it's a great game.
We paid 60$ each for the lobster on the menu and they gave us a cheese burger"
It's more like you thought you would be getting lobster for the price of cheeseburgers and got cheeseburgers anyway. The joke is on you. People complain about the 60$ they paid as if they pay any less for other games of this scope. Honestly, I've paid more for far less!

On the topic... I've so far encountered lots of various bugs, some of which even had me load an earlier save. There are many important features this game lacks, some of which I really don't think will ever find their way into the game (hope I'm wrong). Despite that, I enjoy every moment of this game, but it needs to run a marathon to get even close to the Witcher 3 for me.
I have over 70 hours on PC now and enjoy the game. Yes, there could be more as many on here have said but I trust the Devs to add on in the future. Game is incredible already and I know it will only get better.
I'm 40 hours in and really enjoying the game so far but I've been getting an obnoxious amount of bugs. Pretty much everything you see in the compilations I'm dealing with (cars launching in the air, floating NPCs, t-posing NPCs, NPCs screaming and running away from me for no reason, NPCs clipping through doors/walls/stairs, falling through the ground, falling less than 2 feet and either losing half my health or just straight up dying, cars slamming into barriers, my arm launcher somehow broke my bloodpump, etc. I haven't had the weird water trees though). And nearly every other mission breaks and I either have to redo part of it or redo the whole thing. Still, I'm having a blast with the game, but it can get pretty frustrating at times.
I felt like you until I completed the game, only to be loaded back to a point some two hours ago with zero of the items, weapons or the experience I gained in the last mission. The game then told me I had rewards in my inventory which was a complete lie.

I reloaded and did the entire two hours again, same shit happened.

When you complete the game you gain nothing, in fact you lose levels, items and two hours of progression.

The other bugs were frustrating, sometimes game breaking, but could be worked around, this ending tho... Makes the whole journey pointless to lose your progression.

Finally on the lost progression note. After completion I reloaded my game the next day to find my level 28 nomad corrupt.

So basically, fuck cyberbug2077, I gave it my best and made more allowances than most, but the game is unfinished, period.
I am in love wirh this game! Game mastered Cyberpunk 2020 in the 90s and the way they have created the genuine atmosphere is insane. Pure worship from me! :)
Started playing with my r7 360 and ryzen 5 3600x on minimal settings and had no problems or bugs.
Switched to rx 6800 xt on max settings and the game still works just fine, no idea what the exact fps is since gog overlay is disabled and I don't have any software to check it otherwise.

The game is fun and I'm enjoying every moment, but maybe it's because I had 0 expectations (I was sure It won't run on my r7 360, decided to take the bet anyway)
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