Scoiatael Buffs next patch

Pls Buff both 6p ST locks to 6 power..
Pls buff all ST 4P cards to not play for less than 6points, especially the elf ones.
Pls buff oak and vernossiel provisions costs by 1
Pls buff all 4p ST bleeding/vitality cards to 4 base power and reduce the bleeding by 1(Panther is still a slow bad card after buff especially cos bleeding is slower than vitality) Healer, officer, panther to 4power reduce healing & bleeding by 1
The 5p dwarf you buffed recently change to 5 power and reduce the armor by 1
Pls reduce waters and og sakia by 1 prov for harmony
Pls buff filavandrels base bower by 2, He's expensive at 12p, saw play for like 2 mins after launch. He disappeared after. I don't even see him in handbuff decks
Pls buff feign death by 1 prov (its worse than gedy)
For hand buff, its been 3 attempts so far and its still a trash archetype. Buff smugglers by 1 prov and buff aglais by 2 power. Would like a circle of life buff

Thank you
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Get rid of Alissa Henson altogether. That would curb the worst of the Waylay spam.
The problem is not Waylay — it’s Simlas — who should cap at playing three or four special cards. But then, there are probably 50 other cards that are just as bad or worse.
I think waylay needs a nerf more than simlas an uncondicional 6 for 4 that has in top of it toons of sinergies is ridiculus. Either it has to be turn into a 5 provisions or give back the deathblow.
It’s not unconditional lmao. It requires an enemy, one that isn’t 2 or less power, that also doesn’t have armour or shield. How is that unconditional? And really? A 6 for 4? That’s overpowered to you?
I admit it takes set up, but Simlas into 5 Waylays is 15 points of immediate removal and 17 points across 5 deadeyes and Simlas himself — which sets up an extra 10 points for Vernossiel and 6 extra points for Isengrim. 48 potential points from a single play, if not OP, is absurdly binary.
I admit it takes set up, but Simlas into 5 Waylays is 15 points of immediate removal and 17 points across 5 deadeyes and Simlas himself — which sets up an extra 10 points for Vernossiel and 6 extra points for Isengrim. 48 potential points from a single play, if not OP, is absurdly binary.
Well, I never expected such a post from you @quintivarium. From new players or salty players yes, but not from you.

You are defining a combo which requires Vanadian (9P), Alissa (7P), Simlas (12P), Vernosil (11P) and Isengrim (8P) which needs these cards to be played in this order over 3 rounds to achieve this. And if you insist on 5 Waylays, then it needs the bloody Scenario, converting 2 cards and play only one and shuffle the other one and not draw any of the 5 in R3.. yet you easily say it is a 48 point play in ont turn.

Well, I never expected such a post from you @quintivarium. From new players or salty players yes, but not from you.

You are defining a combo which requires Vanadian (9P), Alissa (7P), Simlas (12P), Vernosil (11P) and Isengrim (8P) which needs these cards to be played in this order over 3 rounds to achieve this. And if you insist on 5 Waylays, then it needs the bloody Scenario, converting 2 cards and play only one and shuffle the other one and not draw any of the 5 in R3.. yet you easily say it is a 48 point play in ont turn.

Vernossiel, Isengrim, and scenario are cards included in virtually every elf deck — whether that deck used Simlas or not; it is no sacrifice to include them. And Vanadain is certainly viable on his own as well. It is only Alissa that I would consider a deck building sacrifice for a broken combination.

I do not dispute that playing 5 waylays is dependent upon a good draw — but it is not something easily prevented by an opponent’s actions. (There a a few circumstances where one or more card of the combination can be bled in round two, but when Vanadain and and scenario are drawn round 1 and the remainder by round 3, preventing the combination is almost impossible. This, to me, is the very definition of a binary card.

I also believe it (Simlas) is the only way elf decks are competitive. My point is that this type of luck based play (and Simlas is far from the only or even the worst case of it) is not healthy for the game.
Vernossiel, Isengrim, and scenario are cards included in virtually every elf deck — whether that deck used Simlas or not; it is no sacrifice to include them. And Vanadain is certainly viable on his own as well. It is only Alissa that I would consider a deck building sacrifice for a broken combination.

I do not dispute that playing 5 waylays is dependent upon a good draw — but it is not something easily prevented by an opponent’s actions. (There a a few circumstances where one or more card of the combination can be bled in round two, but when Vanadain and and scenario are drawn round 1 and the remainder by round 3, preventing the combination is almost impossible. This, to me, is the very definition of a binary card.

I also believe it (Simlas) is the only way elf decks are competitive. My point is that this type of luck based play (and Simlas is far from the only or even the worst case of it) is not healthy for the game.
Not only it's not the "worst of it," it's hardly an example of "luck based" play at all. Or of "binary". Or of "OP" for that matter. It's a combo that you work the entire match to execute, which most certainly does NOT play for 48, but, in fact, a maximum of 32 and that only IF you have a full, unarmored, unshielded target for all 5 waylays and you managed not to brick any of them on the draw. To claim that it plays for 48, because Vernossiel, Scenario and Isengrim are "in every elf deck anyway" is straight up absurd. Same goes for the claim that this mythical 48-point play cannot be "easily" prevented, which is not only wrong in itself, but also in the concept that a payoff play that involves 8 cards totaling at 69 provisions SHOULD either be "easily" preventable or deemed "OP".

Simlas + x5 Waylays + Verno = 47 (53 with leader tokens) and that doesn’t even count Isengrim.

The game is so powercrept, we don’t even see the problem with 32 points Simlas.
This whole “combo” is super easy to achieve idk what you’re writing about bricking or armor (e.g. you can avoid bricks by playing Alissa R3, you can shuffle Waylays to the bottom with Vanadain). All you need to do is wait until opponent has at least 15 unprotected points on his side (it happens ALL the time unless you play against no-unit which sees almost no play in recent seasons).

The problem with this is its super-deploy heaviness. Your opponent can do nothing but sit and watch how this Deadeye nonsense is being played. If this direction of non-strategic gameplay is considered healthy for Gwent nowadays it’s not that game that used to be “strategic” and “skill-based” that attracted people at first
You are defining a combo which requires Vanadian (9P), Alissa (7P), Simlas (12P), Vernosil (11P) and Isengrim (8P) which needs these cards to be played in this order over 3 rounds to achieve this. And if you insist on 5 Waylays, then it needs the bloody Scenario, converting 2 cards and play only one and shuffle the other one and not draw any of the 5 in R3.. yet you easily say it is a 48 point play in ont turn.

It's clearly not 48 points just in one turn but let's be honest - this deck is very easy to pilot. If it wasn't we wouldn't see it all the time, no matter the mode we choose. The main problem, at least for me, is that all these cards are 'Deploy' which makes them difficult/impossible to counter or stop. Give one or two of these cards an 'Order' ability and there will be at least some risk in playing Deadeye Ambush.
Simlas + x5 Waylays + Verno = 47 (53 with leader tokens) and that doesn’t even count Isengrim.

The game is so powercrept, we don’t even see the problem with 32 points Simlas.
This whole “combo” is super easy to achieve idk what you’re writing about bricking or armor (e.g. you can avoid bricks by playing Alissa R3, you can shuffle Waylays to the bottom with Vanadain). All you need to do is wait until opponent has at least 15 unprotected points on his side (it happens ALL the time unless you play against no-unit which sees almost no play in recent seasons).

The problem with this is its super-deploy heaviness. Your opponent can do nothing but sit and watch how this Deadeye nonsense is being played. If this direction of non-strategic gameplay is considered healthy for Gwent nowadays it’s not that game that used to be “strategic” and “skill-based” that attracted people at first
No, it's not super easy to achieve. Only super easy to tell people how to do it. Most of the time you will consider yourself succeeded if you play 4 waylays with Simlas. 5 is an outlier. And yes, it's easy to brick: to "shuffle Waylays to the bottom with Vanadian" you have to draw two of them to your hand. You must be a pro, because to me it happens a lot less than I would like. And yes to get full value you need targets with no shields or armor, which is not always the case, and not just against "no unit." Even on unprotected targets you will be hitting 1 and 2-point cards a lot. And yes it can be prevented, and IS prevented with squirrels in every deck and Xaviers in a lot of them, especially considering that you play Vanadain in R1 and Simlas in R3. So the reason "we" don't have a problem with a 32-point Simlas is because "we" barely ever see a 32-point Simlas. There are quite a few OP cards and combos in this game right now that require a lot less exaggeration.
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It's clearly not 48 points just in one turn but let's be honest - this deck is very easy to pilot. If it wasn't we wouldn't see it all the time, no matter the mode we choose. The main problem, at least for me, is that all these cards are 'Deploy' which makes them difficult/impossible to counter or stop. Give one or two of these cards an 'Order' ability and there will be at least some risk in playing Deadeye Ambush.
Every meta deck is "easy to pilot" that's why it's meta, and that's why we see those decks everywhere. Waylay is no easier or harder to pilot than anything else that is popular. That's why these decks are netdecked.
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Not only it's not the "worst of it," it's hardly an example of "luck based" play at all. Or of "binary". Or of "OP" for that matter. It's a combo that you work the entire match to execute, which most certainly does NOT play for 48, but, in fact, a maximum of 32 and that only IF you have a full, unarmored, unshielded target for all 5 waylays and you managed not to brick any of them on the draw. To claim that it plays for 48, because Vernossiel, Scenario and Isengrim are "in every elf deck anyway" is straight up absurd. Same goes for the claim that this mythical 48-point play cannot be "easily" prevented, which is not only wrong in itself, but also in the concept that a payoff play that involves 8 cards totaling at 69 provisions SHOULD either be "easily" preventable or deemed "OP".
If you are going to count all the cards and provisions of the currently popular Simlas/Waylay combo, let’s be fair and count all of everything.

First cards: scenario, Simlas, Vernossiel, Vanadain, Isengrim, Alissa, Waylay x2. A total of eight as you said. Then provisions: 14 + 12 + 11 + 9 + 8 + 7 + 4 + 4 = 69, again as you said.

But now let’s count points. This is clearly conditional, but I am intentionally assuming optimal or near optimal draws because I intend to support the claim that Simlas is unacceptably binary more than the claim he is OP. Simlas into 5 Waylays totals 32 points. Plus a contribution of 10 points to Vernossiel and 6 to Isengrim gives the 48 points previously listed. But scenario itself contributes a minimum of 15 (assuming) no procs on the Commandos, Vernossiel contributes 11 more (assuming he can only get further value from his own body and the deadeyes obtained via leader charges), Vanadain plays for at least 10 (I am counting a 7 point body, plus assigning 3 points of value to a lock used to shut down further value), Isengrim has a 6 point body — let me conservatively estimate only 4 points of value from non-Simlas induced cards — bringing his value to 10. Alissa plays for 6, as does the one Waylay needed (outside scenario) to get two to restore. That is 58 points on top of the 48 generated by Simlas for a total of 106. (Note these estimates are conservative.)

So these 8 cards have an average provision cost of 8.625 and play for an average of 13.25. But wait! The big issue is not points per provision — it’s points per turn used. And only 7 cards actually consume a turn — an average of 15.143 points per turn.

Points per turn is not a statistic commonly used (by in my opinion, it should be), so let’s think about this a minute. 8 cards is 32% of a 25 card deck. Assuming the Deadeye Ambush leader, 69 provisions is 41.8% of the deck’s provisions, and 7 turns is 43.75% of a typical 16 turn match. Allowing for Mulligans to prevent very low provision cards from ever being played from hand, it is not unreasonable to extrapolate what 15.143 points per turn would mean through an entire match. It would equate to roughly 242 points per match — over 80 per round. I do not think I could find any other combination that, only with good luck, can generate this rate of point production.

No, it's not super easy to achieve. Only super easy to tell people how to do it. Most of the time you will consider yourself succeeded if you play 4 waylays with Simlas. 5 is an outlier. And yes, it's easy to brick: to "shuffle Waylays to the bottom with Vanadian" you have to draw two of them to your hand. You must be a pro, because to me it happens a lot less than I would like. And yes to get full value you need targets with no shields or armor, which is not always the case, and not just against "no unit." Even on unprotected targets you will be hitting 1 and 2-point cards a lot. And yes it can be prevented, and IS prevented with squirrels in every deck and Xaviers in a lot of them, especially considering that you play Vanadain in R1 and Simlas in R3. So the reason "we" don't have a problem with a 32-point Simlas is because "we" barely ever see a 32-point Simlas. There are quite a few OP cards and combos in this game right now that require a lot less exaggeration.
I agree that 5 waylays with Simlas requires good luck. But 4 waylays still generates 26 immediate points + 8 expected additional from Vernossiel and 5 from Isengrim. Even this is an extreme amount enabled by one card. Drawing a decent 15 point value card instead of Vernossiel will likely cost you the match! This is binary.

Moreover, quality of play has almost nothing to do with the value you obtain. Bricked Waylays are a definite issue. So is not getting Vanadain in round 1. Even failing to draw cards to compete in round one can result in losing significant value. (I have no interest in elf decks because I cannot tolerate their inconsistency; I certainly do not consider them overpowered.) But none of the limitations is based on player agency. Balancing a card, deck, or faction by inconsistency is not really balancing at all.

Finally, I don’t accept the argument that squirrels or even Xavier counter Simlas as valid. Squirrels reduce value by only one Waylay. And they come at the cost of a 4 point play while your opponent is playing 12+ a round. And they are effectively 4 point bricks in many other situations. This is hardly a quality counter. Xavier is a little better — less a wasted turn — but I don’t appreciate situations we’re tech cards are virtually mandatory (although I concede this is more the fault of Melusine).
If you are going to count all the cards and provisions of the currently popular Simlas/Waylay combo, let’s be fair and count all of everything.

First cards: scenario, Simlas, Vernossiel, Vanadain, Isengrim, Alissa, Waylay x2. A total of eight as you said. Then provisions: 14 + 12 + 11 + 9 + 8 + 7 + 4 + 4 = 69, again as you said.

But now let’s count points. This is clearly conditional, but I am intentionally assuming optimal or near optimal draws because I intend to support the claim that Simlas is unacceptably binary more than the claim he is OP. Simlas into 5 Waylays totals 32 points. Plus a contribution of 10 points to Vernossiel and 6 to Isengrim gives the 48 points previously listed. But scenario itself contributes a minimum of 15 (assuming) no procs on the Commandos, Vernossiel contributes 11 more (assuming he can only get further value from his own body and the deadeyes obtained via leader charges), Vanadain plays for at least 10 (I am counting a 7 point body, plus assigning 3 points of value to a lock used to shut down further value), Isengrim has a 6 point body — let me conservatively estimate only 4 points of value from non-Simlas induced cards — bringing his value to 10. Alissa plays for 6, as does the one Waylay needed (outside scenario) to get two to restore. That is 58 points on top of the 48 generated by Simlas for a total of 106. (Note these estimates are conservative.)

So these 8 cards have an average provision cost of 8.625 and play for an average of 13.25. But wait! The big issue is not points per provision — it’s points per turn used. And only 7 cards actually consume a turn — an average of 15.143 points per turn.

Points per turn is not a statistic commonly used (by in my opinion, it should be), so let’s think about this a minute. 8 cards is 32% of a 25 card deck. Assuming the Deadeye Ambush leader, 69 provisions is 41.8% of the deck’s provisions, and 7 turns is 43.75% of a typical 16 turn match. Allowing for Mulligans to prevent very low provision cards from ever being played from hand, it is not unreasonable to extrapolate what 15.143 points per turn would mean through an entire match. It would equate to roughly 242 points per match — over 80 per round. I do not think I could find any other combination that, only with good luck, can generate this rate of point production.
OK, this is some very strange math. Let me throw some of my own from a match I literally just played vs bounty SY:
R1 - Blue Coin. Did not draw Scenario or Vanadain:
1. Swordmaster : 4 points
2. V. Commando: 4 points
3. Sapper to purefy bounty: 4points+pure
4. Archer: 8 points
5. Bowman for 6
6. Bowman for 6
PASS - Engine value : 1 from sword (got killed) 5 from commando.
R2. - Drew Vanadain and Scenario here. He pushes hard.
1. Vanadain for 7 (gets killed)
2. Waylay for 6
3. Waylay for 6
4. Alissa for 6
5. Scenario - going to total here because it played out, so 16
6. Simlas into 4 waylays: 26
7. Yaevinn for 10 plus leader charge takes the round. Engine value: none, because Scenario commando got whacked.
1. Vernossiel for 11
2. 2 Leader Charges, making Isengrim to play for 11 as well.
Opp forfeit, I had an Oneiro left in hand, with access to about 6 more points based on the board value.
So 15 cards played with one to spare and one summoned for 5 points (Aelirenn)
131 points played, plus 5 from Aelirenn, plus 6, give or take from these engines.

This seemed like a pretty standard match, except the bad draw in R1 on blue, but you're saying I should be scoring what? 242 here? At over 15 average? From where? There might be some solid removal value from cards like Heatwave and Spores here which I didn't use, but those aren't part of the package, so where is all the value supposed to come from? I'm confused.

So I thought here, OK, Maybe I need to make sure I get the payoff of simlas and verno in R3, which means I need to draw that FD in R1. So I tried another one: No FD R1, but there was Vanadain. Without going into another long play by play, I had to cash Simlas in R2 for 20 points (post Xavier) to get to even cards. After playing Scenario in R3 and losing most of the deadeyes, I ended up playing Verno for 11 again, again totalling about 130-135 points for the match.

So I said, Goddammit, I need to draw that FD in R1. Try again: nope. This time drew into a real long R3 in a mirror match and guess how many total points I scored again? Freaking 130 and Im not even kidding. Simlas for 20, Vern for 11, Isengrim for 16.

Match 4: Hooray, I drew FD in R1, but no Vana, and I couldn't hold the round on red, so ended up getting pushed in R2 again, playing Verno for 11, etc.

Match 5: No FD in R1, red coin vs NR, played out the entire hand and could not win the round. Got pushed R2, etc., same story. Ended up playing Simlas for 14, because only had 2 waylays available.

At which point I just got sick of it.

Let me know how I'm supposed get to 240 here, cuz I just don't see it. Even if I play Verno for like 25 instead of 11, that's still only going to be pushing 150...

I agree that 5 waylays with Simlas requires good luck. But 4 waylays still generates 26 immediate points + 8 expected additional from Vernossiel and 5 from Isengrim. Even this is an extreme amount enabled by one card. Drawing a decent 15 point value card instead of Vernossiel will likely cost you the match! This is binary.

Moreover, quality of play has almost nothing to do with the value you obtain. Bricked Waylays are a definite issue. So is not getting Vanadain in round 1. Even failing to draw cards to compete in round one can result in losing significant value. (I have no interest in elf decks because I cannot tolerate their inconsistency; I certainly do not consider them overpowered.) But none of the limitations is based on player agency. Balancing a card, deck, or faction by inconsistency is not really balancing at all.

Finally, I don’t accept the argument that squirrels or even Xavier counter Simlas as valid. Squirrels reduce value by only one Waylay. And they come at the cost of a 4 point play while your opponent is playing 12+ a round. And they are effectively 4 point bricks in many other situations. This is hardly a quality counter. Xavier is a little better — less a wasted turn — but I don’t appreciate situations we’re tech cards are virtually mandatory (although I concede this is more the fault of Melusine).
This "binary" argument is also incorrect. Out of my 5 matches above, I think I played Simlas into 4 waylays once and into 5 zero times. Despite that, I won all but 1 of the matches. Binary to me is when you have one card or combo you rely on, and if it doesn't work, you're dead in the water. This does not really apply to Waylay elves.

And as for the counters, 4 point counters are used virtually ALL of the time. Squirrel is in every deck this meta because of the obscene echo cards, and it's almost never a brick. Using it on a waylay returns a value of - by your own logic - of 4+6+2+1=11 points. Not bad for a 4p card.
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