[Spoiler Alert] About the endings


Do you want more RPGs with happy endings?

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Up to now they already lost a huge load of players and if they don´t make certain things possible, I like to remind of the main task made out by Pondsmith himself, than their Multiplayer game would not make that much of money, because most players have jumped off the game before. Not that i need this multiplayer in general. I just want to beat the game and that only goes by passing the main task. And that is: Save yourself and your loved ones!
not an expert, but yes there are gene modded "exotics" I'm sure one of the pnp buffs could fill you in as they've already mentioned them several times.

You can change your body parts at any given point in time (lungs, second heart, eye balls, arm augmentation, software in your head in the meaning of cyberdecs, spinal cord) and there is no consequence - your immune system does not reject it, but it rejects the so-called "New V"?
Yep, not a word. But full sentences :
imminent , inevitable ... These are judgments. I've heard this shit many times in ME from Reapers. In the end, they were proven wrong.)
But where about the fact that there is really no cure? They are not, because Alt herself has no idea about the cure.
I however have some knowledge of Cyberpunk P&P background
This is not a paper game. Most players don't care about the paper game and its rules. Although I doubt that even there is any mention of Alt has extensive knowledge of modern experimental medicine.
Fact is you can interpret any line of dialogue the way you like. There are 3 narrative arcs and each excludes the others 2. In all of them, there is no indication you live.
And there is no indication that V will certainly die. This is an open ending that writers can develop as they like.
We don't know for sure.
Since there is no DLC available, I'd rather not extrapolate on them.
Therefore, we need to wait for the continuation of the plot, and not guess. Anything can happen in the dlc, since V is alive, and he still has time. It all depends on the cdpr.
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I understand that, but if you have 2 options:
1. Cut the game at the culmination point and leave the community with a feeling of emptiness, unfulfilling and they convey some theories to close the plot on their own
2. Give the community even with a slight hint with "To Be Continued...".

What will you choose? Mostly it will be second option. I don't mean that have to be DLC, but for example sequel?

If the character is doomed to die why they did not state that in credits, but leave 3 endings where we see the character basically at the start of a new journey?
Ah don't get me wrong. I will be the first one to buy the DLC that offers a cure for V.
I just wish they wouldn't have chose that path to begin with.
to who? those 5-letter-name-wanna be-NPCs that accuse us to be disney fanatics?

Ironically Disney surely made more people cry tears with their many movies than any grimdark piece of hopelessness...because Disney knows one thing: You do the sad and "hopeless" part midway and early, and bring on the happy ending catharsis later for the viewers, for maximum feelgood - making Bambi and Lion King beloved classics to this day ...

And now back to the therapy session - seems to make good progress!
To add to the bullshit:

Alts soulkiller copies the exact version of V the body has turned into.
Sure, V has changed together with the body. Status quo is copied over status quo, the chip stops working, because the engram (status quo v) and the body match.

End of story.
Ah don't get me wrong. I will be the first one to buy the DLC that offers a cure for V.
I just wish they wouldn't have chose that path to begin with.

I understand your point - but they were under pressure so that happened. I would rather even another year to get the polished product.

And if there will be fabular DLC with continuation of V's story I will be behind you in queue for it. Without fabular expansion I do not feel to play the game in long time..
Especially the DNA bullshit is hurting my head, when gene therapy is so common in the world of cyberpunk.. In addition. If the body was changed to fit to the new host, the new host better get used to sit on the toilet. Or did I miss something here?

This whole DNA bs is absolutely dumb in the light of the cyberpunk universe.

Yeah it's really ridiculous. If the technology exists to rewrite my DNA then write it back. Also... Since V does not look any different, how much of their DNA has supposedly been rewritten? Why is it even being rewritten?? You don't need specific DNA to hold your memories. Otherwise people would never change, grow in their thoughts and personality. Why does Johnny need special DNA to be in V's body? Doesn't really hold water.

I could buy that the chip and the gunshot damaged your brain. But I don't get why it was changing any DNA. Is it going to morph you into Johnny?
Ironically Disney surely made more people cry tears with their many movies than any grimdark piece of hopelessness...because Disney knows one thing: You do the sad and "hopeless" part midway and early, and bring on the happy ending catharsis later for the viewers, for maximum feelgood - making Bambi and Lion King beloved classics to this day ...

And now back to the therapy session - seems to make good progress!
From my point of view, Disney makes even more pointless shit games. The same fallen order, for example.
The boy is trying to revive the Jedi Order, but we know even before the launch of the game that he will not succeed, we watched the movies. Why is this necessary at all? For whom?
It’s bad that cdpr went along a similar path, but at least until the end in this game there is some kind of intrigue.
Yeah it's really ridiculous. If the technology exists to rewrite my DNA then write it back. Also... Since V does not look any different, how much of their DNA has supposedly been rewritten? Why is it even being rewritten?? You don't need specific DNA to hold your memories. Otherwise people would never change, grow in their thoughts and personality. Why does Johnny need special DNA to be in V's body? Doesn't really hold water.

I could buy that the chip and the gunshot damaged your brain. But I don't get why it was changing any DNA. Is it going to morph you into Johnny?
Thing is.
I can rewrite your DNA with a retrovirus. Every cell. Changes only happen, when new cells are created and replace ols one.
Lining of the mouth would change first, because those cells regenerate fastest. Two days.
Bones would take years to fully exchange.

Nerve tissue works differently. Nerve tissue does not split anymore. All other tissues are able to split.

That means that you can change the nervous cells but not the neuronal nets the form. The neuronal nets however Form memories and all those things.

You change the DNA of the neurons and nothing changes, especially, since DNA has nothing to do with what and how a brain thinks.

Everybody knows that nerve tissue does not regenerate. If it would, people would not need wheelchairs.

In addition, in cyberpunk, there is a nanobots treatment that can repair nerve tissue (700000 Eddie's a week) and companies exist in the cyberpunk lore that can change genes. Period.
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Yes, cdpr are trying to get close to the bioware due to the stupidity of the final.
But so far, no success. The green ME3 ending with DNA robotization is still the dumbest thing I've seen in games so far.
Yeah but cdpr is catching up.
Same here choom.

I'm on board with ya guys. I just hope there gonna be more of us, for now people seem to only complain about bugs which can be fixed easily, while these shitty endings require much more effort to repair. Few months ago I would never believe that I could ever write this, but making continuation is the only thing to make me attracted to this game anymore.
Oh meredith...
She definitely touched our hearts. And V's... other body parts.
But seriously, for me the cut of entire Militech questline seems evident. Meredith and Takemura are too symmetrical for a mere coincidence. We heard so much about Militech and Arasaka past and current rivalries, and then... nothing. Meredith's line abruptly ends in No-Tell Motel, and Militech vs Arasaka conflict has no impact on the plot.
Thing is.
I can rewrite your DNA with a retrovirus. Every cell. Changes only happen, when new cells are created and replace ols one.
Lining of the mouth would change first, because those cells regenerate fastest. Two days.
Bones would take years to fully exchange.

Nerve tissue works differently. Nerve tissue does not split anymore. All other tissues are able to split.

That means that you can change the nervous cells but not the neuronal nets the form. The neuronal nets however Form memories and all those things.

You change the DNA of the neurons and nothing changes, especially, since DNA has nothing to do with what and how a brain thinks.

Everybody knows that nerve tissue does not regenerate. If it would, people would not need wheelchairs.

In addition, in cyberpunk, there is a nanobots treatment that can repair nerve tissue (700000 Eddie's a week) and companies exist in the cyberpunk lore that can change genes. Period.
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Yeah but cdpr is catching up.

I think you're peeling back the onion too much in a situation where suspension of disbelief is supposed to kick in. I'm not a neurobiology expert and I doubt the writers are. They probably did a cursory level of research and threw in some Gibson techno-babble for good measure.

The tech exists to help V but they definitely don't have 700k in eddies to burn through each week. Even Saburo would have had to wait for a new body if his son wasn't around.
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