Should'nt Sirens be "good" creature?

not necessarily good but sentient beings the same as Halflings and Elves. In the second book 《The sword of destiny》, Geralt made it clear that the witcher's code forbid him to hunt sentient beings. In the chapter :"a little sacrifice", Witcher found a job as a translator for a duke and his Siren lover, Sh'eenaz.(and not only Geralt, Dandelion's fellow bard-ess speaks even better Siren language than Geralt, as it's only a deviant from Elder tongues and everyone can learn it in an academy in any Cities) Speed Test Scrabble Word Finder Solitaire

--the story with Siren and duke ends well as in fairytales...just that if you may wonder.

However in the game, EVERYONE of Sirens trys to kill me and my Geralt killed enough of them to fill a fish market! what the hell is wrong with them? what hell is wrong with the witcher's code?
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In the game it is explained that in the last years many people tried to catch Sirens, cause of their beauty etc. And over the time Sirens saw humans as enemies and start to fight them.

This is the simple answer.

I also would like it more lorefrienldy. But the game has its own lore and breaks often with the book lore.

The game makers needed some thread when Geralt floats over the Skellige sea (Harpie only appear in the near of land like seagulls) and Sirens were such an enemy. Plus the book Sirens were not able to fly.

Just see them as two different "creatures" :)
First of all, there is no actual witcher code, that's just an excuse Geralt invokes when a contract offends his moral sensibilities.

That being said, Geralt has no problem killing sentient creatures if they pose a threat. I mean, he kills vampires doesn't he? And he also kills humans by the score and last time I checked they're sentient too.
He says he won't "hunt" (meaning except a contract for) sentient creatures. That has nothing to do with defending himself against them if they attack him.

Pick a fight with a genetically enhanced mutant, and you're liable to wind up hanging from a fence with your intestines slowly cutting off circulation to your brain...regardless of what you got on your last philosophy test.
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